Dragon |
Name: Bai Chengan (??)
Gender: Male
*Size/Shoulder/Length: small, 8' (4' s) / 15' l / 35' and 12' ws (yeah yeah he looks way bigger than that sounds!)
Colors: Kunzite-White-Bronze Calico, or as Lunchbox likes to say, Cheng-a-Neopolitan, strawberry vanilla chocolate...
Features: Dragontaur Mutt
Communicatation: Telepathy and Verbal Speech, generally preferring verbal speech, since he has a rich voice that many females (and males) of most species find to be extremely pleasing. He can speak several languages, English and Cantonese, a bit of Russian, Italian, Korean, and even Vortigese. His telepathic range is quite good, able to cover the entire CHS campus like chocolate drizzle over the ice cream of his cool, creamy mental voice...
Physical Abilities: Immortality, Chengan is not going to die of old age, having become 'mature enough' to attend school with his caretaker, and might add a little 'wisdom' as he grows much older than his human companion might get. This is not to say that he can regenerate or resist damage, and might be killed in that manner but who would ever do such a thing?
Winged Flight,
with two technical pairs of wings, Chengan lifts and accelerates with the big ones, and his taur-torso wings allow him to do amazing feats of aerial maneuvering. It does wear him out to fly for long distances or do a lot of tricks in a short period, but no more than, say, a human doing a relay or hurdles race in Track. He can carry at least one humanoid, plus gear, but only at 'large or normal' scale, however there are tiny students that can be picked up and rushed to class at his tiny scale!
Powers: *Size Shifting, an extremely strong power that he can use to become quite large, or more often very, very small. As normally he's able to fit easily into any given modern CHS classroom (though has to just sit his rump down and tuck his wings to allow anyone else to come through after) outside he can attain a shoulder height of 10' and shade a full class at a sports event with those now-bigger wings, or reduce himself to a literal housecat at about 1' at the shoulder. He maintains his ratio of head/shoulder, length, and wingspan in all of these sizes, and yes that does kinda make him a hefty chonker at cat-size. Hush, he's gorgeous. And delicious.
Teleportation, If you're worried you are going to be late, don't be. He has zero shame in looking around a class, noticing that one student's still not here just before the bell - he'll give a quick search with his mind, spot the kid, pop out of class and back again before the bell has run its second ding. Just stay on his good side, introduce yourself, offer something fun in trade now and then for the effort!
Parentage: Bai Meifen and Tyiarin
none yet
Origin: Burrow Generation 5 White
Art By:
Other Info: Playful, Spunky, and Quick-Witted, Chengan loves games of thought as much as speedy reactions, so his dorm shared with Lunchbox and Bookbag (and her future dragon too) has its own nerd nook where his colorful sets of rpg dice, video game console, marble chess set, and other such stuff is stored right next to his school satchel and sports gear. He will never - ever - turn down another set of dice,