Name |
Bosko Litvinov |
Gender |
Homeworld |
the World (Dishonored), a supposedly-regular kid from Yaro, Tyvia, probably homesick as heck (RWP +1, C/M +1) -- Note should also appear in Void Travelers but he'll park here with a link there |
Species |
Human, Magically gifted |
Totem |
Poodle, the 'bad haircut' totem, likes to bitch, doesn't like to get involved. 'I just want to get my car out of this bad neighborhood!'
+1 S/GM, +2 RWP, -1 Luck, +2 Looks, +3 Cool, -1 Bonk, +4 Extra KK's. |
Nut |
Is a Nut |
Class |
Junior 30kk |
Smarts |
4 > 5 |
Bod/Feet |
8 |
8 > 11! |
Luck |
4 > 3 |
Drive |
3 |
Looks |
4 > 6 |
Cool |
8 > 12!? |
Bonk |
4 > 3 |
Powers |
Runes and Bonecharms - is able to utilize Void-based chaos magic and focus this power into specific foci. While he's not marked by the Outsider, his family has always been known for their high craftsmanship gear and goods, carved with precision and with materials carefully chosen. He's always working on something in his hands or lap while still paying attention in class, and he has a strong inclination to become a magical crafter. The powers listed below are based on the carved runes and charms he's got with him or created after some research
-- Elemental 'Riding' - summons a temporary volume of a substance (Snow) and is carried around on it, sometimes leaving damage behind, this power does rely on their being either enough snow to do this existing, or cold enough and moist enough air that it can be created. He can be swept up as though riding a snowboard (and yes he owns a snowboard)
-- Stormfront - a sudden fog, chill wind, and possibly lightning if the conditions are good for it, summoned around a very small and specific location, not bigger than a 20 meter sphere, can be cast on a person and will move with them within 100 meters distance with line of sight, or a location up to 200 meters away that remains static; this effect can immobilize a target or slow them significantly, and can zap them with lightning causing a little Bonk drain, as well as reducing the visibility from the area to nearly nothing
-- Protective Aura - for avoiding damage from the bitter chill of the Tyvian landscape mainly, but can be adjusted to suit heat or aridity, or even poisonous gasses and vacuum for short periods. This generally protects from the environment only, and for around 1 minute before it either cuts out (from being too overwhelmed) or dwindles slowly over the next minute to shut down
-- Invisibility - becomes entirely invisible to eyes of any kind, including video or other visual detection, but doesn't disguise sounds or smells; lasts around 1 full minute, can be cast on himself or another human-sized creature, he's working on a dragon-sized one! |
Clusters |
Rune and Charm Carving +4 knows his way around substances such as bone, worked metal, wood, skins and furs, and fibers for putting together the small but elegant charms used to channel Void magic; can research the right items to wire up or strap down, and can even use on-hand items such as plastics, paper, fabric, or cast-off 'trash' to create things for other people as long as they are somehow in tune with them |
Skills |
Rugged +3 Suited to the chilly northern climate of his homeland, and also to the long winter darkness. Can navigate in storms or difficult terrain in order to reach the right boneyard or fallen tree, and survives camping trips with style
Studies First, Crafts Next +3 Always attentive to the specifics of magic, it's a good idea to know what you're doing before you dive into a project. This is taken to an art by his family, and he has been instilled with this work ethic himself, and he will dedicate himself to the homework or projects every week
Adept With Tools And Weapons +2 Surviving in the wilderness or even just a town in Tyvia requires knowledge of the local animals and just how horrifying they can be. Plus the occasional invader or escaped prisoner that makes it to civilization, all citizens of Tyvia tend to have some kind of skill with a sword, spear, or staff. He likes both long and short blunt weapons such as hand staves and quarterstaff, but equally has a set of actual throwing knives that he can aim at close range - and retrieves them of course, because they actually have spells to track them in deep snow or if the animal runs off |
Knacks |
Perfectionist +4 He hates it when other people on a team project just rush in, and gets a little snippy about the results if they aren't flawless...
How Handsome He Is +2 and he knows it, right? But just because he's apparently super hot (and has been told he 'looks like the Outsider only darker') he doesn't let it get to his head. He uses his appearance, certainly, but won't abuse it to get a grade or subvert someone else |
Period |
Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb) |
1 |
Selecting Wands and Foci for Magical Use / Vaelan / Superb |
2 |
Magical Metals / Valena / Superb |
3 |
Ice Rink Sports / T.Qitara / Superb |
4 |
Practical Anatomy / Masui / Excellent |
5 |
Math, Just Math / Smith / Decent |
6 |
Political Science / Talshoy / Decent |
7 |
History of Warfare / G.Fettel / Excellent |
8 |
Journalism / Leland / Decent |
Pets |
? |
Parents? |
Alive and well at home, with their own parents in the villa |
Siblings? |
Has two older siblings (a brother and sister), and one younger sister; while he's learned the family trade, he isn't expected to do the mundane paperwork, his older brother is tackling that aspect |
Image From |
Niobesnuppa Magia Maker (flashpoint used) |
Other Info |
They live near campus in the expensive housing for exchange students. He is likely to return home to Yaro and with his dragon to boot!
They have a Stubborn, Unwavering personality. |
Dragon |
Name: Permafrost
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small 10'6" s / 42' l / 100' ws
Colors: belly muted tan from chin to upper tail and behind upper limbs; limbs and wing arms, sides, and face faded charcoal brown; armor dark charcoal brown-black; wingsails softly grade from medium brown to dark charcoal; claws silver, spines and horns pale brown, eyes shiny brown
Features: Icewing, melanistic, all offspring may have much darker coloration than their typical variety
Powers: Winged Flight, Permafrost glides easily across a windy landscape quite low to the ground, dodging obstacles and soaring into the storm clouds as if they're hardly there; it's difficult for anyone but her friend Bosko to ride her, as her spines are very sharp but he never seems to be injured
Verbal Speech, though quiet, she can speak and understand English and uses technical terms that she's learned from Bosko. Her voice can reach an incredibly piercing volume, but in the snowy hills it's dangerous and she will avoid avalanches at any cost
Snow and Cold Survival, as any Icewing she's used to the cold just like her rider! She can swim in near-frozen water, and claw her way through thick glacier ice as well as the permafrost ground for which she's named, with her dangerous curved claws
Ice Breath, where some dragons breathe fire, hers is almost able to solidly freeze even hot creatures, cancelling flames and heat auras, in a broad swath up to 50 meters across and 20 meters deep; she cannot 'snipe' with this power, but there's little need since she can then just swipe with her claws at those seriously slowed targets
Parentage: Unknown, not related to any in the Rookery
may pair up but who knows?
Origin: (deviantart adoptable) Pyrrhan
Art By:
Adopted from and coloring by FrigidBanshee with xTheDragonRebornx on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: She seeks to uncover the bones of creatures long-buried in the Tyvian landscape... she's heard so much about it, from Bosko! |