Name |
Henrietta Smille (smile-ey) |
Gender |
Female, she/they
Homeworld |
Demon Realm, OwlHouseVerse |
Species |
Near-Human, typical of Demon Realm 'with more teeth than typical' |
Totem |
Adder, the Oooh Pretty Scales Owww That Hurt! totem. Pretty, fast, naturally slender and lithe, and will definitely bite you if you get too close.
+2 S/GM, +3 Bod, +1 RWP, +1 Cool, +6 extra KK's |
Nut |
Does feel like a Nut |
Class |
Freshman, 20kks |
Smarts |
3 > 5 |
Bod/Feet |
3 > 6 |
2 > 3 |
Luck |
3 |
Drive |
1 |
Looks |
2 |
Cool |
8 > 9 |
Bonk |
4 |
Powers |
Palisman - Their staff is hand-carved and holds an egret-like bird, with fancy wings, as well as being wrapped with vines showing off a bit of Henrietta's connection to the plant life she can control. The staff can turn into a flying 'broomstick' to enable quick transportation, and the Palisman itself can detatch and fly about normally for scouting and other duties
Witchcraft - Freed from any 'coven-based' restrictions, Henrietta is able to mix and match her abilities, though concentrates mostly on plants and the uses of anything that comes from them such as potions, structural engineering, healing goods, and the like. She can cast several spells easily at any time, others may take more effort and concentration
-- Instant Furniture - with a snap of her fingers, Henrietta is able to produce a chair, table, bench, or other similar one- or two-person item. These are natural in format, with bark, leaves, vines, and even flowers if she's working on something for a while (she likes to have pretty flowers and scents!). These items vanish after about 2 hours or at will. She can do this at any time, but only one instance exists at a time so whatever was still lingering will vanish if she reproduces something else
-- Strengthen Wood - this is a semi-permanent enchantment that works best on small items such as bowls or tool handles, but can be as large as a thick door or hewn table. It can work on both living and cut wood, if you have a sapling that is endangered by winds, or a doorframe that's gotten dinged up, this will fix either of those things easily. The larger lumber pieces, or any living thing, will eventually no longer benefit from this fix, but that is usually around 3 weeks worth for larger dead wood, and 10 days for living plants, long enough to get other methods permanently
-- Sappy Syrup - a generous portion of either 'tasty' (just a couple dribbles on your pancakes) or 'immobilizing' (dumped over a person or area) thick molasses-like tree sap comes out of a hovering jug when summoned. This is completely edible, but by its sheer volume may incapacitate or impede movement. It remains where it's put until eaten, whether it's by the sleepover friends in the morning on their breakfasts, or by lots and lots of demonic ants after a battle... no one cares, it's yummy!
So Many Uses For Stuff +3 Cleverly casting any spell, it's a sure bet that professors will take note. Mainly because she doesn't use her magic to 'cheat' at things, she'll create a lever or a pulley out of knotty wood nearby, or examine the leftover grass tracks and stains to determine who it was that broke into a classroom overnight
Arborist +3 This skill can come in handy for things like woodshop class where everyone is encouraged to learn about the different woods, their qualities and locations, and basic biological facts. She takes it to an art, though she's still learning about 'normal Twoarth plants' and not just those she'd have been using or exposed to in her Demon Realm home
The Walls Have Ears +3 Utilizes her Palisman (who is named Rotor) to listen in on conversations and get gossip, though they have to be able to meet back up to convey this information. Rotor can blend in nicely with any given pheasant, heron, or stork around campus, and has sometimes been mistaken for a student itself
Will Eat Those Leftovers Even If They're Moldy +/-3 Something about the Demon Realm's food supply seems to be aimed at 'gross stuff', and while she can certainly eat any normal human-type food here, she'll dig around in the long-forgotten back part of any given fridge or even cupboard for some 'tasty fizzy chili' (right from the swollen botulism-infested can). So yeah that's ... helpful, but so gross!
Chills With Mages +3 Easily able to keep up with professors talking about new spells or magical conditions, only the most stodgy of them or those who have more religious overtones to their training, might balk since she is technically speaking a 'demon'
In No Great Hurry To Get Home +2 Or anywhere, for that matter, while she's able to jump on that staff and fly over campus, she prefers to walk and takes the time to smell the roses. Or the tulips, or the maple wood, or the fresh-cut grass, or...
Period |
Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb) |
1 |
Demi-Human Cultures / B.Stonefist / Decent |
2 |
Ancient Scrolls / Alorel / Excellent |
3 |
Living Mythology / Kirabo / Decent |
4 |
Measuring Up / Haital / Excellent |
5 |
Basic Plant Magic / Pandemonium / Superb |
6 |
Storable Monster Training / Vola / Excellent |
7 |
Flower Arrangement / Goldstem / Superb |
8 |
Hedge Mazes, Alibi and Art / Ihrinnah / Excellent |
Pets |
only her Palisman Rotor |
Parents? |
Both living witches in the Demon Realm |
Siblings? |
Probably has several younger siblings, has one older brother remaining at home |
Image From |
The Owl, The Witch, and the House maker and RollForFantasy Weapon Creator |
Other Info |
* |