Vernon T. Zonie


Name Vernon T. Zonie - only some of that is a name. Named Vernon, he's known as Time Zonie because, well, his dad, or more accurately his grandfather...

Male, pan

Homeworld Twoarth, or whatever
Species Human Time Lord
Totem Sea Cucumber, the 'softrock' totem, the quintessential middle of the road accountant type. No modifiers. +7 extra KK's.
Nut Sometimes he feels like a Nut, sometimes he don't.
Class Sophomore, 25 kks
Smarts 3
Bod/Feet 8
Luck 7
Drive 2 (Genrehop, non-driving Navigation 8)
Looks 3
Cool 3
Bonk 3

Descended From Time Lords - it's something of a secret, but his dad is Surfer Dude (a professor at CHS now), and Dude's dad is The Night Guy, who is also known as Guy Night, brother of Daie Time. As such, and with interdimensionality being the norm among their crew as well as mom's, Vernon has specific powers based on immortality, time sense, and dimension travel built in. Time or Dimension related skills or clusters all start at +2.

-- Immortal, regardless of his Bonk score, he is not going to die from aging and is very hard to hurt for any length of time. He regenerates very quickly, even regrowing full limbs within about a week if he has a place to rest and some food and water. He cannot carry diseases.

-- Time Accurate, even if he's the son of a pair of extremely laid back surfers, he's able to accurately judge and respond to timely requests perfectly. He's not always 'on time' and not necessarily 'prompt', but he can tell you exactly how many seconds late he was to class, and how much time is left before the next one without looking at a clock. He also, unerringly, can tell you how long the planet has existed, what sidereal year and day it is, and how much time has elapsed since any given planetary event.

-- Genrehopper, his family is all over the multiverse, able to move between the big bang and the end of all creation, as well as every plane of existence between heaven and hell - centered on The End. His ability to know when he is, is coupled quite well with knowing exactly where he is, though mainly that's in terms of what dimension or version of Earth he's on rather than global coordinates. He can effortlessly move between related dimensions, but if he wants to go anywhere new, or places that are radically different from Earth specifically, he needs to break out a surfboard. It doesn't have to be the one shown, any will do, it's a focus for him, not a requirement.

Bit of Magic Here, A Little Spellcasting There - of course there is the fact that on numerous worlds that both of his parents have visited, including his birthplace of Twoarth, there is magic to be discovered. This actually may be due to his grandfather's wrangling of contracts and wording at Inc. Blotch (where all physics as well as rulings are formalized), but he's able to perform simple innate magic such as lighting and extinguishing bulbs or candles, cleaning himself up with a snap of his fingers, mainly magic of 'convenience' that doesn't really do much for long term needs, but can help briefly even if it's for someone else, such as a pillow or cushion suddenly appearing when they're falling, or his surfboard leading him to someone who's exhausted in the waves. While he does these offhand and without needing to chant or do any specific motion, he cannot really learn spell-casting as such, he's tried, maybe something is blocking him doing so. ('are you 18 or over?' 'sure!' 'kid, that's a fake ID, move along.')

Clusters 9

Genrehopping Venues +3 Extremely good at pinpointing just where they all want to gather, any party will benefit tremendously from Vernon selecting their spot. He's capable of bringing plenty of people, thanks to friends, family, dragons, and technology

Adaptable Methods and Expectations +2 What if you wind up in a place that doesn't like furries? What about breathable air? Too many storms, too few shelters? He is up for virtually anything, and though he knows he can easily just back right out of a place, sometimes it's more fun to figure out the best way to survive or thrive there


Enjoys Dragons And Flying +3 His mom's a rider, not a bad one either! She's taught him how to seat carefully and lean with the right motions, and he knows that it's a lot like surfing. A little higher in the air and higher stakes if you screw up of course, but he'd never let that slow him down. The air up in some places is just brilliant and clean, winds great for getting bugs in your teeth!

Laid Back And Relaxes You Too +3 If he wants you to be at ease, he knows just the way! Making people comfy and relaxed is important, so he knows how to spruce up a hotel room or make a beach blanket nice and smooth! Anyone he focuses this on, or a location, becomes a place where you could take a load off, rest up a bit, maybe take a nap

Surf Bum +3 Where ever there is surf, no matter how weaksauce or magnificent, he is able to use it to move across the beach or ocean. He knows how to swim in difficult or cold, dark, or strong currents. He recognizes when people are struggling in what looks like calm water, and will spring into action to help them get out of a riptide

Knacks Cy.
Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb)
1 Genre-Driven Fiction / McPanda / Excellent
2 Skin-Side Earth Language (Polish, German, Hungarian) / Prescott / Excellent
3 Naming and the Power of True Names / Akarist / Superb
4 Cartography / Lari / Superb
5 Surfing (probably also attending period 1) / Dude (dad!) / Superb
6 Party Planning / Zeets / Superb
7 Sea Dragon Care / Acuan / Excellent
8 Time Travel Machinery and Mapping Tech / Pepper / Decent
Pets Nah, he's got friends for that
Parents? Mother Val
Father Dude; grandfather Guy Night
Siblings? It's ... possible that Dude has other children? But not here
Image From Doll Divine HPScenemaker
Other Info He knew from the start that there would be dragons in his life, and enjoys finding 'strays' for others to hook up with

It seems like the dragons he's been befriending at the Summer Swim shores ... want to be known as "The B-Sides" for some reason, no one's clear on why. (^ on description indicates a Summer Swim Added Bonus Power not necessarily found in each of their respective parents potential list)


Name: Birkinth
Gender: male
Size/Shoulder/Length: 9' s / 35' l / 33' ws
Colors: Body white with stony blue-grey scaling; wings, webbing, crest, fins, and antennae Bold shiny dark Blue
Features: four legs with long webbed toes; two small (glide only) wings with 3 visible fingers; snub head with antenna brows, side fins, head to tail wavy spine fin; belly large armor segments; scaled skin
Stats: Strength 2; Agility 5; Speed 3; Health 5; Endurance 2; Intelligence 1
Powers: 6 Cold Manipulation^
5 Telepathy
4 Verbal Speech
3 Teleport, Water breath > ^ Ice breath
2 Genrehop
1 Swim
Parentage: Chishikith + Azalin type B
Mate/Offspring: *
Origin: Summer Swim 20th Anniversary
Art By: Shard
Other Info: He looks much more fierce than he really is. But protective and serves as an excellent lookout on the beach for anything untoward, and can drench an area in a cooling cloud if it gets too overbearing


Name: Jemokath
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: 7'2" s / 22' l / 32' ws
Colors: Pearl Red; body gentle pearl shiny white; webs, wingsails, belly armor, and crest/tail mulberry to wine red metallic
Features: Four broad webbed feet, hind bigger; 2 medium wings with one finger and 2 spars; equine head with webbed frills and smooth neck fin; belly armor; large tail spade; hide skin* *may become scaled, etc
Stats: Strength 1; Agility 4; Speed 5; Health 2; Endurance 2; Intelligence 4
Powers: 6 Air Magic, Verbal Speech
5 Teleport
4 Shift Evolution
3 Genrehop, Telepathy
2 Weather Magic
Parentage: Chishikinth + Ombak, type B
Mate/Offspring: *
Origin: Summer Swim 20th Anniversary
Art By: Shard
Other Info: This is the dragon you want watching your kids in the shallows, as he will make sure that the sun doesn't ruin their skin and they know when you're calling them back out with a little bit of amplification to your voice along the wind


Name: Beandass
Gender: Male Presenting ^Gendershifter - can bear and sire, offspring inherit shifting and breed capability 50% of the time
Size/Shoulder/Length: bigger than most in nest 10'9" s / 64' l / 50' ws
Colors: Iceberg Blue, body icy blue-tinted white; wingsails indigo to deep blue, fins slightly teal tinted blue, spines and claws aqua cyan
Features: Four webbed feet with claws, 4(thumb) on fore, 3 on hind; two medium wings with three finger spars and wrist claw (glide typical); long beak shaped head, central spine webbed crest, **spined web side crests, pupiled eyes; thicker long tail with spined single (vertical) fin; rubbery skin **dimorphic but not relevant
Stats: Strength 4; Agility 5; Speed 2; Health 6; Endurance 6; Intelligence 3
Powers: 6 Deep Swimming, ^Shapeshifting (humanoid form)
5 ^Flesh Manipulation (Healing, superficial alteration, dragon/kin only)
4 Teleport, Sonic Manipulation (can sing with the whales and call like the gulls)
3 Water Breathweapon, Telepathy
2 Verbal Speech, Genrehop
Parentage: Dalnia + Seiraliess Type B
Mate/Offspring: *
Origin: Summer Swim 20th Anniversary
Art By: Shard; morph form by Doll Divine (Senshi 3)
Other Info: The only thing cold about this dragon is their color scheme. Beandass is gregarious, flirty, and knows he's quite the catch - or she, because you might catch her that way too if the dragon's up for it... Okay okay, their job such as it will be, is definitely making sure that any dragons or kin that have draconic features are healthy, and can temporarily offer land or air-specific dragons webbing to their feet or legs so they can swim with the pros in the ocean!