

Name Lacewing

Not applicable, presents as enby as you could be, they/them

Homeworld Abode, the World of Two Moons
Species Preserver (shown actual size) though slightly altered to fit in among more species here
Totem Chinchilla all about the subterfuge +1 Bod, +1 RWP, +1 Luck, -1 Drive, +2 Looks, +6KK
Nut They admit they're a bit nutty, oh look an acorn! And that's a pinecone! And over there's a walnut!
Class Sophomore 25kk
Smarts 6
Bod/Feet 9
RWP 5 (the Holt Elves of Bald Mountain, rather than 'parents')
Luck 4
Drive 0, All Navigation 5
Looks 3
Cool 6
Bonk 6* body cannot be crushed, cut, or pierced, but wings are vulnerable to fire or being pulled

Preserver Abilities - these are species-based powers, including Flight, Spit Stuff, and Sonic Annoyance, as well as additional skill clusters with technology

-- All Preservers can Fly thanks to their delicate but reasonably durable wings, and they do so almost exclusively, since walking on their insect-like gripper feet is difficult on flat surfaces. They're great at getting around on branches, twigs, ropes, hair, even spider-silk lines, but they prefer to fly wherever they can because they're actually quite speedy in the air. They can reach up to 30 mph in bursts, and don't tire from lengthy slower flights at all. They cannot carry much beyond 'their own weight' but certainly try

-- Wrapstuff is a mass of sticky webbing that they spit and can produce an improbable amount of it at one time. Whether it's a single hair-thin line that they can use to create 'sensor lines' across a floor for defense, a thick and durable rope capable of allowing a human-sized creature to climb or cling to, a thick and sticky web strewn over something as a net that will then pin whatever it is down to a wall or floor, or even a long-lasting cocoon that traps whatever is inside in a dreamless extended sleep (for centuries, or even millennia if undisturbed) Lacewing is able to manufacture just the right web for every occasion. Their range on most of these is about 10 feet, which given they are about 10 inches tall that's quite far! They have been known to encase an unruly student in wrapstuff if the instructor seems about to burst at them, so while they're handy to have around for that reason, they're also needing a bit of training to recognize who not to wrap...

-- How Can You Be So Loud? Preservers, including Lacewing, have incredibly complex voices, and are able to sing, twitter, scream, speak, or whisper with direction and force. They do have the ability to figure out who not to screech at, but if you're hearing birdsong-like noises in the hall it's very likely Lacewing. When close by, or specifically when Lacewing intends to cause a ruckus, this voice can be turned into a weapon that does stun damage and causes delicate things to shatter (like ears, glass, windows, and delicate machinery with crystals in it) so please... don't shout. Please

-- Innate Navigation, since they were created by the original 'high ones' of their homeworld, embued with psionic power to 'aid those who created them', they are all able to remember specific instructions and at all times can locate or find a person, landmark, location, or item^. Since Lacewing was sent to Carramba, they're learning that not all places are open for such navigation, including the instructors' lounge, the Admin Torus, or Mr Lane's office...

Inexplicable Magic: Genrehopping is not normally a power that they can exert, but when Lacewing is around those who can teleport or genrehop, or otherwise move around in non-standard ways, they can follow along or even exert direction over the movement. They have an incredibly good sense of direction but are also rather distractible and will take interest in going almost anywhere if there's fun to be had on the other side of that portal


^Navigation +5 If you need it, and have a good clear idea of where it might have been, or where you need to be but don't know the right hall to take, Lacewing is your guide! Come! Follow!

Communicate With Whoever +2 Somehow Lacewing is apt with languages other than Elfin from their homeworld, and enjoys 'translating' for folks. Those translations are often as hard to follow as if there was none... But they try! It just needs a little patience to figure out what their rambling sing-song words are actually telling you...


Aim And Shoot Wrapstuff +3 Whichever type of stuff is needed, quickly decided and accurately strewn over the target, though this can't extend the actual distance Lacewing can shoot it

Surprisingly Good With Technology +3 Preservers assist in the upkeep and functionality of their creators 'ships' which is a little weird because those ships are literally shaped by magic and willpower... But in the long run, Lacewing can take a glance at a device, no matter how small or large, and knows just what to do to fix, turn on or off, or guide its functionality. Regardless of permission. Be warned.

Fashion Forward +2 Typically Preserves wear only a 'hat' or other such found-material as clothing, but in Lacewing's case they are able to find just the right little outfits among toy shop aisles and dollmaker patterns. Because they have been slightly altered with 'hair' instead of a big bald head, they also wanted to fit in a little more so now they have a whole closet full of tiny outfits!

Knacks Create Names For Everything +3 Now look, you might think that 'humming-head magic-body-weaver' is confusing, but when aimed at Melissa Larrabie it's literally what she does. Preservers overall, and specifically Lacewing here at Carramba, has a penchant for getting right at the truth when they name or refer to people or things. This is why, when they went from Failing her Naming class to getting far better scores in it, it was because they changed class periods and instructors... Akarist was too concerned with the 'thing that named itself' but Noah the Vort uses exactly the same process of getting to the truth of a name...
Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb) ** Mid-Semester Swap
1 **Naming and the Power of True Names / Akarist / Failing || Textile Manufacturing / Shalen / Excellent
2 Fur-Side Ritual and Mythos / Kirabo / Passing
3 Glass Arts / Z'iun / Passing (look, they love the pretty glass but if they giggle they might break it all)
4 **Naming and the Power of True Names / Noah / Superb
5 Big Game Hunting / Vasquez / Excellent
6 Stardrive Repair / Lyle / Excellent
7 Way Off Base 10 / Saiintenella / Decent
8 Non-Human Language / Noah / Excellent

Is a pet, technically... Wait, now they have what?? A pair of Thumb Draeks, Whibi and Bowie - white and black respectively...

From Tris'Hath's gardens straight to you!

Parents? Magically created out of highly-evolved web-spinners on their original Starhome, doesn't have them
Siblings? Considers all Preservers (both here on Twoarth and back on Abode) their siblings
Image From Azalea's Dolls site link for Games2Girls Sleepy Fairy Maker
Other Info It's absolutely positive that Lacewing is not a 'teenager'. They may be about 3 thousand years old, in fact, which bothers quite a few people but only a tiny number actually know about it. Their species being magically/psionically enhanced even before the 'High Ones' left the Starhome, but Lacewing was actively created more or less by some stray High Ones while on Abode, and has taken well to being altered and 'dressed up with new parts' by flesh shapers at Bald Mountain

"You sure you want the responsibility?" It was a question that Lacewing didn't even have to hesitate to ponder. They'd made their mind up already. Nodding furiously, Lacewing stretched their grey arms out and made little grabby grabby motions with their tiny, clawed hands.

Two of these creatures hopped down, as opposite in markings as could be, though apparently Lacewing caught the subtle patterns just under their skin, they might be 'plain black and white' to most eyes, but to Lacewing they were dancing with shimmering potential.

And compared to the Preserver's size, they were certainly a handful! The caretaker who delivered these little creatures shrugged, chuckled, and vanished as the Preserver and their new attendants flapped around one another like puppies at a park.



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