Carramba High School Course Catalog
page updated 3.20.24

Class Schedule and Course Load Advisory

The Physical Education of students is vital to virtually every one attending the school. While some students don't have a physical form to speak of, there are still plenty of ways that non-material students can get a workout!

Numerous coaches and instructors have a particular focus they are best at, and Carramba has brought in a good number of assistants, helpers, and special-requirements instructors for unusual studies and nonstandard needs.

In addition to the new instructors and courses, the updated campus structure includes a massive PE venue both indoors and outdoors suited to virtually all needs of the physical variety. From a new dojo to a firing range for dragon breath practice, a full set of fresh and salt water swimming and diving areas, a mini-wave pool, aerial zones for riding as well as innate flight abilities, and much more. The track and field, ice rink, and ball-sports areas are much needed and are always in use if not by the school during hours, then with local team or publicly available events. All locations are fully staffed with the required professionals, from lifeguards and on-site teleportation to medical facilities if needed, to child care and observation areas for those who have kids but still want to maintain their fitness.

Required - one course per semester

Requirements / Course #

PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Off-Campus Taught By... Building And Room Number
O 160 A General P E MALE x x     x   x     Tseo Field, Recreation Center
O 160 B General P E FEMALE   x x x   x x     Kaytcha Linea ahlKhat*

The General Physical Education department applies itself to the needs of mainly bipedal human-sized folks. With overall fitness in mind, the year's course will include a quarterly assessment of health so that no one is going to be overwhelmed or if they're already 'in shape' that they are suited to another class instead. Both indoors and outdoors activities such as basic gymnastics, weight training, running, and simple ball sports (usually not team-based) are covered in a curtailed manner. When more specific goals are intended, the student usually will be moved into that course before the middle of the first Quarter.

Coach Atkinson has retired and been replaced by Mr Tseo ("coach Joe") for the boys and some ball sports. However at this time Coach Atkinson is still an assistant to both the overall PE and the specific Ball Sports instructors including Yugi Neko.

Kaytcha has numerous friends and professional connections and she is usually helped by those who do water sports, o'Tir and Dane Rhein both originally assisted and have now got their full professor status.

O 360 D Draconic P E   x x x x x       2/6-Halmoni; 3-5 T.Houten Dragon Field

Draconic Physical Education was obviously needed once the full extent of dragonry attendance was known. By and for dragons, though sometimes also aided by dragon-adjacent or shapeshifting individuals, these courses address mainly 'four legged two winged' or variations on that theme. Dragons attending CHS do not need to be impressed or bonded to a humanoid or other dragon to attend, they merely need to demonstrate the desire to show up regularly to classes, and accept the grades they get...

Overall these classes for dragons include exercises in climbing, ground running and agility, learning to fly, swim, or burrow as physical needs arise. Also health education for both dragon and bond if needed. Small dragons may attend internal classes, but the larger ones may have their own entire section of the Magical Campus for their use at this point, as it was already a pocket dimension suitable for large scale events.

There are further Draconic PE courses listed below in their more specialized categories.

O 161 A/B Modern Dance A / B   x x     x x   shows 2/3-Carson (a); 6/7-Jefferson (b)

Dance Hall & Auditorium

  A class includes singles and group dancing with Shag, Salsa, Merenge, Lindy Hop, Balboa, Lambada, Zydeco, Jitterbug; B class includes Interpretive Ballet, Breakdance, Disco, Line Dance, others as invented/encouraged
O 161 C Ballroom Dancing             x x shows Zvan
  Includes pairs dancing with Waltz, Tango, Viennese Waltz, Foxtrot, Slow Foxtrot, Slow Waltz, Cha Cha, Samba, Rumba, Paso Doble, Jive, East and West Coast Swing, Mambo, Bolero, Polka, Schottische, Two-step and others as requested
D 161 L Ballet x     x x     x shows 1/5-C.Benali; 4/8-T.Benali Dance Hall & Auditorium
O 361 D Draconic Dance   x x     x x   yes Gemb-Shale Dragon Field, Auditorium
O(S) 161 S Digital Dancing     x     x     yes? Boreah HL B-001
OAW* 261 Q Pole, Belly & Burlesque*           x x x yes 6/7-Velenis; 8-Darrow Dance Hall, Gym Floor
  Includes pole, rope, trapeeze, ribbon, and other enviornmental assistance, and a variety of body-based movement (belly is hardly all that can dance!); *note that these courses are for acrobatic and athletic performance value, and are not intended as 'adult' content, however they do require an adult's signature for participation
OB 163 AntiGravity Aerobics x     x x x       1/5-Dyal; 4/6-Darrow Antigravity Unit
OA 164 Cheerleading x   x       x x often Zhountiq Field
    Gymnastics   x x       x x often Xhaiq Gym Main Floor
    Bollywood & Flashmobs       x x x       ** Crossover with Theater Dance Hall, etc

All dance classes have been moved to more specific use venues. A newly constructed two floor Dance Hall is nearer the main campus but the lower floor also includes the ability to shift to full roller-derby and competitive interior rolling sports with a surface that can be altered from a large flat area to an incline-sided ring or reconfigured to any number of lumps and bumps for entertainment. Of course the Auditorium is still fit for a large audience, with the stage available for everything from poetry sessions and theater plays, ballet recitals to modern catwalk modeling shows, to full on rock and roll concerts!

Delia Carson and Dyshelle Jefferson head up the main 'generic solo dance' classes, while King Zvan attends more formal and highly competitive ballroom scenes, mainly couples. The professional Benali Dance Academy has chosen to center their work here at CHS and the ballet troupe produces stunning performances.

While the draconic counterpart is usually held outside, for size and space concerns, they also make use of the big screen in the auditorium for their own performance! This course includes non-bipedal instruction, so if you're a taur or quad (or more!) there's a spot for you in this course!

Boreah instructs in her Hyperlab, among the few classes dedicated to purely* energy or code-based lifeforms attending the school. Their performances may also be watched on screen when they're in competitive mode, at any of the campus lounges! *Note that physical beings may opt to use a cyberdeck or other such interface if they want to attend and participate.

Velenis and Magni Darrow help in performances that seem 'adult' in nature, but let's be real here: 99% of adults cannot even hope to lift themselves onto a pole to dance, and even fewer are able to literally fly to perform their dances in mid-air! Other instructors for these classes may appear here and there for coaching team dance or other types, including Carson's replacement for antigrav aerobics 5th period, Lela Dyal.

The Cheerleading classes have been vastly expanded with their new instructor Zhountiq Zuvraat (who goes by his first name on the lists because there are already two Zuvraats and mom's got the Z spoken for). He has Pep Squad, Team Structures, Large-Scale and Competitive cheering classes, and serves as the driver for local events - as well as one of the Bollywood Flashmob instructors, which is somewhat similar to Cheering already. With a broad interest in flexibility and performance, the new Zeddian instructors work on Gymnastics for competitive events as well as dramatic shows.

O 274 Semi-Pro Massage   x     x     x   Zoeller Gym 1st Floor
O 162 Posing and Weight Training   x     x       some V.Sanger Gym 1st Floor
O ?? Wrasslin' and Sumo x   x     x     some Santini Gym Dojo
O 171 F Modeling   x   x   x x x often 2/8-Lallidarr, 4/6-Heddi, 7-Hidalgo Auditorium, Varies
    Hand-Eye Skill Training x   x   x x     some 1/3-Xayn; 5/6-Xhaiq Gym Dojo
OA 165 Advanced Relaxation   x x x   x x x   2/6/8-Neko, 3/4- Dude, 7-Luau Anywhere

The personal aspects of training for individual gains are represented by this cluster of 'solo' type events, though Wrasslin is definitely a pairs feature. These classes may also overlap with other types of class such as performance, textiles, and physical therapy. Probably the most popular among these is Van Sanger's Posing and Weight Training course, which attracts a good number of spectators during free periods...

The Hand-Eye Skill training classes include solo, pairs, and teamwork for juggling, darts, and occasionally cross over to various track and field events, ball sports, air hockey, foosball, 'boardwalk' style skill (?) games, and and the like.

While several of these courses also have competitive angles, they mostly provide a method for personal outlets without the requirements of a team sport.

OW 160 S Swim Team       x x       often 4/5-O'tir Pool
OWB 160 D Deep Water Sports (waterbreathers+)           x x   yes 6/7-Dean Rhein Wave Pool (under surface), Dome Exterior
OW 160?? Water Safety (Basic)   x   x         yes Plunge Pool, Dome Exterior
OW 160 V Pool Sports   x x     x x   events 2/3/7-O'tir; 6-Dude^ Pool
  Includes Water Polo, Aquabatics, ^Triathalon Training/Swim, ^Rowing, Speed and Style Laps  
OW 260 D Diving (Low, Platform, Cliff)       x     x x often Apogee Pool, Wave, Dome
  Low and Platform held in the old Pool, while Cliff diving is available at the Wave Pool or Dome  
OW 160 P Surfing (Normal, Body, Interdimensional^) x       x     x yes 1^/5-Dude, 8-K.ahlKhat Wave Pool, Beach

With the exception of the Interdimensional Surfing portion of these classes, all of the water-based PE events have been moved to a much larger venue upgraded with the rest of the campus. While their older pool was more than adequate for humanoid-sized students, it's been clear that they needed bigger and bolder areas to work with. The Dome being out in the actual ocean means that safety equipment is set up for events, but otherwise usually is in the form of on-site lifeguards rather than more complex force fields or netting. Anything that can injure local wildlife or surfers is put up with obvious warnings and is taken down when an event is over.

The smaller and more shallow Campus Pool is still in use for lap training, speed events, team ball sports, diving, and safety courses. However the new Wave Pool consists of a very large lagoon-shaped bulb end (with 'natural' looking rock formations and even shade trees, thanks to the Create Your Own Planet crew), mechanical and magical wave-motion that can be controlled from several access points (that turn off when not needed, this is not a constant churn danger), and much higher diving platforms, much deeper waters for aquatic students, and a connection to the beach outlet at the Dome build below Beach Boulevard.

While several staff members have retired or moved to other courses, Ridley O'tir and Dean Rhein have been joined by a few new faces over the years. Surfer Dude does surf but also tackles those weirder non-water 'Interdimensional' surf classes that may or may not overlap with the teleportation and dimensionality area. Kitty ahlKhat is a resident professional surfer graduated in a nebulously 'prior' era, the daughter of another ahlKhat prof; Plunge is a very new draconic arrival with safety on her mind; Apogee has been dragged from Abode by one of her oldest friends who is also an instructor, and takes all of her new duties with the casual ease of a team leader.

All manner of safety methods are in place to prevent student or spectator injury, but sometimes water has its own ideas, so please exercise caution at all times around any of the campus' varied water features.

OW 160 T Track and Field Team   x x   x x x x often 2/3/6/8-L.ahlKhat; 5/7-Phillips^ Field
  Includes Running^, Hurdles^, Long and High Jumping, Marathon, Biathalon, Triathalon Training/Running, Cycling^, Relay^, Thrown (Javelin, Kaber, Shot Put), others as needed  
OW 360 T Draconic Track and Field   x     x x x   yes Kazkegu Outer Field
  Includes courses for wingless ground races, agility training, climbing, burrowing, etc in addition to aerial agility, speed, and other such needs, for individual competition and workouts rather than strictly team-based  
OW 261 V Verticality: Climbing And Scaling x       x       often Saqqaf Gym Interior
OW 261 P Parkour And Free-Running     x       x   often Saqqaf Anywhere
OW 268 E Urban Exploration   x           x yes Saqqaf Undisclosed Locations
OWS 163 T Teleportation Practice x x     x   x x yes? 1/8-Lane; 2/5/7-Retali8r
*crossover with Special Trades
All Over

The Track and Field department covers motion and running, as well as the traditional events which should only be handled outdoors such as javelin and shot put, high and long jumping, and the like. The new larger field incorporates a running track as well as cycling, though more rolling sports occur indoors and with their own grouped classes below.

Leticia ahlKhat and Marsha Phillips are both energetic Kin with practical experiences that vary considerably. Since Leticia has a more 'hands on' approach, and MVP is an actual local superhero whose speed and grace is well known, these classes are often watched by many!

Draconic field classes handle all sizes of dragons, though many who are 'large' (over 15' at the shoulder) receive magical or technological devices to bring them to an equalized size, typically around 7' at the shoulder. They are also afforded a bigger field to really let loose with their full size at least once a month!

The Urbex challenges that Aliya Saqqaf offers are taken by heroic studies as well as basic students, and often leave campus to delve into both real and manufactured 'abandoned' locations. All are handled safely with observation, but waivers are definitely required for these courses.

The Teleportation class as well as some others cross over with the Special Trade course roster, because the ability to teleport is a requirement after all. But it's still a workout and still winds up as credit for both PE and Trade. Students who develop this power, either by mutation triggered at puberty, or some development of magical or other source, are encouraged to take this class and work with the instructors after school, because teleportation of either yourself or things around you is highly dangerous.

OW 160 F Specific Sport Teams       x x     x
often 4-Football-Tseo
Field, Arena, Varies
  These periods are dedicated to their individual competitive teams, a focus class that, while it may have other students, they may or may not serve as team members - perhaps as backups or sideline aides. The teams themselves and their coaches may often be found traveling to other schools and even other states for events. They may be indoor or outdoor games, depending on the instructor and the scope of the sport. Multiple teams may be training on the field, depending on the period taught, and their instructors may vary.  
O 160 O Outdoor / Team Ball Sports x x x x x x x x often 1/5/7-Neko^; 2/4-Phillips*; 3-Tseo!; 6-Lilitu; 8-Kazkegu Field, Arena, Venues
  Baseball!, Blaseball*#, Brockian Ultra Cricket*#, Cricket^, Croquet, Softball (normal)*, Tennis*, Golf^, Soccer!, Field Hockey, Lacrosse, others as needed;
Jr Galactic Softball exclusively taught period 8; #banned during school hours, alternate reality field only, requires waiver
O 160 I Indoor / Team Ball Sports x x   x x   x x   1/4/8-Lilitu*; 2/5/7-Xayn Sports Arena
  Badminton*, Basketball*, Bowling, Dodgeball*, Hackeysack*, Handball, Racquetball, Table Tennis, Foosball, Air Hockey, Volleyball*  
OW 160 W Exotic Team Sports       x x x x x often Brasedi supervising, Various Field, Magic, etc
  Magical, Zekiran Steed Polo, Full Immersion Virtual Capture the Flag, Dragon Racing^, others as needed ** Brasedi added after 2020 graduation!  
OW 160 R Board & Rolling (Team & Solo) x x x x   x x x often 1-2/4-*Chipper; 3/6-8-**Wavehawk Skate park, Dance Hall
  *Roller Hockey, *Skating (inline, racing), *Roller Derby; **Skateboarding, **Snowboarding, **Skiing, **Hoverboarding, **Luge/Street Luge, **Half Pipe (Skate/Ski/Board)  
OW 160 Q Ice Rink Sports   x x x x x x x often 2-4/6-*T.Qitara; **5/7/8-Chipper Expanded Indoor Rink
  *Basic and Advanced Ice Skating, *Ice Dancing, *Figure Skating, **Ice Hockey, **Curling, **Speed Skating  
OW 360 W Draconic Team Sports x   x x       x often 1/3-Halmoni; Brianola 4/8 Dragon Field, Magic, etc
  Riderless or ^dragon specific teams; includes Parade Management, Elemental Use, and other variables (overlaps Dragon Racing with a different emphasis), Grounded and Aerial (and likely Aquatic) specific sports  
OW 260 M Animal Riding   x x x x x   x usually 2/3-Autry; 4/5-Raihu; 6/8-Hu Field, Dome Exterior
DAW 260 R Rodeo Sports             x x yes Autry Field / Event Areas
OAW 261 D Dungeon Crawl Team     x       x x often 3-Ashigaru, 7/8-Mehta BELOW...
DW 261 C Geocaching And Treasure Hunting   x   x     x   often Vasquez Anywhere
O 188 A Storable Monster
Hunting & Training
  x   x   x   x often Vola Field
OAW 268 H Big Game Hunting x x     x     x often 1/5-Vasquez, 2/8-Axemurderer Field?
OW 161 P Paintball Team     x     x     often Axemurderer Field / Bunker
OW 261 A Gun And Weapon Safety     x           often Vasquez Field / Bunker
OAW 261 S Special Forces Training       x       x often G.Fettel Field / Bunker
OW 261 I Improvisational Weaponry             x x usually Freeman Field or Undisclosed
OWS 361 Practical Augmentation Control x   x           yes Mandragora
*Crossover with Special Trades
Gym / Bunker
OW 161 M Martial Arts x x x x   x x   often 1- Barnes; 3/4-Hagen; 6-Phoenix; 2/7-Canby Gym Dojo
DW 261 W Weapon-Based Martial Arts x x x x x   x   often 1/3-Odalo; 2/7-Ashigaru;
4-Tirleda; 5-Varnhagen/fs; 6/8-Yinn
Gym Dojo*
    Note that for all Martial Arts, if there are weapons to be learned, the student must be able to prove legal ownership/have family ownership of items. Various martial arts taught include but are not limited to: Fencing, Boxing, Archery, Wrestling, Karate, Wing Chun, Bando, Kickbocking, Taekwondo, Savate, Jujutsu, Judo, Aikido, Iaido, Bojutsu, Kendo, Banshay, Kalarippayattu, Offensive Accurpressure; Lightsaber work requires special permits and approval, and do not use full beam strength  
OWS 261 M Martial Arts for Non-Humans x     x   x   x often 1-Saiintenella, 4-Zero,
6-Lari, 8-Treason
Gym 2nd Floor
OW 261 X Martial Arts and Stealth for Deselection Practitioners x   x     x   x yes 1/6-Hart, 3/8-Aretha Gym, don't get in their way
OW 261 F Martial Arts for the Fashion Conscious   x     x     x yes 3-Yinn; 5-Carver; 8-Alcott Gym, or in the Mall