

Name Chekimeit "Checkmate!"


Homeworld Abstract Destiny and Other Such Environs (birthday 2023 by Phe)
Species Terigon This one is as big as terigon can get, 4' at the shoulder when he's grown up.
Genetic Code: ss (large) E1E1 (long ears) ww (wings doublecolor) TT (tail tufted) Y1Y1 (blue eyes) C4C4 (grey body) Ll (medium hue) X4X4 (yellow extra?) WW I1I1(wings grey) nn (light hue) P6P6 (tip?) Aa (medium pattern)
Totem Dolphin "if we had thumbs we wouldn't need saving" totem;
+1 S/GM, +2 Bod, +1 Luck, -2 Drive, +1 Looks, +1 Cool, +1 Bonk, +5 Extra KK
Nut Very nutty indeed! In fact a macadamia inside a licorice pill covered in white chocolate!
Class Sophomore 25kk
Smarts 7
Bod/Feet 5
Luck 4
Drive 0 - Flight Navigation 3
Looks 4
Cool 4
Bonk 6 (as adult only, as student 3)

Winged Flight - Chekimeit flies in what first appears to be an unpredictable pattern, but if anyone takes a moment to watch him, he's going through several particular moves. One short burst, a slip to the side, a long diagonal drift, forward and abruptly to the side... he's playing chess, in the air! And oddly enough most of those moves do correspond to the things he needs to do below, avoid flying into a group, reach a specific destination, play tag, you name it, he's already plotted his destination

Teleportation - less unpredictable and more for-sure-needs-a-map, if he's seen a place he can teleport to it, whether it's been on tv, someone telepathically relayed it to him, or if he visited it physically. He sometimes doesn't distinguish whether this is in the same dimension as he is, but he rarely wanders too far from his destination point to get into too much trouble there

Telepathy, Verbal Speech - Relies more on telepathy for his communication skills because more people can be reached with better comprehension that way. His command over words is strong, however, so if he is in a class or event that restricts to verbal use only, he's got it covered. He loves multilingual puns, he feels as though more people should 'get them', but so many don't speak the variety of languages needed to truly get a guffaw. His mental voice is sleek, velvety, but with the hint of marble under it


Logic, Reason, Tactics, Strategy +3 Chekimeit really lives up to his name. He comprehends group dynamics and individual moves on a play or battlefield, so when he sets up a scenario in a board game or on the field, he's definitely in it to win it. He likes to be challenged in addition to challenging others, he doesn't want to just 'win because reasons', following the rules of the game or making sure that they're enforced consistently are more important than just outright beating an opponent. He doesn't care for cheaters, but understands that sometimes that's part of the game


Surprising Grasp of Law and Order +3 Rather than being a stickler for or a stick in the mud because of the rules, he likes to make sure that they do work, that others understand their implications, and that they can actually still have fun around and under them. Laws are there to provide a buffer, a warning; order is preserved when people all understand those laws, right? Well, maybe. He does know that 'some laws are wrong' and that sometimes justice isn't really being served. Since he's still only a sophomore he has a couple years of classes to get through before he starts reaching the actual legal side of schooling, but he does intend to work his way into it - not necessarily politics or the justice system, but maybe a legal aide or a political analyst...

Still Collects Shiny Stuff +3 When he wins fair and square, he does like to jot it down, 'take a trophy' so to speak, and has quite the collection of actually-won things from games and distractions at lunch. From beyblades to marbles to pogs to chess pieces (hey the chess club has their own methods of distributing pieces to their members for exactly this purpose), his shelf of shiny things and baubles from contests is growing week by week

Is Definitely Playing With You +3 Not in a cruel way, Chekimeit tries testing the waters so to speak: he'll try compliments, gentle insults, sharing a fake bit of gossip, pretending to be wounded, that kind of thing to spark a response in someone. This helps him gather knowledge about how they respond, and whether he wants to continue hanging out

Knacks Loves Wordplay But Dislikes 'Practical Jokes' +3 While he is quite enamored of "the Pan Pun" (pan...da? a pun in at least three languages) what he doesn't care for are those nasty pranks that cause stinging embarrassment, gross results, or actual trauma. He will take the time to address what he feels would go wrong, to someone that's obviously setting up such a prank, and hopes to eventually be able to just outright stop them with an empassioned plea. But that does require a person who is willing to stop, and sometimes that just isn't possible
Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb)
1 Using Telepathy Politely / D'ouberville / Decent
2 Howl, Caw, Scratch / Mint / Excellent
3 Local Skinside History / Prescott / Passing
4 Mastering Flight / Treason / Passing
5 Careers: Meta-Logistics / Oneirocritic / Excellent
6 Rock, Gems, and Dirt / Ainea / Decent
7 Logical Thinking / Farber / Decent
8 Teleportation Practice / Lane / Excellent
Pets Is he not a pet?
Parents? None known
Siblings? Unknown, maybe?
Image From Birthday by Phe
Other Info Attends all the Chess Club's meetings, enjoying not only the games they play (not just chess) but the people he meets there. He knows some of them are a little more on the reclusive nerdy side, and respects their desire to remain a bit apart from the other students, but does urge them to try new things and maybe respond to people in a more positive light




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