
Name "LunchBox"


Homeworld Pandora, the shitty one
Species Human...?
Totem Horny Toad, the 'hey, baby - Owch!' totem. Constantly looking for mates, uses any means necessary.
-1 S/Gm, +2 Bod, -1 RWP, +3 Luck, +2 Drive, +2 Looks, +1 Cool, -1 Bonk, +7 extra KK's
Nut Who wants to tell them that when they say they aren't more than 'a little nutty', they are absolutely deluded?
Class Senior, 40kks
Smarts 3 > 2
Bod/Feet 8 > 10
RWP 2 > 1
Luck 7 > 10
Drive 8 > 10
Looks 3 > 5
Cool 6 > 7
Bonk 4 > 3^

Toughness - takes twice the amount of Meat/Bonk before face-planting. He's a wiry, lean guy who doesn't look like he could take more than one punch but you'd be surprised when he soaks the first one and then doesn't let you get a second in. He's fast as well, so it's unlikely you'll even hit him the first time you try...

Fingerguns - almost always hits their target even if it's just with a perfect smile; any Aiming for powers or effects is always at +3^. He just figures if he imagines a line between his fist or a gun or even the spoon and a food tray during Caffetorium rush hour, it'll connect. And unless something is very, very squirmy or has some other defense, it most certainly will connect!

Actual Guns - a Bandit 'brand' Purple Room Clener Shotgun with a very close range, 3 barrels providing three different elemental effects (Incindiary, Freeze, and Slag) that he can selectively fire or just hit all three triggers and have a freakin party in the room. This gun generally speaking will be of use to clear out any spare confetti or party favors when an actual party has been had, or can be used to briefly disrupt a mosh pit, or even make things ... slippery...

Maliwan Ice Spike Shield - when you need to [insert elemental effect here] your enemy Maliwan's your best option! This shield has a capacity of 4 hits, and will drop when that has been exceeded. However, any idiot that gets too close to Lunchbox while that shield is active will take 2 Bonk damage and have a chance (luck-based on Lunchbox's part...) (meaning 100% of the time) to be put into a Deep Freeze that temporarily freezes them in a block of frosty ice. This won't necessarily completely freeze large targets or those who have resistances to cold damage, but it will definitely slow them down regardless!


Amazingly Cultured Palate +5 Lunchbox has always loved foods, different tastes and cultural influences appear throughout his hand-scrawled cook book in fact. He will (somewhat politely) ask a student if he could have a taste of whatever it is they're eating if he's never smelled or tasted it before, and is capable of discerning a remarkable amount of detail from the types of meats or vegetables used, to the locations where you could possibly find the spices, how they were dried or ground, and even whether it's got poison or bacteria on it. Now, he will also do this with dumpster diving and rooting around behind restaurants in back alleys, but most of the time people think he's just another bum or a wild animal looking for a meal...

Cleans Up Okayish +2 This is not a practiced skill, but when he actually has to behave in a manner befitting of a formal dinner or a calm presentation such as an Iron Chef exhibit, Lunchbox deals pretty decently with it. Doesn't mean he can keep it up for very long, but it's not out of his wheelhouse so to speak, and he understands that if a health inspector comes around, he'll have to put up appearances anyway right? He can't threaten them, right?


Can In Fact Drive Anything +4 Does it have a method to move forward or 'whatever'? Could be a sled, a skateboard, jetski, hovercraft, minivan, even a train car (doesn't have to be the engine), a jet airplane, probably a starship... If it moves somewhere, Lunchbox will use it to get somewhere in it. It does have to be fueled up if it requires that, but he also somehow knows how to find the refueling stations for longer trips. Will not hesitate to reach over and grab the wheel or even shove you over if you're 'doing it wrong'

Yeah He Can Read That Menu For You +3 If it has to do with food, in any way, even 'don't eat this' signs will become perfectly clear. Lunchbox's brain simply seems to recognize what is and is not on the menu, and that menu can be in Cantonese, Croatian, Wenja, or Wingdings. If it depicts food or warnings that it is distinctly not food, it's clear as day

Eat Anything Without Consequence +3 Look, when you're a Bandit you have to survive in the middle of nothing while other things are trying to eat you. Lunchbox gets around this by just. Putting stuff into his maw and swallowing and if it's not going to kill him outright it'll at least keep him going for a while until he can eat real food. How this translates to a guy who can cook as well as he does is anyone's guess... Maybe he understands elemental flavors better, maybe he likes the texture of sand versus dirt. Who even knows

^Hits What He Aims At +3 (as above, a freebie skill set)


Constantly Screaming 'Strip the flesh! salt the wound!' And Freaking People Out Until You Realize It's A Barbeque -4/+4 self-explanatory...

"I SMELL DELICIOUS" +3 yes he does

"WE'VE REPLACED THIS CREATURE'S NORMAL FOOD WITH POISON. LET'S SEE IF HE NOTICES!" +3 If you ever doubted this, Lunchbox is also adept with not edible foods...

Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb)
1 Martial Arts and Stealth Tech for Deselection Practitioners / Hart / Decent
2 Herbs and Veggies / Ihrinnah / Excellent
3 Galactic History (Local) / Argle / Excellent
4 Interspecies Politics / Kuyul / Decent
5 Offworld Literature / Gabriella / Decent
6 Measuring Up / Haital / Superb
7 Exotic Diets and Cooking / L.Sidki-Sanger / Excellent
8 Careers: Catering ('fancy') / K.Zuvraat / Excellent
Pets ?
Parents? Third generation Dahl employees abandoned on Pandora... that is to say 'prisoners that were turned to Psychos and rehabilitated'
Siblings? Sister Bookbag
Image From Rinmaru Post-Apoc Couple (Flashpoint)
Other Info

They live near the campus in an apartment with other students from Pandora.

Very little else is memorable about this student. But. But wait that's pretty memorable.



Name: Bai Chengan (??)
Gender: Male
*Size/Shoulder/Length: small, 8' (4' s) / 15' l / 35' and 12' ws (yeah yeah he looks way bigger than that sounds!)
Colors: Kunzite-White-Bronze Calico, or as Lunchbox likes to say, Cheng-a-Neopolitan, strawberry vanilla chocolate...
Features: Dragontaur Mutt
Communicatation: Telepathy and Verbal Speech, generally preferring verbal speech, since he has a rich voice that many females (and males) of most species find to be extremely pleasing. He can speak several languages, English and Cantonese, a bit of Russian, Italian, Korean, and even Vortigese. His telepathic range is quite good, able to cover the entire CHS campus like chocolate drizzle over the ice cream of his cool, creamy mental voice...
Physical Abilities: Immortality, Chengan is not going to die of old age, having become 'mature enough' to attend school with his caretaker, and might add a little 'wisdom' as he grows much older than his human companion might get. This is not to say that he can regenerate or resist damage, and might be killed in that manner but who would ever do such a thing?
Winged Flight, with two technical pairs of wings, Chengan lifts and accelerates with the big ones, and his taur-torso wings allow him to do amazing feats of aerial maneuvering. It does wear him out to fly for long distances or do a lot of tricks in a short period, but no more than, say, a human doing a relay or hurdles race in Track. He can carry at least one humanoid, plus gear, but only at 'large or normal' scale, however there are tiny students that can be picked up and rushed to class at his tiny scale!
Powers: *Size Shifting, an extremely strong power that he can use to become quite large, or more often very, very small. As normally he's able to fit easily into any given modern CHS classroom (though has to just sit his rump down and tuck his wings to allow anyone else to come through after) outside he can attain a shoulder height of 10' and shade a full class at a sports event with those now-bigger wings, or reduce himself to a literal housecat at about 1' at the shoulder. He maintains his ratio of head/shoulder, length, and wingspan in all of these sizes, and yes that does kinda make him a hefty chonker at cat-size. Hush, he's gorgeous. And delicious.
Teleportation, If you're worried you are going to be late, don't be. He has zero shame in looking around a class, noticing that one student's still not here just before the bell - he'll give a quick search with his mind, spot the kid, pop out of class and back again before the bell has run its second ding. Just stay on his good side, introduce yourself, offer something fun in trade now and then for the effort!
Parentage: Bai Meifen and Tyiarin
Mate/Offspring: none yet
Origin: Burrow Generation 5 White
Art By: Phe
Other Info: Playful, Spunky, and Quick-Witted, Chengan loves games of thought as much as speedy reactions, so his dorm shared with Lunchbox and Bookbag (and her future dragon too) has its own nerd nook where his colorful sets of rpg dice, video game console, marble chess set, and other such stuff is stored right next to his school satchel and sports gear. He will never - ever - turn down another set of dice,

Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb)
1 Draconic Teleportation / Gembira / Superb
2 Snappy Comebacks and Heroic Banter / Foxx / Excellent
3 Betting and Odds / Haital / Superb
4 Decoding Magical Texts / Candycorn / Excellent
5 Science of Shapeshifting / Hylith / Excellent (usually a subject)
6 Party Planning / Zeets / Superb
7 Naming and the Power of True Names / Noah / Excellent
8 Dungeon Crawl Team / Mehta / Superb