
Name Devakhi
Gender Female (human, super)
Homeworld Rookery Aperture, to multi-world parents, Stationed Carramba and Paragon only
Class Junior
Totem none (Purple and Dane parents)
Smarts 6
Bod/Feet 6
Luck 3
Drive 3
Looks 4
Cool 4
Bonk 6
Powers Telepathy (receptive strong, sending weak)
Teleportation (flickershift)
Danger Sense (extreme, autoreacting)
Air Power (shield, flight, protection, force hit)
Clusters Superb Fighting +2
Utterly Crazy +2
Skills Climb Anything +3
Fight In Heels +2
Suddenly Go Ballistic +2
Knacks Wants To Impress Superheroes +3
Thinks Shields Are Last Resorts +2
Has Never Been Hit +2
1 Mastering Flight / Tempest Excellent
2 Battlefields of Earth / Pointman Decent
3 Armoring & Weaponsmithy / Collins Passing
4 Radiation Is Your Friend / Virus Decent
5 Martial Arts for the Fashion Conscious / Carver Superb
6 Epic Poetry / Rayne Decent
7 Chaos Geometry / Caroline Clone Passing
8 Snappy Comebacks / Carver Superb
Dragon Colorful Candy Shell
Doll DressUpChallenge (defunct)


Devakhi takes after her father in a lot of important respects. Visually, of course, she has his rich brown skin and dark hair. She is also somewhat more aggressive in her pursuit of 'evil things' than her mother - as a defender and protector, Purple was a bit surprised to see how quickly her daughter started fighting. Devakhi will be an important asset to the future of their world, but she also might not live to see it, at least that's what Purple says.

Devakhi thinks otherwise, but also seems to want to prove it. Right or wrong, she will choose a side and fight, and has never been known to lose once she's involved. Thing of it really is, that she forgets she's got built-in protections against being hurt. Her own senses keep her attuned to the dangers around her, and her ability to teleport rapidly as well as put up a nearly impervious air shield on instinct has prevented her from really taking any damage at all. This has led to her seeming a bit bonkers in terms of fighting style. She will use anything around her to win, at the same time seemingly ignoring any damage that might be done to the surroundings or herself. At worst, she's come away with singed hair or a broken shoe heel. At best, though... the nearby walls, floor, and any spare objects are in zillions of pieces. She is a walking anime-style disaster area if she starts going off and fighting.

All of that said, she's nowhere near as introverted as her father is. Emotionally speaking, she's fairly balanced, but only to a point. Rather than become somewhat suicidal, as he was often known to do, she becomes homicidal, and has had to be talked down from rages. Ironically enough, Uncle Wilson (her Martial Arts and Snappy Comebacks instructor) has been the one to do this the most often, and with the greatest success. He knows her pretty well, actually. She's not the bundle of issues he is, and he wants to keep it that way.

Dragon Name: Colorful Candy Shell
Gender: Female
Size: Medium Bipedal/Long 7'6" hip / 70' l / 70' and 30' ws
Colors: graphite black body with lots of markings, orange face, mottled scale orange feet and under tail to tip, wing finger tips, and wrists; belly speckled graphite with strong yellow striping; armor mottled black and yellow on neck, limbs, top of tail; face armor and horns, antennae shiny yellow; mane and tail brilliant white and pale grey striped; wingsails metallic deep red-orange with bright orange monarch markings; claws and spikes on tail black; lime green eyes
Features: Hybrid Pyrrhan Silk-Hivewing and bipedal noodle mutt, skin is hide with armor plating (feet are marked, not scaled), bipedal though one parent is quad so offspring may inherit differently; beaked head with large elegant horns and thin antennae, large external ears; fluffy mane and tail puff; armor on neck, fronts of limbs, back of tail; four limbs with very large claws, 4 digits; four wings, upper large with two visible fingers and elbow strut, short wrist thumb with claw, butterfly-like shaped leather, small wings stiff with straight arm, two fingers and elbow strut same length, short thumb; hind legs quite sturdy for sitting; very long shape, extremely long tail with spikes on armor, tuft, tail hook/stinger; egg layer, strongly marked
Powers: Winged flight, Shell is very confident in the air, sure of herself, and bold in battle just like her rider. She uses her large wings to gain speed and power, and the smaller ones for extremely quick turns and flight corrections in the heat of things. As a combat worthy dragon she is extremely adept, and well respected. She doesn't mind being occasionally tapped for transportation duties, but she does prefer fighting. Though one of her parents can teleport, she lacks training with it, and prefers to just fly.
Communication, though she very clearly understands and even obeys Devakhi's commands, Shell speaks only in draconic sounds, and rarely breaks into Vortal song. However, they do share a very close bond, and other telepaths assert that she has a clear mind to aim thoughts and ideas toward. She does, however, detect virtually all Vortal activity around her, so auras, mental communication, power use, anything that could be construed as Vortal, Magical, or Psychic in nature is very clear to her eyes. She passes on what she sees to Devakhi, processing complex shapes and odd power use to her. They can be sent after magicians and psychics for this reason, she can detect traps set by mages, and manipulate them if needed though it's rather difficult, she lacks magic training but can brute-force things.
Resistances, Tolerances, and Nasty Spit, her parentage has combined in a unique way to allow Shell to survive nearly anything - from poison bites, toxic clouds and spit, radiation, you name it; she can both eat and drink things that are obviously 'not' for consumption, and will suck down toxic waste just to get it out of her friends way. She then uses this - somehow the Hivewing in her has a specific ability to filter toxins and such, and spit it out in the form of a breath weapon. So yes, they tend to hang out in unsavory places, soaking up radiation and stray barrels of waste, so that later on she can belch up this mess of highly dangerous goo on enemies. Whatever goes in, does come out - but it also mixes up into a potent coctail of radioactive sticky toxic sludge. This will obviously harm anything not able to resist it.
Silk production, Shell can spin a coccoon that hardens around its victim (or whatever item needs to be preserved), virtually unbreakable for a duration. It takes a few minutes to harden, but once it does, the coccoon will last for several days before beginning to break down. It is not oxygen permeable, so if there's a person inside, they absolutely will suffocate before being broken out, unless they have their own supply. She uses the coccoon power to encase enemies, splurt it over explosives, and create barriers in doorways. Her ability also allows her to create more normal silks, sticky or soft at her will, though none of her silk lasts more than a few days, so it cannot be used to create anything more permanent like some Silkwings in the Rookery. She can use her 'grabby' hands, able to climb on virtually any surface that can support her (sizeable) weight, including upside down. She doesn't leave property damage behind when she's doing this, though weird sticky webs remain for an hour or so after she's traversed an area in this manner.
Parentage: mother Grabbity, father Ay'geevee, with siblings including That's A Wrap, Aim And Shoot, CAPSLOCK
Origin: Hallowed Silk project, both dragons of Gordon Freeman, slightly modified due to physical incompatibilities
Other Info: Devakhi and Shell will be remaining on Twoarth, though lapsing into Primal Earth to head over to Paragon City now and again. They are absolutely superheroes, and prefer the life of a non-invaded world rather than the bleak landscape of the Rookery.