Name |
Jake the Flake |
Gender |
male-seeming pastry
Homeworld |
Twoarth, right here at the Caffetorium on campus |
Class |
Junior |
Nut |
Quite nutty but it's a subtle sprinkling perhaps during the baking process |
Totem |
Pastry? |
Smarts |
2 |
Bod/Feet |
6 |
4 |
Luck |
6 |
Drive |
2 |
Looks |
2 |
Cool |
5 |
Bonk |
2 |
Powers |
Talk With Anyone - able to understand and converse fluently in any language that is presented to him, doesn't even flinch if it's whalesong or the pulsing of a radioactive central core, he's quite popular among folks needing to discuss things if they have a language barrier
Is An Animate Piece Of Pastry - he is a tiny but charming drool-inducing scented chunk of pastry dough. Sweet, greasy, crunchy, he needs to have a bit of paper towel around to soak up the spare oil. Occasionally he glitters with what looks like pastry sugar ('sweating' it?) and if he's out in the sun for a while he 'tans' into a lovely browned crust. He has been injured occasionally but it appears that a little bit of water and flour can fix him.
Yes That's Actual Size - he is no bigger than, well, a snowflake-shaped puff pastry commonly found at fast food joints. He can fit virtually anywhere, and though he has chonky and seemingly lumbering legs, he still gets around campus quick enough to make you wonder if he can teleport or if he just hitches rides with people |
Clusters |
Cuteness Overload +4 he is definitely a charmer, and wins hearts and arguments with a few well-placed jibes, words of encouragement, and the occasional bakery-bread-scented fart |
Skills |
Quips and Quotes +3 there is always something amusing about his high pitched chirping voice, not the least of which is the way he will twist a word into a pun, or latch on to a phrase he's heard around the halls and turn it into a meme. His most frequent word, however, is "Hi!" but you've never -ever- heard him say it exactly the same twice... |
Knacks |
Sweet, Greasy, Crunchy +3 with all the charm of a lovely dessert, you cannot go wrong with Jake around |
Period |
Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb) * some differ from original |
1 |
Earth / Alien Literature / Leland / Decent |
2 |
Math, Just Math / Smith / Decent |
3 |
Optimism Under Duress / C'thain / Superb |
4 |
Skinside Local Twoarth History / Prescott / Decent |
5 |
Home Ech!onomics / D'ouberville / Excellent |
6 |
Fun With Physics! / M. Vale / Decent |
7 |
Advanced Relaxation Techniques / Luau / Excellent |
8 |
Snappy Comebacks and Heroic Banter / Carver / Excellent |
Pets |
Probably, the entire staff and student body? |
Parents? |
Um, no - he is a nuclear-fueled pastry with sentience |
Siblings? |
You know what, try as they might, no one has ever been able to reproduce the incident that created him, so no... |
Image From |
Lethe, 1996 for upper image, around 1988 or so for the below character sheet (which is reproduced from Teenagers from Outer Space obviously, this predates Teenagers on Hol my reinterpretation) |
Other Info |
Jake the Flake is, in reality, a piece of real Lethe history. When working at Pups on a Pole in a mall in the mid-80s we had a pastry display which we made the pastries for daily. Snowflake shaped deep fried batter dipped in powdered sugar, absolutely delicious and very zit-creating. One day I noticed there was a tiny chunk of batter that had been deep fried and it had legs. Jake's shape stood on two feet, and had a cloying sweet and oily face... I kept Jake around on a shelf for about 3 months? It finally was removed or tossed or whatever and I was slightly disappointed, but that's the luck of a fast food employee. In reality he was much, much smaller than 'actual size' below but in my heart, he was always big enough to love. |

Dragon |
Name: Staircase Woodprism
Gender: Unclear
Size/Shoulder/Length: currently around 18" long, full adult size 114' long you read that right
Colors: various shades of pink from a vibrant fuschia to pale gentle sakura-flower, with peachy shaded winglets and claws/horn, blue eyes, white mohawk mane
Features: Wyrmicorn-Whorling Hydra with one head as shown
Powers: Teleportation - how best to get around when you're about half a foot tall? Ask Jake, or teleport, Staircase does just that...
Telepathy, Verbal Speech, PUNchlines - Staircase takes a page or two from Jake's book of puns, and enjoys springing them on unsuspecting folks in the halls... Where his flavor is 'sweet pastry', Staircase's seems to be bubblegum and their scent can vary in intensity based on whether they've telepathically spoken to someone recently
Telekinesis - able to lift positively tremendous amounts of weight or bulk, it seems like their full-size adult power level exists at their youngest stage
Weight Alteration - if they need to move quickly with the flow of students anywhere, Staircase is capable of becoming light as a feather(boa) and hitching along their bond Jake, and who wouldn't want the sweetest student and their lovely fluffy companion hitching that ride? Of course the flip side of this is that Staircase can become incredibly heavy at will as well, which became a touch of a problem when they stopped in a doorway and wouldn't budge, frustrating any passerby who thought to just brush the bit of pink fluff out of the way
Parentage: Florian and Woody
Origin: Mwari Station, PlanetZar, by Bug
Other Info: They are taking effectively the same classes as Jake, currently, but that may change as they grow up |
Dragon |
Name: Kitchensink Woodprism
Gender: Unclear, possibly multiples
Size/Shoulder/Length: currently around 13" long, full adult size 110' long why?
Colors: black and white, fully checkerboarded with tiny checks, and white face with black mane, horns, claws and foot on (their) right side, black with white on the left, with alternating wings
Features: Wyrmicorn-Whorling Hydra with two heads
Powers: Wingless Flight - moves with purpose, and is surprisingly good at freezing in place even in a strong wind, and all that floof just doesn't even float around
Teleportation - but they can just zip right back to where they want to be pretty easily, and might even be able to bring several (dozen, at full adult length) people or riders along with them, this only works locally (not dimensional) but they can seemingly show up anywhere there is a checkerboard pattern - so a floor, wall tiles, even disco-ball lights across a black wall...
Telepathy, Verbal Speech, PUNchlines - preferring to speak in a chittering, high-pitched tone, their mental voice sounds a lot like water drips or 'a fast dripping leak under the sink or somewhere behind the wall why can't you find it'; they're less about the punchlines, and more about the riddles, and love pranks
Telekinesis - as a small worm they relied on this to move things out of their way. As a big one, they can move school busses and rooms full of raver trash
Spectrum Breath Weapon and Light Aura - they should (and eventually do) come with an 'epilepsy warning' given they can flash their bright checks basically on and off; can breathe a delightful (wait, a light-full) spectrum of visible light that can dazzle or confuse anything that has the ability to detect those wavelengths
Parentage: Florian and Woody
Origin: Mwari Station, PlanetZar, by Bug
Other Info: as above, Kitchensink showed up halfway through the first quarter though, so they're playing catch up
Note that Kitchensink has a thing at full size, where they will coil up into a kind of dome, and may be able to house several human sized creatures under themselves (if they get past the floof) but be warned they will definitely start flashing those lights, so this is an intimate if slightly dangerous lightshow |
Dragon |
Name: Windsock Woodprism
Gender: Unclear, likely male?
Size/Shoulder/Length: currently around 15" long, full adult size 120' long
Colors: pale red and pinkish white stripes, warm grey mane and horns, medium dusty red claws, grey white eyes, and alternating white-pink and redder pink wings
Features: Wyrmicorn-Whorling Hydra with three heads
Powers: Wingless Flight - quite the expert in floating around like a windsock but also slightly subject to the wind's whim, honestly doesn't weigh very much and gets swept around a little now and then, enjoys being guided or hooking on to a strong student's hands with a kite or glider harness
Teleportation - with their way of occasionally just drifting off to fuckin' narnia in a big wind, sometimes Windsock just pops right back to where they're supposed to be, like nothing at all happened; they don't tend to teleport to places, more back to this one
Telepathy, Verbal Speech, PUNchlines - surprisingly less apt to speak verbally because most of their speech sounds like someone in a wind tunnel or talking in front of a fan. Their mind feels like a good chill breeze, often direct, but equally sometimes he'll think around like an eddy or twister; do not answer to his call of 'pull my finger' jokes
Telekinesis - determined and sure even in the face of a hurricane, if Windsock needs to remain firm, they will do so with gusto, and allows others to cling to their luxurious fur to spare them buffeting winds or dangerous conditions. This is more of a mitigation of existing motion than causing other things to move
Light Aura - perhaps it's their function in life to guide and be of use for travellers, their power to create an aura around their body or even glow strongly from their horns and eyes, can act as a beacon or lighthouse to anyone within about 2 miles line-of-sight. This includes up into the hills above the town, and out to sea, and like good windsocks at airports, they can guide fliers or swimmers back to safety by being a nice steady landmark
Parentage: Florian and Woody
Origin: Mwari Station, PlanetZar, by Bug
Other Info: Last on the scene but enjoying every moment of their school experience, Windsock really wants to take some classes in superheroics! |