Bunyi Teremteni, Sound and Space

Name "Sounder"; Bunyi Teremteni
Age Unknown, immortal, but from a modern Earth, quite similar to Twoarth
Species Human, Goddess (was born mortal, had the opportunity, and took it...)
Post Instructor
Tenure Long Term, Immortal
Smarts/GM 7
Bod/Feets 4
Luck 8
Drive 2
Looks 3
Cool/Mouth 5
Bonk 9* Immortal

Create From Sound - her blank universe was begun from first principles: "Let there be sound, let sounds become distinct from one another, let each sound have a shape and a color, let those form the building blocks of the space and everything within it". Everything she has ever created starts as a frequency of sound, though sometimes that sound might be 'infrared' or 'microwave' in its intensity or specific wavelength. She has an incredible knowledge of physical properties and how each atom vibrates, she hums in the motion of the spheres. When she sings, it literally is the Voice of God, though on Twoarth or other dimensions outside of her own specific one, the effects are dampened or mitigated. Obviously on campus she would never destroy matter or even create it without first clearing it with Admin.

Immortality And All That Comes With It - don't even bother trying to harm her, physical or even magical effects might tickle, but stand absolutely no chance of actively hurting her. Another god, particularly one with powers over physical creation or destruction, however, might be able to successfully spar with her, and wouldn't that be something to see and hear!


Physics? Sound Is Physics! +5 from the seemingly insignificantly small particles to the impossibly incomprehensible vastness of the multiverse, Bunyi can sense and respond to (but not necessarily control unless she's in a 'friendly' universe) any and all movement. Since sound is effectively 'mass moving through space' or at least its wake, she is keenly aware of breathing, heartbeats, footsteps, the groaning of continental plates, and comets moving around the solar system. They don't have to make 'sound' in a conventional sense, but it certainly helps.

Color Your World +3 anything she makes will have a tangible color, meaning a literal 'green texture' or 'blue sensation'. She does create a lot of gifts for her friends or those in need, and you will always know them because they're noisy, colorful and bright, and seem to give off their own aura and humming... She was the one who designed and made the obnoxious floral shirt that Surfer Dude wears to cover up his equally obnoxious natural aura - and in fact her own is designed to 'muffle' her extremely strong magical presence so that folks who aren't used to being near gods and dimension creators won't just faint dead away.


All The Lyrics Ever +4 Parts of her dimension and realm connect to a locale known as the Music's Lifeline, perhaps it's even hers and she didn't realize she'd made it before actually becoming a goddess. In that realm, every lyric, every hummed tune, all the beats and breaks, every bass drop... She can tap this dimension and it is constantly flowing around in her mind, like records in a jukebox. If there's a situation that can benefit from a carefully worded chorus, or a musical sting worth adding to a statement, she knows exactly which one it is.

Pronounces Distinctly +4 Sound is her bitch and words are her blessings, and as such she does not mis-speak. This doesn't mean that she actually speaks many dozens of different languages (she does in fact speak at least five) but she is heard in them just fine, because of her ability to ascribe meaning to sounds. This works in any dimension that has audible communication, and she can imitate Morse Code, Dolphin, and Draconic in equal measures - at the same time.

Remembers When She Was Young +4 She didn't yet shine like the sun, but she definitely does now, and knows how young students can be sometimes at a loss. Her teaching might not be as conventional as some, but what she teaches relies on confidence and clarity, and that is what she can impart to kids. She encourages creativity but also responsibility, and prefers to reward good behaviors and teamwork rather than punish the 'lone wolf' mentality or mistakes when they're made. She's got a story - or a song - for every occasion, and this can remind those kids that they are hardly the first and won't be the last to screw something up, or feel 'different'.


Needs No Worship +5 If she knows anything, it's that she relies on herself and not others, for her power. Thus she is actually tapped at times by the staff for help with kids that need a little reminder that they need to come first, and there's always something good about themselves to keep even the most dire circumstances at bay

It's Not Really In Style But Who Cares? +2 Her wardrobe is not conventional and is not all that recent either. For whatever reason she enjoys shorts, deck shoes, and garishly colored Hawaiian shirts and can do that wherever she darn well shows up. No one will stop her, mostly because the shrieking and Be Not Afraiding if she changes into something more local or plain...

Period Class Teaching
2 Proper Pronounciation Techniques
3 Personal Space Production
4 Proper Pronounciation Techniques
5 Personal Space Production
6 Personal Space Production
8 Proper Pronounciation Techniques
Song: all sounds are hers, she doesn't identify with specifcally one, however quite a few people ascribe the Juno Reactor song "God is God" from Bible of Dreams to her for the obvious reason

Teal Rainbow M Enetsipith

Red-Black-Yellow F Vorphaphavor


Rainbow Glitz AMASIN

The Burrow



Bunyi and Twoarth, more accurately The End, have coexisted for years. Possibly coinciding with kath's takeover of The End, Bunyi 'somewhere in another dimension' basically did the same thing, only rather than simply taking over an Admin position, Bunyi reformatted an entire dimension for her own needs. Her Big Bang started with a buzzing, moved into warbles, rat-a-tat-tats, and banshee wails within moments. It can all be sensed conventionally by Humanoids and other creatures of physical properties like them, things are furry or wet or weighty in her dimension. But they all have a way of also 'sounding'.

The people who reside in the worlds of that dimension sometimes revere her, sometimes deny there is a 'creator' there - and either of those is just fine with her, though she would never require them to even acknowledge her. She doesn't want to 'rule' - she wants to teach, nurture, and watch - and listen to - things in motion.

That dimension works just fine while she's out of it, so on one particular jaunt a number of decades ago, she encountered Carramba's big summer party on the beach nearby, and joined in with the campfire songs and chanting to raise one of those old deep-one types (hey, he owed Prof. McPanda a case of lite beer from last year!). She basically 'went home with the teachers' and never left. When the Admin of the school realized what she could do they offered her a few class periods and a proper classroom in the Magical Studies wing. The walls of her room are quite fun and brightly decorated but don't gaze too long because the images there are absolutely watching you right back.

She loves listening to the chatter of kids from a variety of worlds, and usually lets them get into their own groove, choosing team partners or study buddies themselves, but will never leave anyone out or left behind. Particularly in the Personal Space Creation classes, where it is very important to keep an eye on each other lest they be truly lost in some pocket realm... Bunyi is also usually on hand during any magical dueling or power word testing; spoken spells, regardless of her ability to cast them herself, which she doesn't, are often rather dangerous and she can instantly put a damper on them if she recognizes errors that might turn out deadly.




Name: Vorphaphavor (vore FAA faa vore, or as Bunyi sometimes jokes, Vorp HAWP hah vore)
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: large, 17' s, bipedal / 44' l / 100' ws
Colors: Red-Black-Yellow; body red at faces quite bright, blending to darker crimson at body, and black base from mid-body and hind limbs to tail, all with brilliant yellow jagged stripes; feather head crests black with yellow at face, and tail feathers similar; wings body color at arms, red-black with yellow secondaries and black flight wing tips; claws white, hooks on heels black; green eyes
Features: bipedal feather-raptor hydra mutt; three heads with curved horns, feather trim on jaws, and feather crests on necks that extend short along entire spine to tail tip; large legs with large claws and large curved hooks on heels; two large feathered wing arms with three clawed fingers; body is very high and has a long balancing tail with triangular feather tip and extra feather frills
Powers: Winged Flight - strong and confident in the air, Vorph delights with stiff wind and challenging conditions. Able to sense with three heads a variety of complications to any given flight, she tends to dedicate one head to altitude, another to conditions, and the third to location and direction. She can carry at least six human-sized people, generally clinging to each neck, and if pressed can lift a bus full of students with her powerful clawed feet but would prefer first to not have to do this, and second to use a harness suitable for the task to keep the weight balanced. Since she needs her wings to fly and can't use her forefingers to pick things up, any large scale transportation she does is using such a harness which she can summon with a spell and remove similarly
Teleportation - across time and space, dimensions and on-world, Vorph is a clean and neat teleporter. She doesn't do it often, preferring to fly when on a world, and must rest both before and after any longer distance work. The one time she did not collapse with exhaustion when she went through dimensional barriers, was when she arrived to Bunyi's Grid, and she's never forgotten that fact; she prefers to carry only herself when teleporting, unsure of whether she'd lose riders
Verbal Speech - with a remarkable grasp of language Vorph' has mastered quite a few local phrases and enjoys listening to those that she doesn't understand just yet with an ear toward learning even more. An active debate participant, she will take the opposing view eagerly and easily, but often enough having disastrous results, since she is very convincing, and may lead otherwise well-meaning people down the wrong path with her arguments
Ritual Conjuration Magic - her favorite activity however is to utilize words of power to invoke spell-like effects. Even on worlds which might not actually have proper 'magic', the power she carries is strong enough to effect changes in a person's body, the local weather, or items needing to be imparted with abilities. She latched on to Bunyi because of this, having whispered something akin to 'find me a good place to lay low for a while', and when she teleported, it was to Bunyi's side. She knows that at some point she might have to do that again to get away from whatever dumbassery she'll get into, but doesn't want to leave Carramba or her friends here just yet
Parentage: Tee'hepha and Zagovor
Origin: Burrow clutch 3R
Other Info: Vorph knows that sometimes, she says 'the wrong thing' but realizes also that this is entirely up to interpretation: is it wrong or just disagreeable? She will rattle off sixteen different definitions depending on context and by the end whoever she's debating will often just give up


Name: Enetsipith Auradance (ee NET sip ith)
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium-large 15' s / 60' l / 75' ws
Colors: body light teal with brightly yellow-green-gold striping that seems to shimmer among those shades depending on where you're viewing; wingsails richer and more variable dark to lighter green with rainbow stripes; floof sunny yellow gold white that glitters significantly; rainbow eyes
Features: prismbeast mutt with smaller forelimbs, high hind legs; wings can support flight but are not very strong; floof along neck, ears, entire spine, behind limbs, tuft on tail, and wing arm joint and chest; external 'ear knobs'; four pawed legs, two 3-fingered leather wings with wrist nub; velvety skin
Powers: Winged Flight - not remarkably great with this, but Enet seems to delight in fluttering around across campus or the city, generally sticking to where he knows he can land quickly; doesn't trust his own strength so he will carry perhaps 2 riders or gear, but not for long distances and will not commit to other tasks in the air
Teleportation - on-site teleport is similarly poor, he can spot a landing location and if needed can pop over to it without crashing, but that's about it; on the other hand his Genre-Hopping is quite good, he is much more confident in moving between specific dimensions that he knows about, and can carry a decent number of people or their gear with him on these trips
Telepathy - good enough with communication that he can keep up with local gossip without having to actually sit in a room with folks, his range is decent but his broadcasting ability is somewhat limited; he can easily speak to other telepaths of any breed or type, within about a 2 mile range, but non-telepaths must be around 250 meters or closer; his mental voice is bright, sunny, almost hazy in its cheer like the glow of a morning beam of light after a long night
Light Manipulation - if there is any light at all, even that cast from himself, Enet uses it to bring joy and comfort to those around him. He knows how important it is to shine a bit or put a spotlight on things at times. He can adjust the color, intensity, area of effect, and distantly illuminate without spoiling a mood. He can also create a laser-sharp light at shorter range, and uses this to inscribe messages or make artwork, he's a natural wood-burning kit... His 'affinity' is to the lovely white-yellow sunflower shade of his floof
Convert Sound to Light - he is also exceptionally 'in' on the dancing light and boistrous sounds that his sponsor Bunyi throws around, and enjoys adding to it. He is a built-in party starter, but certainly wouldn't just up and interrupt a quiet study session with a techno rave!
Create Aura - his glow is a lovely shade of sunny yellow, and he can cast that aura onto items or locations in the area, also likes to leave a glittering sunflower trail for those who can detect this aura
Unassisted Firebreath - while his fire is certainly hot and very bright, sharing the brilliant yellow white shade of his aura, he would not breathe this flame against a living thing. He would perhaps use it to burn off gasses, clear up trash that isn't going to become toxic smoke, and clear brush and forest litter without the danger of lighting the rest on fire. Can flame hot enough to burn a thick living tree, but can narrow it to a snipe at over 500 meters, and a short fan to singe fur or feathers around 50 meters
Telekinetics - can lift nearly his own weight in a single heft, or juggle a score of smaller things (which, given he's not a smol derg, can be quite large!), he can 'touch' these items and knows their balance, mass, and texture. His strength is fullest at closer range under 100 meters but he can stretch this power over 500 meters distance and still lift an entire human football team
Parentage: Amaryllisith and Sinoro Auradance with a lot of siblings
Origin: (Rainbow Glitz - AMASIN by Shard)
Other Info: Enet is certainly an energetic and enjoyable dragon to be around, and aids his friends in need, but also relies on those he trusts. With the arrival of Vorph he's discovered a challenging companion and debate partner, though they're currently 'just friends' sometimes it seems like she is purposefully living on the edge when she picks up the 'but you should listen to the shoulder devil in you' line...