Rowan Greene


Name Rowan Greene

Male, he/him, straight

Homeworld The World, Gristol, Dunwall || Note has a Void Travelers page where his history and skills are
Species Magical Human; child of heretical parents, and Marked by the Outsider (+2 Bonecharms, Magic)
Totem Porcupine, the Hug Me totem, Looks stand offish but is actually very friendly (though he's kinda...)
0 +1 -1 +3 -3 0 +1 0 +5kks
Nut Doesn't want to admit it but he's a little nutty. Growing nuts on trees and bushes, in fact
Class Junior 30kks
Smarts 4
Bod/Feet 3 > 4
RWP 7 > 6 (now with the occasional professor standing in if they like his powers/focus, adults like him)
Luck 4 > 7 (just in time, got that Mark)
Drive 3 > 0 (may have dragon riding in the future though)
Looks 3
Cool 2 > 3
Bonk 4

Marked By The Outsider - on his way to being interrogated as a heretic just two years past, the Outsider stepped in and gifted his Mark onto Rowan's hand, allowing him to escape the Abbey and make his way down to the area where, inexplicably, there were dragons at the docks. This Mark is visible clearly not only to the eye as a tattoo, but to anyone with magical or psionic / psychic perception it is there as a brightly shifting sunlit green aura. Though it currently only looks 'black' on his hand, it has begun to change color and a little shape, becoming more like the magic he usually weilds, in the form of vines and leaves. This Mark allows him to manipulate magical energies and though these are not his only powers, he'll certainly invent new uses as he grows up!

-- Leaf Fall - he can survive significant drops from heights, by become a leaf on the wind (not like that TOO SOON) and directing himself to a softer landing spot. In stiff winds he can either be tossed around if he's not paying attention, or go in a more speedy manner much farther than merely falling. This power activates automatically, and doesn't consume any mana unless he's concentrating on where to land or extending his flight significantly

-- Vine Whip - though he can use it within 10 meters as a weapon inflicting both 1 bonk of cutting damage and if need be 1 more bonk of *non-lethal neurotoxin, he more often will use this long slightly-thorny vine that emerges from his left hand as an extended grip, pulling small items toward himself such as tools or seedlings in pots. He has worked up to being able to actually lift a large dog, and when he goes back to Dunwall he can pull humans with effort. When just working on something small in the garden, this power does not take any mana. But if he is attacking with it, it will drain him a little with each hit

-- *Neurotoxin - this specific toxin that is on his whip barbs causes intense stinging and burning sensation, and typically will cause an enemy hit by it to be distracted by the pain, or even run away screaming. It will wear off after a few moments, but that is usually long enough to get out of the area. He can also brew this physically and is likely to sell it on the black market to help keep prying eyes away from people or places

-- Herbal Specialist - His mother was an herbalist, and taught him even as a very young child how to visually identify plants, sniff test them, taste test them, and work them into the soil or clip them from branches as they grew. This has become something quite a bit stronger than her more mundane unMarked ability, and he relishes being able to detect and identify plants at a distance up to 5 meters without even seeing them visually. With proximity or touch, he can fix broken twigs and small branches, leaves, and petals. And with concentration and a little time to prepare (soil, water, fertilizer, etc) he can grow a seed into a small plant within about 10 minutes. This requires unbroken concentration, so he usually does this in a quiet place or only with those who know better than to interrupt him while he works. Plants that have any particular fruit or edibility can provide very hearty results, and those which have poisons, healing properties, or other such features like spores for confusion or effect will be extra potent when he has worked on them

BoneCharms - he has two bonecharms that he took back from the Abbey on his way out. One of them provides him the ability to hold his breath for long periods of time (for working either under water, or in conditions where breathing smoke or inhaling fumes would be lethal). The other sometimes 'hums' with magical energy when he is near an item or person that may have benefits for him, such as plants, weapons, people with magic abilities themselves, or a book with information he needs. How it knows what he needs? Well, it's magic innit?


If It's About Plants +4 Rowan is no slouch who relies on wand-waving or cruise classes, he takes his professional goals seriously and as such he dedicates a tremendous amount of his waking hours, and some of his sleeping ones too, to thinking about plants. What you can do with them, where they should or can grow, what might eat them or what sort of structure or weapon you could make out of them. Mostly however, it's how they interact with human bodies and each other. He has a truly green thumb and it's not just in his name


Willing To Get His Hands Dirty +4 When in outdoors situations or scrambling around in the Dungeon Crawl areas, Rowan will eagerly put his hands on stones, brush away dirt and grime, dig at a half-seen mostly-buried item, and pry things out of the walls with his strong fingers. But an aspect of this is that if people need help with moving stuff, unearthing a tree stump or getting a boulder off of a car, loading a ballista, whatever it is, if it's something that normally requires work gloves and hazard equipment he will just dive right on it and get it done. As a team member he allows a group working together to benefit up to +1 each person on it, toward any skill rolls needed to complete their task

As Good At Debates As He Is Aiming Vines +4 Though he doesn't say much most of the time, when he chooses to speak his words will hit their mark just as well as his vines when he's busy trimming the topiary. He has a surprisingly good vocabulary though he's not what even he would consider an 'intellectual' type. He's not nerdy, just ready to research and understand things, and make sure he knows he's correct before he brings up a rebuttal. Likewise his vine whip is only used as a weapon when he knows there's no other recourse - he won't just swing it around in class or at the beach, it's not for showing off, it's an extension of himself

Careful Collector +3 Rowan's collection of plants and seeds has grown tremendously in the two years he's been at Carramba, and he's been able to travel with some of the science and cooking classes to find new and interesting plants to catalog and hopefully cultivate. When he gets back to his home in Dunwall, there's a greenhouse he's been hoping to renovate and he'll also be able to put in a windmill straight from Karnaca for power to make sure any refrigeration or air quality needs are met


Is Still Learning How To Have Fun -3/+3 Rowan's recent escape from the Abbey and his past losses of his family members still hurt to recall, and sometimes he'll be found just staring into space or at a particular plant until someone shakes him out of it. He will let them - the past is gone, time to move on. But sometimes it really is harder than that sounds

Will Name His Herbal Shop After Mom And Dad +1 Or maybe kids if he has them, or a boat if he needs to use one regularly. He's not obsessed, but he wants to have some kind of permanent reminder, thinking perhaps that their names inscribed on a shop sign or a birth certificate might pull that memory and give him some peace instead of grief

Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb)
1 Flower Arranging / Goldstem / Superb
2 Debate Tactics / Oryx / Decent
3 Glyphs and Scripts / Valena / Excellent
4 Measuring Up / Haital / Superb
5 Herbs and Veggies / Ihrinnah / Superb
6 Naming and the Power of True Names / Akarist / Decent
7 Dungeon Crawl / Mehta / Excellent (often provides plant based healing and fixes areas up)
8 Practical Potion Making / Candycorn / Superb
Pets ?
Parents? Lost both of them over time to the Abbey
Siblings? None known
Image From Azalea's Dolls Warrior maker (flashpoint)
Other Info Is a member of the Leaves fanclub, obviously, and spends a lot of time in the Tincture Kitchen helping with the herbs and potions! He has returned to Dunwall a few times, safely and secretly taken by professor Valena or one of his friends with their amazing dragons, to make sure that his home in the marshes will be safe and a good place to put down roots.




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