

Name Sybuni

Female, she/her

Homeworld Xadia
Species Sunfire Elf
Totem Spider +2 S/GM, +3 Bod, -1 RWP, +1 Luck, +2 Drive, -2 Looks, -1 Cool, -1 Bonk, +8 extra KK's
Nut Allergic, oh no keep them away
Class Junior, 30kk
Smarts 3 > 5
Bod/Feet 8 > 11!
RWP 3 > 2
Luck 3 > 4
Drive 2 > 4
Looks 4 > 2
Cool 6 > 5
Bonk 3 > 2

Sunfire Elf - Primal Fire Magic, elves born to this tribe are well versed in the fire, heat, lava, and light of the sun, and can often use complicated magic as well as innate power based on it. She is resistant to most heat sources and small flames, but bigger fires will still harm her unless...

Lava Boil, emotions will bring out a dangerous level of fire from within, causing her skin to appear as brilliantly lit lava; this makes her impossible to touch, and she can set things alight just by coming near them (so watch your homework). It creates a strong armor that reduces or completely ignores projectiles as they melt before reaching her, and actually absorbs and becomes stronger with any kind of energy, plasma beam, or light-based weaponry. This effect lasts only as long as she's invested in it, and she must actually get angry for it to start, this is not an at-will thing yet, but she'll learn to control it consciously with classes!

Sunbolt, able to create bright and intensely hot bolts from her hands at will, though only when she's fully powered up are they able to be deadly. She can do this without being Lava formed, causing at most 1 point of bonk or lightly damaging items, but with full power it becomes 4 points of Bonk and definitely bores through wood or soft, easily melted substances

Primal Magic, is studying how to use runes to manipulate her fire energy though it's tricky work and is likely to take longer than just a couple years at this non-Xadian school to master

Clusters 15

Guard Training +3 Sybuni was brought up with the idea that she was to become a city guard, and as such she has been given tactical training, physical exercises, weapon routines, and defensive practice since she was able to walk. She has very good perception and reaction speeds, though she is still a bit on the wimpy physical side she concentrates on avoiding actual contact rather than brute forcing her way through a battle

The Fire Inside +2 Her tribe's abilities are innate, but require steady training to master. She is not likely to become a 'mage' but will learn to control her emotional state and be able to power up at will, some day...

Skills 18

Agility Skills +3 Whether it's climbing a sheer rock face, navigating a crowded hallway between classes, or actively combating several enemies at once, Sybuni is clearly up to the task. Her natural nimbleness has always been evident and even if she's in dire circumstances, her skills and training are what saves her

Style and Fashion In Motion +3 What good is being the center of attention in combat if you don't look your best? Making a first impression and making several more impressions with a mace or hand-slap are extremely important, and she dances across a battlefield like a series of Michael Bay Explosions

Exotic In All Ways +3 Sybuni has wild tastes, from those clothes and 'makeup' (it's not makeup, it's a marking, the Zeddians and her have a lot in common) to the spices in her lunch, to the way she oohs and aahs at the weirdest of animals on field trips to the zoo, she is apt to find beauty in all things. She will treat her friends as though they are the gifts she's always wanted, and enemies as the most common of scum if they aren't up to her standards

Knacks 5

Chips Are Down, Must Focus +3 She knows she's not the best at many book-learned classes, but can still pass at least with a good grade thanks to cramming and concentrated study practices. She treats these sessions as a 'mental combat', imagining each mathematical process or historical event as a battleground or combat move, to very good effect. It's unlikely that she will retain a lot of the more Twoarth-centric things she learns, but the tests and homework will definitely be done well

Not Burn Your Homework +2 Okay okay yes that argument in the hall did get a little heated, or maybe a lot heated, but she will try to avoid damaging things that don't deserve it...

Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb)
1 Steam Technology and Alternate Power Sourcing / Vasalo / Excellent
2 Ancient Scrolls / Alorel / Decent
3 Betting and Odds / Haital / Excellent
4 Advanced Fire Magic / Chon-gi / Superb
5 Naming and the Power of True Names / Akarist / Decent
6 Royalty and Regular Folks / Wynnah / Decent
7 Warfare and Tactics / Hagen / Excellent
8 Martial Arts for the Fashion Conscious / Alcott / Excellent
Pets ?
Parents? On Xadia
Siblings? Several, younger, on Xadia
Image From Meiker Elequinoa Power Princess Maker, and EZGif; Xadia/Dragon Prince
Other Info Though the dragon that came to her had been here a while, they are going to graduate together eventually... Whether Vedayeth comes back home to her world of Xadia is unclear, they might hang around a while longer, but Sybuni does sort of belong in a more fantasy setting than this

(sorry no story I just wanted this dragon to have the right bond 20 years later)



Name: Vedayeth
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: 24 meters long
Colors: Fiery gold-bronze
Features: Ryslen-Old World
Powers: Winged Flight *super good*
Telekinesis *strong*
Firebreath unassisted (been at a nexus world long enough)
Parentage: Green-Gold Valaeryth and Bronze Mazdath
Origin: Enzan Shi Firey Fall Frenzy (old link for posterity only)
Art By: (Delyar/Shanie)
Other Info: Hatching Message: Come, brother, I'll race you to the food!
Personality: Vedayeth will never grow up. She will always be childish and care-free. She finds rules restraining, politics boring and just about anything that does not involve physical activity not worth her time. She will laugh and scorn scholars, annoy and pester politicians but, in the end, she will go off and find another way to amuse herself. Probably by finding somebody to race.

Sponsored off to Carramba High by a harried Shard after Enzan Shi's Fall Frenzy hatching, energetic Vedayeth will certainly challenge any professor to keep her interests focused. Though she is considered an adult by age (she's four), she refuses to act like one. But fortunately for her, there are a wide variety of interactive and very physical versions of classes - she's the star aerial racer of the school, and always offers to transport the school's teams to and from events that are local.

**2023 have finally given this girl a bond who can keep up with her, had been on Sponsors page**

Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb) (updated 2023)
1 Party Planning / Dawe / Decent
2 Draconic Track and Field / Kazkegu / Superb
3 Practical Draconic Chemistry / Potion / Decent
4 Cartography / Lari / Superb
5 Snappy Comebacks and Heroic Banter / Peacemongrel / Decent
6 Living Mythology / Kirabo / Excellent
7 Howl, Caw, Scratch / Mint / Decent
8 Mastering Flight / Tempest / Excellent

1st Period Party Planning with Dawe
2nd Period Modeling with Urd (and great girl she is, to make a scarf or sash just for Vedayeth!)
3rd Period Advanced Biochemical Reactions with A.Vale
4th Period Cartography with Rex 903 (would you like to see the local lands? from above?)
5th Period Optimism Under Duress with C'thain
6th Period Living Mythology with El'bis
7th Period Fiction Writing with Singe (a challenging class for a fictional creature)
8th Period Mastering Flight with Tempest (already mastered! but some can create winds to make it even better!)