Lishan Kayode, English and Tutoring

Name Lishan Kayode (lee SHAN kay OH dee)
Age/Gender Young Adult (late 20s) / Nonbinary / they/them / panromantic/asexual

Human, Twoarth native

5'8", average build

Brown skin with several tattoos (not visible, under work clothes) and numerous piercings with green glass or titanium hoops or gauges; hair is straight but very thick and takes styling easily, normally dark brown but often with bright neon dye that they match with jewelry; eyes are large, dark brown, under heavy and thick but nicely styled brows; tends to wear loose fitting and comfortable jogging gear, in neutral tones, but at times has gone full rainbow; voice is even and slightly more deep than might be considered feminine, but can reach highs that masculine voices rarely would; is likely of Puerto Rican mixed with Nigerian descent, given their name and appearance

Post Instructor
Tenure New, 2024
Smarts/GM 6
Bod/Feets 3
Luck 4
Drive 2
Looks 4
Cool/Mouth 5
Bonk 4
Powers Renaissance Nerd +4 Well versed in many fields both practical and fun, Lishan loves to read and study but they won't stop with English texts and literature, they love histories and fantasy alike. They love to have a chat with folks who are from other dimensions, and can easily do so without having to sit down and learn a new language. Somehow their point gets across, somehow they know what is being talked about, and it's always something interesting enough to gently budge into. If it involves rules, games, lists, organized information, Lishan loves to hear it
Clusters Research +4 Lishan's extensive curiosity about pretty much everything and everyone helps when they want to understand even more specifically. Knowing how to tap the right folks or locations for such things, they can figure out how to make a web of contacts and always has them at their fingertips

Non-Casual Use Of Post-It Notes +4 Most of his books and research materials are packed to the gills with those little postit tabs. And on first look you might think 'well why not just highlight the entire book' but his system is inherently more complex than that and only he knows what they all might be referring to. There is a system to the color coded tabs, Lishan assures you

Realizes Every Fiction Is Also Real +4 Having seen literal holes forming in the sky that drop alternate dimension folk right into your lap, and with witches, aliens, kaiju, and superheroes all in one compact school campus, Lishan takes great pleasure in asking about your homeworld or how it differs from the school's, and has invented a party game of 'guess the distance to the dimension' with their friends. But also, knows that it can be a lonely place for those who are from worlds or realms that have no way to return to

Knacks More Energetic Than Most +3 Lishan is a fidgity type, which is why they are tutoring in their off periods instead of taking breaks in the lounge. They will almost always have fidget spinners, texture toys, and the like around in their desk, and are happy to share if they notice a student who seems to need one
Period Class Teaching
1 Basic English
2 ^tutoring
3 Basic English
4 ^tutoring
5 Basic English
6 ^tutoring
7 Basic English
8 Fiction Writing
Art by and adopted from AlphaDarkshard on Deviantart
Dragon Lequth
Hatched 2024 Opal Giveaway by Dragonflight
Pets? none right now
Partners? none right now
Children? possibly when Lishan is older and likely with splicing or non-traditional methods


A recent transfer from an east coast school system, with their eye on broadening the literacy level everywhere! Happy to help after class and in seminars on the weekends, Lishan can say they're among the most popular new instructors. After all, their name means 'awards joy' (more or less) and they're rarely happy unless everyone in the class is doing well. Instructing Basic English 1, 3, 5, 7; Fiction Writing 8. During periods 2, 4, and 6 they generally do tutoring for English and Writing based classes, but have also been known to help out with the History and Language departments.

Yes that seems somewhat excessive, since most professors at CHS do have at least one 'open' period, but let's be real here, most of those free periods are spent with students or other staff members planning or doing informal tutoring anyway right?


The question arose, "how do you find the time to do all this, and also teach?" Lishan was exhausted already, and it had barely been a day since the hatchling approached them. Ali Davis merely chuckled, waggled her eyebrows, and tossed a comment over her shoulder when she was heading to her own dragon's side.

"You'll get used to it, besides you hardly ever take a break at school, I've seen you chugging along for days without sleep."

While Lishan was going to protest, they realized she was completely correct. This was just more physically exhausting than tutoring English...

But the purple and dazzlingly marked Lequth flopped their own head toward their bond, and bespoke, no lies detected, my one...


Curled up on the nearby apartment building, Lequth listened in carefully to those down in Speaker's Square. Every once in a while someone would get themselves into a tizzy about political events or legal measures, and take it to the Square to hash out just exactly what public opinion was. Or, to sway that opinion. And today was no exception.

But today, there were two Opal Court dragons watching carefully from on high. Not that this pair of idiots down there realized this. Red Phiyth rested her head near the violet Opal, and they stared with their white-on-black eyes intent on any untoward movement.



Name: Lequth
Gender: fluid, no preference until a potential partner of either gender may show up, which is not entirely likely, they/them
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium, 9'10" s / 45' l / 70' ws
Colors: Radiant Purple, body mainly a vibrant purple danced with opalesence catching the light, and with neon green on back feathers from forehead to tail tip, and along wing shoulders of both sets of wings; horns, claws, and wingtips frosty white
Features: Opal Court as shown, with two pairs of horns in different shapes, two sets of feathered wings one much larger and flight-capable, and clawed paws, tail is unadorned
Powers: Winged Flight, Lequth is sleek and sure in the air, but not fancy. Since they're pretty decently large they can help move a few people or gear here and there, but no one expects such a fancy dragon to be doing that!
Teleportation, Lequth's accuracy in teleporting from one rooftop to the next is quite impressive, and sometimes you can only tell where they are, by the violet-shaded blur they've left behind. They concentrate on local short range teleportation but can exert some effort and move nearly 100 miles up or down the coast, into the hills nearby to Wonder, or other locations known to them without getting winded when they arrive
Telepathy and Verbal Speech, Lequth's mind is busy but clear, and claims that Lishan's is also similarly vibrant. Their kind of busy just 'clicks', and their mind is enjoyable to Lishan's 'ears'. Their voice is also bubbly but can hiss and be somewhat menacing when things are going badly for anyone
Discern Truth and Lies, Trance, and Genetic Memory; Lequth is markedly adept at understanding how people perceive their own truth and falsehoods, and generally responds to things only when they are not internally consistent. When someone 'knows it's a lie' but states something as truth, that's not going to fly with Lequth at all. Whether it's a white lie, which won't do harm in the short term but might be a disaster later, or a bold-as-brass tall tale that has little bearing on reality - those are going to be treated very differently. From a mere nod and glare as an 'I see that shit', or a scoffing pffff audible to everyone nearby, on up to waiting for exactly the right moment to reintroduce the actual truth someone is spinning, it will depend on the severity and the purpose of the lies, whether Lequth does anything at all. Their time is largely spent in trance doing fact-checking, and in fact adding to the genetic memory of their kind.
Karmic Weight, if someone really lets off a stupid doozy of a lie, Lequth does nothing but watch because it won't need their interference to come to a halt. But if someone is doing bad things long-term and covering their tracks, knowing that if they get caught things will collapse? Lequth will consult with whoever is appropriate be they a campus legal rep, or more serious agencies, and Lishan and they will do their best to make sure that those people get punished. If needed, this might include simply getting caught on camera shoplifting, or having a sudden alibi pipe up to exonerate from a false accusation. No 'rocks fall everyone dies' karma here, but if you're building a house of cards, be prepared for some papercuts...
Kismet, it's fine if we're late to this party, turns out that the pizza guy was stuck in traffic and we didn't get started until you showed up!
Prismatic Breath, usually according to their main coloration, Lequth can give off a violet colored breath weapon that seems to be filled with glitter flakes, and this may literally blind a person or creature causing them to be subdued more easily. They can direct this beam into a very narrow area and keep anyone else out of the line of fire, but prefers not to use this in a crowd lest innocents get hurt
Parentage: unknown Court based DNA, unrelated to others in the Opal court, will breed with specific traits carrying depending on their partner
Origin: Nidus Asteri, Opal Court, by Dragonflight
Other Info: Lequth likes listening in to classroom antics when it is 8th Period fiction time! Some students who know about Lequth's abilities put them to the test, trying to write things as accurately to themselves as possible, and have sometimes requested help with creating long storylines that don't conflict. Lequth has seriously considered a paying job doing copy editing for this reason