Kaytcha Linea ahlKhat

Name Kaytcha Linea ahlKhat "Kitty Khat"
Age unknown, eternally young
Homeworld Technically an unknown 'fantasy with fur' dimension; several versions exist, including the Pernese 'human' from the story below; she however is currently from Twoarth / The End
Species Felii/Human hybrid, passing as a lion-feline kin
Gender/Pref Female, straight, married
Post Instructor
Tenure Newish, returning alum
Smarts/GM 3
Bod/Feets 7
Luck 7
Drive 4, Navigate 6
Looks 6
Cool/Mouth 5
Bonk 5*

Multidimensional Genrehopper (Reality Shifter?) - Kitty was born of disparate worlds, offspring of a Felii mother and a Human father, a feat that was widely considered impossible (and, for all purposes, not merely 'considered' impossible). While her mother was carrying her, Kitty was blessed by her ancestor Akir Rennanifog Khat, and also while pregnant, Leticia traveled seas that led from one dimension to the next seamlessly. It was on one of those lost journeys that she found the Thousand Sands sea, and on one particular sandy beach, Kitty was washed up with her mother. Safe and sound, both of them. The sands were near The End: a few miles away from the Pier, which directly intersects the beach beyond The End's open dimension gate. It also overlaps with Twoarth, Anearth, and numerous other spots, a nexus itself. Kitty thinks practically nothing of the journeys, they come totally natural to her, and she can find herself as a hero in Paragon City, or a dragon riding furless Pernese, just as easily as living the dream driving up the California coast with Fluffy in his lambourghini. She sees the differences in dimensions, but has never been confused by them

Dragonrider - since it's quite cool, Quisanth has returned with her to this odd place, after having numerous adventures back on either Pern or Alskyr

Clusters C
Skills L
Knacks Al
Period Class Teaching
Song: F
Dragon Gold Quisanth
Hatched Impressed at Sapphire Weyr
Partners? Feng Su, and others spliced or in other dimensions
Children? Yes, though generally speaking they're on Zekira


Below, her Pernese "memories" and info; this is not her only incarnation. Page was originally found on geocities.com/raanatani/ and note that this story differs in ways from Leticia's memories...

Kaytcha, female, age 14 turns
Apprentice Dolphineer, has not bonded to a dolphin even though she has been around them all her life. Fostered at Mama Tani's, mother Leticia is a dolphineer, father was a trader but was murdered by a rival just after siring Kaytcha.

Kaytcha stands around 5'8 and is a very sturdy but flexibly build young lady. She will be very well rounded, but her muscularity will always be visible. Her hair is 'big' and silvery white, falling in a huge wave down to her hips. Her eyes are very large and spring-green, and her skin is tanned.

Kaytcha is a very happy person, even though she knows she will never know most of her true family. She has been fostered to a great success by Raanatani, who actually must be a relative of hers (the build, hair and eyes are dead giveaways!) through her mother's side. She is very cute, always helpful to people and dolphins alike. She spends most of her time in the water of by the beach, and has traveled to the Enclave hold for visits to the dolphin pods there. Every once in a while, Kaytcha runs up against something her happiness and innate attitude cannot defeat, and becomes very serious. There are few things that can do this: taking something of hers, or betraying her trust, are a couple.

Kaytcha was born nearer the Enclave than Tani's cothold, but was taken south west by the dolphin pod. Raanatani and one of her healer friends rescued Leticia and the small baby she carried all the way across the ocean. In the time that her mother spent at the Cothold, she left very specific instructions as to finding the family, a brief history, and a promise that on her twentieth turnday Leticia would be sure to greet her again from no matter where she had been. Raanatani swore that her Kaytcha would be well. Kaytcha took to her harper lessons like a fish to water, and took to water like... a fish! She enjoyed swimming so much that Raanatani brought in a dolphineer and fishcrafter to assist in her education in those crafts. Kaytcha is a very quick learner, and often senses connections where others cannot. She innovates in a sudden, compulsive way, often acting on her decisions before even telling anyone why she is doing it.

Kaytcha is fond of a certain young man near the cothold, namely Feng the journeyman Smithcrafter who makes many of the cothold's common items (chairs, hinges, runner shoes, etc). He is very protective of her, but allows her a strong lead when she finds something fun to do. He will certainly be the best man for her to remain with, even if she does Impress a dragon. He may impress as well, so they hope to impress complimentary dragons.

If Kaytcha does impress, she will remain with the weyr that the clutch is at, until her dragon is an adult. Then, she has been promised a spot in a wing at the Kshau Protectorate, where many of her foster-siblings have already established themselves. She certainly hopes to impress a gold, but any dragon -- or even a dolphin if she does not impress a dragon -- will bring Kaytcha into the skies with glee.


Read on, now, as the Impression is made!!

Kaytcha, Foreng and many others were called to the hatching sands. It was night time, a fact which annoyed many of the candidates, though not either of this pair. When the eggs started shattering open, the first to exit his shell was a great bronze! The other Fosterling, Aries, was of course the one to Impress him! Foreng congratulated the man, as they passed. However, it was his turn next, as a pair of browns barreled into the boys. He Impressed, and led his brown off the sands.

Kaytcha stood watching after them, smiling broadly. So, he was to be F'eng of Brown Nelloth -- but he was always Fluffy to her. Several greens impressed girls at the same time, and they left as a little clique.

One of the odd, special eggs clutched by a white opened. The green and white creature impressed a girl and then several regular eggs hatched, a blue and brown. Once they had impressed, neither to males, everyone's attention turned to the queen egg. It was beautiful, Kaytcha thought. The way it shone reminded her of seeing glittering treasure under the sea.

Then, the egg broke open, and out came an angry queen indeed! She hissed and bit at many of the girls who were gathered around her, each of them trying to vye for her impression.

Get back! I am Quisanth and I do not want any of you!

Kaytcha did not leap back as the other girls did, of course she had her own opinion of how this regal but snippy gold should act! Espeically on such an amazing occasion as a triple-clutch hatching!

"Now listen here! Just because you're a dragon does not mean I'm going to step back for you!" Kaytcha looked at the gold's eyes which had shifted from angry red-orange to a deep, pleased and harmonic green blue, the color of Kaytcha's eyes and the sea. "Even if you ..." Kaytcha began to realize what had happened! "Are ... the most wonderful dragon alive, Quisanth! I'm sorry, love!"

She hugged the golden dragon's neck as the other girls turned away disappointed by this event.

Quisanth bespoke with her strong, queenly voice, I love you, you do not have to step back at all, my rider and my friend! I am hungry though! Please show me where the food is. And oh, could you scratch that part on my back? Oh, it itches so! It is so dry out here!


Quisanth has grown so fast! Her eagerness to fly has almost gotten her into trouble.

"Qui, we're not meant to fly like that, not with the others in the weyr..."

But I want to! They get to do all those great patterns and fly in big wings! All we get to do is graze the ground and train with that awful flame thrower.

"I know you don't like it. But we can't breathe fire with the others, so we would only be in the way! And you're getting so big, that you can't possibly fly with the same wings as they." Kaytcha explained patiently, from above the weyr's bowl.

I will fly where I will, Quisanth bespoke with a rebelious tone.

"You'll fly where the weyrling master tells you to!" Kaytcha said, and then her eyes turned to the love of her life, who flew even now on his big strong brown Nelloth.

"Oh, look at them. Now, they're the ones who are meant to fly Thread, my love. You and I are... meant for other things!" Kaytcha giggled, and her dragon, still too young to clutch, wondered why she was acting like that.


"You silly girl, of course I'll still love F'eng if you are caught by some other dragon in a flight. We can't be pulled apart quite so easily." Kaytcha explained. But there was always a kernel of doubt, of the possibilty that she might be cornered into a weyr with some other rider...

She denied the possibility any more credence. Nelloth would surely be determined enough to fly her golden Quisanth when the time came. She had heard that such love as theirs often brought strong, healthy clutches.

We will have such beautiful eggs... But I am not ready yet. Sapphire weyr is beautiful, but you said that we should be off now?

"To the Protectorate. You and I, my sweet, are to fly in the Valley of Flames wing. Doesn't that sound great?"

It sounds like we will have to fly with a number of other greens and golds who don't like flamethrowers.

"Sounds to me like we'll be riding with powerful queens and young greens who don't like chewing firestone! Silly!"




Name: Quisanth
Gender: Female, Queen
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium
Parentage: White Galleth and Brown Prasoth
Origin: Sapphire Weyr clutch 3
Other Info:

Mate Brown Nelloth / Alabaster-Blackstone Giveaway "Alabaster" Style
Offspring Gold Ingarth
Gold Yantroth
Bronze Drutth
Bronze Myoprath
Bronze Tluhenth
Copper Mysth
Copper Omhounuth
Copper Zwinth
Brown Vinibroth
Mate Brown Nelloth / Apparently an Isla flight I don't remember this at all nor did I even get a dragon from it and only one is with a Discord person? I may look into deprecating this because unless someone has records since they're no longer online, I see no reason to believe it was there at all? it was FGPC
Offspring Gold Jazlinth
Gold Takarath
Bronze Raniath
Platinum Skylshaenth (luna)
Mate Brown Nelloth / Cy Dragonstake with only one offspring?
Offspring Bronze Kueveth (Xenrai)