Malcolm and Jasper Engel

Name Malcolm Engel
Gender Male, he/him, bi
Homeworld Twoarth (heavily The End influenced), born at Alabaster in Talon City
Species ....huuuuuman? Half Human anyway
Totem Virus, the Come On, I'm Not Infectious Any More totem, highly adaptable and apparently fun to be with, but evil to the core
+2, +2, -3, 0, -1, -2, 0, +2, 5kk - modified^
Nut Ghost Pepper Macadamia, so sweet and smooth until you realize your soul is leaving your body
Class Junior in 2028
Smarts 6 > 8
Bod/Feet 3 > 5
RWP 4 > 2^
Luck 3
Drive 2 > 2^
Looks 5 > 5^
Cool 4
Bonk 3 > 5

Genrehopping - Mal can blip away from Twoarth and visit very distant locations via the Outside. These include Paragon, Pern, Repurposed Earth, The End itself, Zekira (both versions), Planet Twenty, the World, and basically wherever dragons reach as well. He can take another human-sized person with him, though if others with this ability including dragons are there, he can tap their energy too and expand the volume of his power. This is almost effortless for him, and he always makes it home unscathed somehow (perhaps he is actually a Reality Shifter too?). Believe it or not this is his dad's influence, Engel is after all multidimensional.

Create And Destroy - Do you need a spoon or a napkin or an intergalactic space cruiser? You got it. He has a specific hammerspace that leads to mom's Outside, and since her Outside is also the Void, between, the Nexus, Hyperspace, he can tap it all to find discarded memories of those items in great quantity. Misota has had to instruct him very very soundly on its use, because look you cannot just make a nuclear bomb out of nothing in public Mal.

Clusters Contracts And Legalese +4 You wouldn't think a kid would have this much know-how about whether that contract you're signing is going to be up front about how much of your soul is distributed, and yet here we are. He doesn't make a big deal of it, but he is definitely always scheming and working out ways that he's not going to be blamed for anything that goes wrong once you sign here...

Organizational Operations +4 He's very sly and easily manipulates people, and there's always something he's planning in the back of his mind that requires people to be in the right place at the right time for them to go off. When he consciously works on this you will know your place and you'll do what he instructs, his commands have weight. Groups and teams get +2 to all skill checks when he's in charge

Trouble Follows Him Like A Puppy With A Stick Of Dynamite +3 Just because he isn't getting into trouble, doesn't mean you won't get into trouble for being around him. In fact it's highly likely. This only applies to people he's not somehow related to or involved with directly through either side of his family. But girl or boyfriends, gangs, study partners, maybe business connections too, there's always going to be a chance that something will go wrong. Not usually badly wrong, but definitely 'gets eyed and maybe audited' wrong. Yes, he absolutely will use this against enemies

Prompt And Prepped +3 For someone who seems as chill as his brother, Mal always has his shit together. He knows what time the train's leaving for Talon, how long it'll take to get his hair dry and his paperwork ready, he's never actually been late to class even if everyone assumes he will be given he's never out the door until it's a few seconds to the bell. Of course he cheats and just pops through a dimension, that's his thing

Knacks Will Probably Have Kids Before He's Graduated +3 He is charming and pretty and very, very rich. The real question is will he also have an assortment of STDs by then too?
Period Class/Instructor/Grade
1 Nexus Geohistory / T.Kshau / Excellent
2 Royalty and Regular Folks / Sean / Excellent
3 Business Math / Sila'Casar / Decent
4 Careers: Diplomatic Envoy (Interdimensional) / Vaelan / Excellent
5 Teleportation Practice / Retali8r / Superb
6 Personal Space Creation / Bunyi / Superb
7 Make Your Own Planet / Ninhursag / Excellent
8 Coddling Codexes / Kale-Baah / Superb
Pets ?
Parents? Mother Misota (in her Paragon / Heroic human The Endings guise)
Father Jeff Engel of Twoarth/Skinside
Siblings? Half brother Jasper, other half-siblings all over the multiverse
Image From Drawn by Lethe, adopted from Meerestier on Deviantart
Bonded At  
Name Jasper Engel
Gender Male, he/him, probably less than straight
Homeworld Twoarth, born at Alabaster in Talon City
Species Human, engineered
Totem Sloth, the Jesus Keep Your Shirt On totem, middleman operator supreme, smugglers, fences, used car salesmen
+3, -2, -1, +1, -2, -1, -1, 0, +5kk - modified^
Nut Not really a nut so much as a hefty wafting weed nug
Class Junior in 2028
Smarts 5 > 8
Bod/Feet 5 > 3
RWP 3 > 2
Luck 2 > 3
Drive 2 > 2^
Looks 4 > 3
Cool 6 > 6^
Bonk 5

Dragon Mastery - Though his dad is not of the Alabaster Weyrhold realm, most of Jasper's ability is in the manipulation and gentle command of things that are otherwise impossible to control. Anything from flitters and alisgryphs to gigantic space worms, if someone calls them a 'dragon' he can communicate with them and get them on 'his side' somehow. More often than not he's surrounded by other people's dragons and pets, though he's not malicious in this he's always happy to shoo them back to their proper place. This does however mean that he has become a focal point for their attention. Whether this is good or bad is kind of up to the dragons.

Easily Augmented - Mandragora's DNA is very well suited to using implanted technology to remotely work or to interchange new body parts. Jasper doesn't need to have any of those parts on him, but he can still use them. Yeah, think on that... In proximity to people with augmentations, he can usurp their functionality and basically command their implants. He does not do this lightly, this is something he's had a lot of intense ethical discussion about already and he won't misuse it. Probably.

Clusters Know A Guy Who Knows A Guy +4 All the connections that Alabaster does have are his to command. At least that's how he sees it. Various family members, the entirety of the Sanger group, if they work for or associate with Alabaster in some way, Jasper is going to be able to convince them to help you out. And now you owe him that help if he calls on you for it too

Mix N Match +4 Whether it's clothing styles, music to mashup, or couples and groups for the school parties, Jasper makes it work. On first glance you might think 'those colors clash' but then you get closer and see subtle commonalities or complementary features. Sounds and music that don't 'go together' definitely do when he's the DJ. He can rely on his bro to make sure that everyone cooperates while they're being shoved together, and the results are always *chef's kiss*

He's Pretty Chill Until He Isn't +3 It takes a world of effort to get Jasper actually angry. But if he is angry at you, you will know it. He can bring down the entire Alabaster quarry on your ass if you screw up under his watch, or if he thinks you are a shitstain in general. It's pretty guaranteed that if he thinks you are a shitstain, you are. He can also point a mob or lawyers at your company, he doesn't have to get his hands dirty at all, just like dad hardly ever does. But he himself will punch Nazis and Retros right in their fuckin face if he sees them, no warning needed and no apology ever coming

Can Be As Late As He Wants And Not Get In Trouble +3 Unlike Mal, Jasper does stroll in half an hour after the bell and absolutely reeking of weed, but he has his homework done already for next week and can answer your quiz problems without even consulting the book. While this is frustrating and does drop his citizenship grades from perfect, he's never going to get written up or even questioned about it, not even by dad

Knacks Who Keeps Giving Him Smokes? +3 are those just cloves or is that actually weed? Is that filtered? My god kid you need to cut back you'll need those augmented lungs by the time you're 20. What do you mean "what makes you think I didn't have them already"?
Period Class/Instructor/Grade
1 Netiquette / Charybdis / Excellent
2 Nano Culture and Cyborgs / Mandragora / Excellent
3 Betting and Odds / Haital / Superb
4 Dragon Riding And Tactics / H'lis / Superb
5 Practical Augmentation Control / Defrag / Superb
6 Bollywood and Flashmobs / TBD / Excellent
7 Cyberdecks And You / Blitz / Excellent
8 Colonization and Conflict / Trickster / Decent
Pets All of the draconic creatures around him, really
Parents? Mother Mandragora (spliced from samples taken while she was being renovated by the Doc)
Father Jeff Engel of Twoarth/Skinside
Siblings? Half brother Malcolm, several half-siblings mostly Endings
Image From Drawn by Lethe, adopted from Websurfer626 on Deviantart
Bonded At  




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