"Kami Origami" Non-World-Specific Arts and Crafts

Name "Kami Origami" - it is absolutely not her name, but it's the one she signed up as and what she responds to. But no one knows whether the Kami in it is written as "paper" or "god" because she also goes by Kami-Kami-Tatami, 'paper god folding' which seems to terrify certain people at the school
Age Young Adult? Seems far more experienced and worldly to be fresh out of whatever school she supposedly attended before showing up here...
Homeworld Traakan Dragonry
Species Fantail Dragon, Shapeshifter* See Below
Art above by Elequinoa on Doll Divine
Gender/Pref Female, looking for a shifter with some skill
Post Instructor
Tenure New, 2024
Smarts/GM 5
Bod/Feets 12 (!)
Luck 6
Drive 0 absolutely not. 9 flight/navigation, and just give her the damn map she can read it
Looks 4
Cool/Mouth 5
Bonk 3

Fantail Dragon - as a dragon she hardly spends a lot of time actually in the school but she can easily walk around in hallways due to her small size as one. However she does shapeshift, something she seems to be quite proud of

Winged Flight, Kami is a speed demon, literally and figuratively. When she takes to the air it's like she's never been on the ground. She moves in quick zig-zags and seems to bounce off things without leaving a scratch. Obviously she can only do this properly when she's a full dragon and not with those dinky little shapeshifted wings above

Teleportation, She folds space, just like any other material. That's what she's good at. She can even teleport other things and not herself, but shhh that's supposed to be a secret. She can move between seats on a bus, or planets in a solar system, or dimensions, equally fast and without getting tired, at least not that she's ever admitted

Telepathy and Verbal Speech, Likely having picked up numerous languages from her hatchling days, Kami has a very wide variety of words to pick from, and will slap them together somehow making it all make sense, you don't even need to know what all languages she's speaking to get the gist of what she's said; this applies to both mental and verbal speech, and she has a rich, strong mental presence in addition to a terrifyingly high pitched laugh

Shapeshifting, to humanoid form only, Kami quickly discovered that she could sign paperwork more easily, even if her taloned fingers were up to the task already. She is tall for a human, 6'6 just like she is at the shoulder as a dragon. Kami rarely wears shoes, though if needed she will put socks on for politeness. She keeps the tail and modified wings, because who wouldn't? Her horns and coloration are also quite popular around here

Clusters Folding At Home +5 if it involves taking one thing and doubling it along a line, she knows exactly what she's doing. No surface or material is safe - she can fold DNA strands and paper and timespace and even puts National Geographic maps back into their envelopes on the first try. She's the kind of person who actually can fold fitted sheets. Bonus points: she can teach this art to anyone who has the patience or power to do so

Everything Is In Fact, Folding +3 taco? folded tortilla. Color? just folded waves and particles. Your Brain is still smooth haha no that's a joke of course it's not you're attending class aren't you?

Collects All The Art For Her Fridge +3 when she takes a shine to someone with talent, they're hers now, and she will offer whatever she possibly can, to help them do their best. She knows that at a high school, kids have lots of other duties and tasks. But as an instructor she takes the time to tutor those that will gain the most. When she asks 'can I have this' she means it earnestly, and has an extensive display area in her home for all of it. She offers things in trade and never takes an original if the artist wants to keep it! But really we should make prints of that it's amazing, let's go to the silkscreen class...

Have A Soda, It'll Make You See Faster +3 When she's caffeine driven, it's because it's crunch time! Watching her zip around a room, even to people who can slow down time or exist outside of it, makes you dizzy... This does come with a down side, in that she will crash and have a bit of a hangover from drinking too much energy drinks or sodas. But she can belch several alphabets with all that fizz, too!


Acts As If She's Immortal, She Is Not +3 the style which keeps people absolutely wrapped up by her instruction, and her eagerness to show people just what can be done when you put your mind to it, has led to her getting into some ... difficult situations. Such as almost wrapping that car around a telephone pole. Almost, because she was with someone who could pause time and narrowly avoided it...

You Might Think She's Crass, She Is Not +3 even if she does belch and laugh and get right up in your face about things, she does understand there's a line - and even if she's able to fold it, she won't cross it. Unless of course there's a compelling reason to. She knows just how far to go, to offend people who need to be offended in order to get them to do something: leave the room, stop pestering kids about their already-busy schedule, don't you dare speak that name it is not their name any more. She is gregarious and fierce, but she will defend those who need it to the very end of time

Period Class Teaching
1 Non-World-Specific Crafts
2 Non-World-Specific Crafts
3 Crafting for the Thumbless
4 Crafting for the Thumbless
5 Crafting for the Thumbless
6 Non-World-Specific Crafts
7 Non-World-Specific Crafts
Dragon *






Name: KamiKami Tatami
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: small, 6'6" s / 21' l / 36' ws
Colors: body shiny black, wingsails and tail "fundou tsunagi" pattern black and white, face marking pale peach-white with red markings; blue eyes, ivory claws
Features: fantail dragon, four strong legs with 4 clawed digits, thumbs on forefeet; two large pointed wings with one visible finger, one internal strut, and large/long wrist thumb with claw; head is raptor like, having two small curved horns, and pupiled eyes; tail is thick at base, tapering quickly, to a fan-shaped end
Powers: see above
Parentage: unknown pair; related to others in this specific giveaway
Origin: Traakan Dragonry by Birdie
Other Info: Maybe she is older than most of the others, perhaps from a prior clutch, or she is just making that up as she goes along. Was technically sponsored by someone at the school, or perhaps just Carramba High wanted her there? It's been known to happen... Either way, she worked her way through quite advanced courses and wound up back here within a few years at most, or maybe we turned around and there she was fully formed.