Juno Engel

Name Juno Engel
Gender Female
Homeworld Rookery Aperture (mixed Human..ish), Offworld Envoy
Class Junior
Nut Not
Totem none (Opal and Engel parents)
Smarts 7
Bod/Feet 3
Luck 5
Drive 2
Looks 6
Cool 6
Bonk 3
Powers Telepathy (invasive, powerful)
Teleportation (LOS/memorized)
Mental Illusions (strong)
Psionic Sense (all in lines, dimensions)
Clusters Covert Information +2
Convince You Of Anything +3
Skills Legal Eagle (contracts) +3
Arrange and Organize +2
Control Unruly Groups +2
Knacks Deceptively Sweet +3
Overhear Everything +1
1 Nexus Geohistory / T.Kshau / Decent
2 Research Tactics for Genetic Engineering / Shy / Passing
3 Modeling / Armorshot / Superb
4 Zekiran Culture / Paveh / Superb
5 Honors English / Leland / Excellent
6 Super Team Building / Dane / Excellent
7 Business Math / Varnhagen / Decent
8 Basics of Law / Chanay / Superb
Dragon Cloudflash


Even if, say, a pair of people as completely perfect as Opal and Engel hadn't gotten together on purpose, which they did, it was pretty obvious that they belonged together. However, Juno belongs with her mother, at Aperture, in their destroyed Earth as much as she belongs in any other world where Engel lives. That is to say, everywhere. Juno is very comfortable in clean, neat situations - more so than she is among the rubble and ruins of her mother's homeworld. But she makes the best of everything, and wouldn't think of looking a little distressed (or a lot distressed) if she's feeling ill at ease.

Juno wants to be there, for her mother. She really does. But both of them know she can do far more good in her own element off their world. Zekira, Carramba, the Nexus, all equally open domains for one such as she. Her pale blue eyes see deeply into hearts and minds. Seeing the hurt and anguish of the Humans as well as Vorts left on that Earth pains her. Before she's really going to be of much use there, aside from her crowd control abilities, Juno is far better suited to life on Zekira. Not that that was where her father was from. There's another version of him there. He's more than happy to take up the slack of instruction if it ever lapses on Twoarth, which it hasn't. Not much, anyway.

As a socialite, Juno excelled from the start. As a young child she heard and understood so much more than anyone expected. As a teenager then, her skills at manipulation and information gathering have served her very well indeed - she won't cheat at exams, but she will make sure to expose those who do. Juno is ... not very generous with her time or abilities, she's absolutely cut-throat for doling out what needs to be said to the right ears. But she's rarely content to just withhold information and let things go the way they go - far from it, she'd rather purposefully make it known that she does know something, because she does enjoy people pleading with her for it.

She does have to work on that cruel streak a little. But it cannot be said to have been inherited from either of her parents more than the other - they're both remarkably horrible in their own ways. When Juno is summoned back to Rookery Earth, she will thrive in a position of power, and if she's not in a lofty spot, she will get there. It will never be at the cost of people she trusts or needs to rely on, that she learned from her father explicitly. Betraying trust is something that even Juno is not going to do. So for anyone that gains it, with difficulty, she will not falter in her efforts to keep that trust up.


Name: Cloudflash
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium (long/wings) 9'6" s / 50' l / 100' ws
Colors: belly from chin to tail tip dark violet slightly mottled lighter and darker; body, limbs, wing arms and dorsal wings, tail sides deep indigo-violet; top of face, dorsal armor extremely dark blue-black; trim armor bright gold mottled; wingsails deep violet with paler clouding marked with moving gold-white lightning on ventral side only; claws and head horns violet-grey mottled; back spines add lighter violet at neck; eyes bright aqua
Features: Tempestwing as shown with physical traits including Incredible jaw strength, Heavily plated scales, night vision
Powers: Winged Flight, Cloudflash's impressive wingspan isn't just for show, she is fast and strong in the air, and eagerly takes to the skies when there is a storm. However she also enjoys flying at night in clear skies just to freak people out with the weather visible on her wings. Because she has massive spikes on her spine it's hard for her to carry anyone on her back, but she's very capable of lifting extremely heavy weights in a harness. She can attain a full speed over 100mph in clear windless skies.
Communication, speaking in a voice that carries over miles if she wishes, Cloudflash is fluent in English and Draconic, and has been listening in on her bond's mental conversations learning a little more here and there. She does not have any further Vortal or telepathic abilities.
Lightning breath, like her kind, she is able to produce a massive jolt of lightning, though hers is not technically a 'breath' weapon so much as the stirring of her wings that create a field attracting 'natural' electrical energy. This is best done around 100 meters from the ground, or within that distance of an object that the lightning can strike, but it can be as small as a single human, or as large as a high-rise building. This will completely fry electronics, burn glass, ignite gasses and flammable things, and certainly kill living things. She can use this to disrupt communications as well as deafen and blind anything nearby.
Parentage: Unknown Tempestwings with no relatives in the Rookery
Origin: adopted from and fantribe by LunarSolstice981 with lines by xTamarax, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Even though she is quite large and dangerous in most ways, Cloudflash would never use her abilities against those in the Rookery or Protectorate. She is superb with posing and photo opportunities.