Dragon |
Name: Jhapat झपट (fling/pounce)
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small, 7'3" s / 22' l / 30' ws
Colors: body rich black with white rosettes, belly and portions of wing and arm feathers white, wing primaries, spines, tail spade, claws, and armor on legs graphite; pale orange eyes
Features: mutt! Bipedal with legs having large paws with curved claws and segmented armor; arms are much shorter, have two fingers and a thumb with small claws in addition to multiple layers of wing feathers; two large feathered wings on back, and a pair of small ones on end of tail; head is small and wedge shaped, with large external ears; body furry and quite slinky; large slightly curved spines from head to upper tail; tail spaded
Physical Abilities: Winged Flight, though not all that terrific with just flapping, with the added abilities ( below ) he can make himself smaller and warmer and use telekinesis to catch a lot more air under his wings, and then chill and do incredibly hard dives without breaking himself. Since his friend is ... well shall we say 'his own height' he tends to only carry what he needs for classes himself, and sometimes extra gear like that folding chair or this cooler for a rooftop party
Acidic Blood, thankfully milder than some in his line, if he bleeds it can be quite painful to touch and stings, leaving a strong welt on exposed skin and damaging eyes if you get it splashed...
Increased Survivability, he has not yet had cause to test this feature, but he can in theory go beyond an atmosphere without oxygen (or under water perhaps?) for quite a while. Maybe if he and Zhehp really want to win that triathalon he'll learn how to scoot around under water!
Night Vision, can see in extremely dim conditions, and does not suffer from suddenly having the lights turned on
Bioluminescent Spots, he does produce his own gentle white glow, visible mostly when he's asleep and dreaming, which Zhehp thinks is adorable
Body Temperature Control, quite useful for flight in cooler conditions, or keeping chill on those very hot summer days on the beach, though not significant enough to warrant a dogpile on him either way
Powers: Communication - Telepathy, Empathy, Telempathy, Empathic Control; while his normal method of communicating with anyone is his keen mind, he can exert a little effort and push emotions and some amount of imagination onto imagery as well. This is best done within 100 meters, though his telepathic range is around 10 miles. He has strong empathy to detect overall moods of groups and specific moods of individuals within a small 20 meter radius. He can outright control emotion but only to a mild effect and only nearby, generally toward one person or dragon at a time, rather than a group
Teleportation (surprise based) the surprise is 'that he didn't just crash headlong into that window' or 'hello did you need something oh sorry don't spill your drink on my account'
Size Manipulation, though this does apply only to himself, he can alter his overall size, generally he cranks himself down to around 4 feet long nose to tail tip, gets a very good head of steam, and increases his size to about 30' long to produce what he calls a 'hummingbird pip'. A "pip" that can shatter eardrums and glass nearby as he breaks the speed barrier...
Telekinesis, also used with the flight and size changes, he can cling on to small items (up to about 50lbs worth overall) as if he's got hands all over the place. He can't do tricks with this, but he can make sure that anything he's carrying won't fall off, and also alters the way his fur and feathers interact with air flow, truly making himself into a lawn dart for half a minute performaneces!
Parentage: Gadilinion and Aphid
Origin: Refugium
Art By:
Other Info: is highly likely to be tapped for another Checkerboard Ball event
Period |
Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb) |
1 |
Using Telepathy Politely / D'ouberville / Excellent |
2 |
Howl-Caw-Scratch / Mint / Excellent |
3 |
Living Mythology / Kirabo / Decent |
4 |
Genetic Engineering: Draconic / Halmoni / Decent |
5 |
Draconic Track and Field / Kazkegu / Superb |
6 |
Mastering Flight / Batty / Superb |
7 |
Betting and Odds / Haital / Excellent |
8 |
Careers: Catering / K.Zuvraat / Decent |