Ganah Odalo, Force Studies

Name Ganah Odalo (guh NAH oh DAY low)
Age *unknown, appears young adult but is in a newly created/cloned body, his presence among the records that Karen found indicates he was possibly born nearly 20 thousand years BBY...
Species Sith (Kissai, pure), male; Born on Tund; no indication of any human or other non-Sith bloodline; Image from TORcommunity character generator
Post Instructor
Tenure New RY12 / 2024
Smarts/GM 8 (11 if you count his backup drives, but those are primarily FarFarGalaxy based information)
Bod/Feets 7 (7 agility, 3 strength)
Luck 4
Drive 1 (Twoarth) / 4 (FarGalaxy type vehicles)
Looks 5
Cool/Mouth 5
Bonk 6

Force Sensitive

Nearly all of Ganah's abilities stem from his use of the Force, which he notes is also called 'Vortessence' or 'Magic' by some. He is not governed by either Jedi or modern Sith practices, and as such concentrates more on the development of personal abilities and senses rather than adhering to a code of duty or regimented activity

-- Mind Tricks, he is quite capable of entering a mind and twisting its direction, be it gently or with gusto. Even experienced Force users or psionics such as high-bred Zekirans have trouble both noticing this and resisting it. However he tends to reserve any real manipulation for very unruly people, and uses gentle nudges with groups of students when they become too much to handle

-- Connectivity With All, as the Force exists in a multidimensional capacity around and within all things, even droids, electronics, non-carbon-based life, and everyday people can be sensed and communicated with. He doesn't necessarily understand the languages spoken around campus but he definitely can tap into their meaning easily enough. Even the odd code and different technological types here, he can encode or leave messages through, pick up information, and overall know who is where doing what if he really concentrates. He has a network of holocrons around the campus, and he is learning how to also use the Xenian crystals in addition to kyber shards, to track individual people

-- Healing, with his hands and concentrated effort, Ganah can stitch up wounds that might leave a limb useless otherwise, or dangerous internal injuries. He reserves this for dire situations, but he knows that there are many others on campus and nearby, along with actual technological medicine, to help with everyday bruises and minor issues. His 'Self-Maintenance' class, however, allows him to help those with Force or Vortessence abilities, as well as a fair few with magic or psionics, to focus their senses and look inward, for picking out what injuries or disorders they might have, DNA information, and self-preservation in unusual conditions

-- Telekinesis, though this is not his strongest point, he uses a modest amount of telekinetic energy to manipulate or lift holocrons, a lightsaber or two, dice, or whatever that one student in the back of class is snickering about give me that that isn't appropriate for your maturity level... He has a short range, about 15 meters, and can lift around 25 lbs of material, though at closer range he can both lift more and use more effort to move it around, boosting his own physical speed at times, or making sure a door doesn't slam on someone who doesn't see it closing

-- Technological Magic, as one of the earliest or even founding members of the Sorcerers on his world, when he does learn how to code for an Earth or Twoarth device, he's positively amazing at it. From many thousands of years residing within and becoming part of the entire holocron network, he has an understanding that few can replicate. He can use this to manipulate simple mechanical devices such as switches or toggles, or powered items as long as he knows what it's supposed to do, as well as communicate with, through, or alter the contents of virtually any crystal based code systems. Zekiran computers are especially 'fun' he claims...


Force Zen (or is it Xen now?) +5 Feeling the flow of the Force all around, aware of all the people, creatures, and data can be overwhelming, but Ganah is used to it. He can isolate people from tech, certain kinds of code from others, and sense very strong emotions in those people around him at up to 50 meters

Balance Is Everything +3 Not merely with various sides of arguments or the Force, he advocates for clearing your mind, remembering there are usually multiple sides of a discussion to consider, and making sure that if you're staying up late to do homework, you get time off to relax too


Force-Based Weaponry +6 As careful as you can be, even if the kids here aren't allowed to use their real blades and have custom settings to make sure that they won't harm anyone, Ganah is quite good with his own blade and cleverly uses it to demonstrate new methods of self defense, offensive threat postures, and stunts to impress or confuse. He clearly loves this work, and will eagerly help those who show promise, though he won't let others fall too far behind

Technological Wizardry +6 Being stuck in a set of thousands of separate holocrons for millennia definitely has affected his abilities to discern and work with computer systems. If you have a misbehaving workstation, a phone that just doesn't keep its settings, or need to figure out which download is safe for your gaming rig, he's on it. He also is able to create new items using crystals and metals, though he does rely on others to produce those pieces. When he creates a new holocron in class with students, he can also help them get it to respond to their mind, if they are Force-users, and even if not, sometimes you can just consider those extras very fancy art!

Medical Technology +5 His first and true love is healing and helping people, though here on Twoarth he does still need to go through the process of learning local laws and regulations before going out and piecing together injured people or making judgements about health situations. While he realizes that this is part and parcel of the local government... he knows it's much worse on that other planet Zekira, where if you use powers to save someone they could sue you?


Collects Pretty Crystals +4 What can you do with that piece of quartz? What about this tiny sliver of blue-Xenian stuff? Well, he knows, and even if it's not 'putting information directly into its crystaline structure' it's 'hang it on the wall near a window and look at the gorgeous lights'. While he's not a hippie type, he does spend a lot more time at the rock and crystal shops around town than others might

Sensory Overload +/- 3 Ganah is not going to deny himself the pleasures of the flesh now that he has flesh to enjoy. He likes experiencing new sensations with his body, even if that means he loses a finger temporarily, or as he's found others with strong senses, gets a touch on the overwhelmed side in busy or noisy settings. But like numerous Sangers found on campus, he tucks that experience away along with the rest, he just needs a few minutes to collect his wits after a pep rally...

Teaching Is Sometimes Hard +/- 3 Even when he was flesh and blood the first time, there were precious few children in his life. And after some twenty thousand years away from people at all, at times he does get a little short or curt with the students. But he apologizes and is still trying to learn from them what they need, and takes his own lessons in humility seriously

Period Class Teaching
1 Weapon Based Martial Arts - Lightsaber Training
2 -
3 Weapon Based Martial Arts - Lightsaber Training
4 Force Sensitivity Training - Self-Maintenance
5 -
6 Force Sensitivity Training - Empathy
7 Holocron Technology
8 Holocron Technology
Resides: moves between Carramba's Kaminoan Dome and the Izorrat temple in another dimension using their onboard portal system
Dragons Lyris and Zyris
Hatched See below
Pets? He's not all that sure he wants a 'pet' but maybe something that can also act as an attendant? His pair of dragons, while technically 'real dragons' are quite small (*probably due to having shared a single egg? He wonders frequently whether they together make up a full sized dragon of their breed?)
Partners? Long ago perhaps he had a partner, but that would have ended along with his physical form. However he's certainly handsome and reasonably charming for a guy his age, and knows that the Kaminoans as well as that human girl Melissa will hook him up... if he doesn't find someone at the rock shop of course...
Children? None yet, but there most surely will be...

** Had been a holocron engineer and minor specialist with the priests on Tund

** While he was alive he began experimenting with the fusion of technology and the Force, as well as preservation techniques used for medical devices

** Successfully downloaded his Force-spirit into a Holocron, but got 'stuck' there, however was connected by the Force to millions of other devices, thus becoming a sort of self-made database

** Aided the priests as well as medical community for decades, but also noted many of the signs that their culture would decline. He dedicated himself to learning all the techniques and indexing information for future use

** This came in handy some thousands of years later when the society was in fact invaded, and changed irrevocably. He disliked the path they took but continued to monitor and record all he possibly could. His Force powers for detecting and absorbing data had grown to effectively the entire planet, anywhere a holocron came to life from a Force-using person's ability, he listened in

** He may have had a hand - or mind - in the formation of the Sorcerers of Tund, encouraging the use of passive and balanced Force rather than the violent and ugly Dark Side, or indeed, the self-denial of the Light

** Thousands of years pass...

** After the destruction of the biological members of the world's population, and all thought Tund and its Sorcerers were gone forever, Karen Kenobi made landfall and contacted the very strong Force she found there. To her liking, and his, Ganah Odalo requested that the 'mainframe' he'd assembled of holocrons and more traditional storage devices, be taken with her to Izorrat and ... well. There you go...

** He had not known of much outside of his homeworld, for millennia, and was both impressed and disappointed in the ways that the Sith devolved. He spends a bit of time on Izorrat collecting his wits. Wondering 'where does she go when she's not here?' yeilds some intriguing results

** On meeting Karen's unusual draconic entourage and particularly the Kaminoans, he requests that a new custom-designed body be created. With enough foresight as to have put his dead body in a very secure spot, a cube in the center of his database in fact, a revived body could now be reinhabited with his vast memories intact - though a touch on the distracting side...

** While the Kaminoans worked on a new body, Ganah meets numerous other people in other dimensions, taking a 'holocron tour' embedded in a remote crystal, and you can see the stars start glimmering in his eyes, if he had eyes. He enjoys traveling to disparate places that use crystal and psionic technology, such as Xen and Zekira, but also other worlds such as Dragondeep, though he might not return to any given place he knows they exist

** Re-learns physical Force and body tasks with the aid of the Kaminoan download procedure mixed with the Icarus center's retraining and neural update features. While he spends only 3 years in this process his physical form is aged to approximately 'adult' and there it will likely remain, due to all the various tweaks and benefits of a multidimensionally apt science department

** With his training to be completed 'outside of time', and having found kyber crystals among the deepest Izorrat caverns below Karen's temple there, Ganah quickly masters numerous martial arts and sports a pair of lightsabers: one bearing a stunning violet-blue tint at full length, and the other kept at a shorter length in a red-violet color (shown above)

** Dragons! oh no!




Name: Lyris (Ly-r15)
Gender: Male
*Size/Shoulder/Length: Sport, 5' s
Colors: Body pinkish-red base with 'circuitry' markings and patterns in brighter pink, green, blue, violet, and red; wings, belly, brows, claws, and ear markings in stunning swirl pattern of dark blue, black, and aqua/cyan centered under wing fingers - note that this dragon and his sister as well as a third sibling all hatched from one egg, and their patterns match to form a single circular design...
Features: four-legs with 5-claws fore including thumb, 4 including heel on feet; two leathery wings with 4 internal fingers and strong wrist thumb all with very large claws; rounded head with very large eyes and large external ears, lobed tongue; body is slender and slinky with a large thick tail tapering to point; skin is slightly rubbery, belly has thicker leathery feel to it, all skin glows faintly in a shimmering pattern similar to their coloration; egg layer; offspring require damp conditions rather than aridity to thrive for their first shed, beyond that they commonly only shed once a year declining to once in 10 years as they grow; very long lifespan (up to 500 years?); non-monogamous
Powers: Winged Flight
Aquatic Adaptation
Strong Empathy/Weak Telepathy
Mucus Defense
Toxic Bite
Parentage: unknown, progenitor; Siblings are Zyris and Kyris
Origin: adopted from Revenade with lines by thedragonwindmaster on Deviantart
Other Info:


Name: Zyris (Zy-r15)
Gender: Female
*Size/Shoulder/Length: little, 4'7" s
Colors: Body creamy-corroded titanium that changes based on light direction that is pinker on wing arms and body, grey-green on feet, and darker blue-tinted on face, face marked in circuitry, marked with dotted line patterns in red, yellow, green, blue, and violet; belly and parts of wings under arm joints faded greenish or pinkish cream with circuitry patterning in lighter tones; wing sails otherwise bear the circular blue-black-cyan swirl of sibling along with the ear and claw coloration
Features: four-legs with 5-claws fore including thumb, 4 including heel on feet; two leathery wings with 4 internal fingers and strong wrist thumb all with very large claws; rounded head with very large eyes and large external ears, lobed tongue; body is slender and slinky with a large thick tail tapering to point; skin is slightly rubbery, belly has thicker leathery feel to it, all skin glows faintly in a shimmering pattern similar to their coloration; egg layer; offspring require damp conditions rather than aridity to thrive for their first shed, beyond that they commonly only shed once a year declining to once in 10 years as they grow; very long lifespan (up to 500 years?); non-monogamous
Powers: Winged Flight
Aquatic Adaptation
Strong Empathy/Weak Telepathy
Mucus Defense
Toxic Bite
Parentage: unknown, progenitor; Siblings are Lyris and Kyris
Origin: adopted from Revenade with lines by thedragonwindmaster on Deviantart
Other Info: