
Name Emerald
Gender Male
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Nut
Totem None
Smarts 5
Bod/Feet 6
Luck 4
Drive 2
Looks 5
Cool 4
Bonk 6
Powers Telepathy (Human)
Telepathy/Emp Dragon
Healing (Human)
Animal Bonding
Clusters XenoAnimal Care +3
Skills Medicine +2
Dragon Care +3
Aerial Navigation +2
Knacks Incredibly Into Furries +3
1 Mythological History / Kuumba
2 Pre-Pre-Med / Walsh
3 Genetic Engineering: Animal Theory / Shy
4 Measuring Up / Haital
5 Comparative Dragon Anatomy / S. Flilidechiroptidae
6 Exotic Team Sports: Dragon Racing / Staff
7 Inter-Species Politics / Liaxeri
8 Fur-Side Studies / Peacemongrel


Fetch (f)

Dragon RiverGlow
From Keroshima at Deviantart, MLP:FIM
(Donor Parent) Tessrabia Kshau
(Siblings) Pine, Patina





Name: RiverGlow
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Huge, bipedal 12' hip / 55' l / 50' ws
Colors: bright cyan body with assorted medium green and light green spots, light blue belly scales from neck to mid-tail; wingsails light green; crest, jaw frill and tail fins medium green; eyes hazel green
Features: Improbable Equestrian dragon, four slender legs, bipedal, forelimbs have 3 very long fingers and thumb, hind 3 long toes, no visible claws but are sharp; two leathery wings with single visible finger, internally total of 4, sharp wrist point, wings are nowhere near large enough to provide lift but still flies; scaled skin with round scales on body and limbs, wider soft armor plates on neck, belly, and to mid tail; body is long from nose and neck to shoulders, and chonky as hell on the butt and tail (eggs produced there, go figure); face is very long and sharply pointed, with large eyes, jaw frill, eyelashes; crest is very dramatic tined fins, to mid-neck, then down back and tail are wider more wave-like; tail is spaded
Powers: Magical Flight / Wing Aided, RiverGlow uses magic to lift off and move through the air, because while wider than some of her breed's wingspan, her wings could never physically lift her due to their very low surface area. She can use them to maneuver, gain speed, and hover more precisely. She can use her magic to lift improbable weights up to her own, though not at the same time as herself. This magic feels as though water is causing bouyancy, a pleasant sensation according to Emerald.
Verbal and Empathic Communication, RiverGlow is quite adept at understanding English, Draconic, and the language of animals that are able to communicate in their own tongues. She usually gets a good idea of what a non-sentient animal needs when near (within 25 meters), and gives off a special empathic and Vortal 'ping' to make sure that creatures nearby know that she's 'safe' (unless she's hunting...). She has a tight bond with her little human friend, and adores his flitter. She has a surprisingly high pitched voice for such a large dragon.
Water Spray Breath Weapon, RiverGlow is clearly suited to life near and in water, though she is a winged flier. Her breath weapon is not fire, rather it's a gush of warm (pure) water. No, this is not drool. Though she uses it to knock things over and push back smaller creatures, she can also focus it into a forceful battering ram, or drizzle to keep things moist, and even put fires out with it.
Healing Magic, RiverGlow can concentrate on healing small wounds, breaks, and illnesses by breathing a fine magical mist over whoever or whatever needs healing. She can stabilize dire wounds, but not completely heal them - that's something Emerald takes care of himself. Also she can numb flesh and skin, so that someone can still function but not be under so much painful interruption (at the risk of damaging themselves further, though). She is very much in demand for helping to heal injuries of dragons that have come back from battles with the Combine, as her breath mist allows her to numb their wingsails for easy sewing or repairs. She just wishes that they'd be more careful, as they also affect her empathic power and she feels basically every dragon's injury that comes near her...
Parentage: Unknown Equestria-born dragons, though she knows there is another of her breed in the Rookery she stays well clear of him more because he's one of Paxton's than because she doesn't care for him.
Origin: Adopted from keroshima at Deviantart, image based on screenshots from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic series by Hasbro
Other Info: RiverGlow would not have made it among dragon kind on her world, and she knows it. She would like to have spent more time in Equestria overall, learning about friendship and other such amazing things - but here on the Rookery's world, things are dire, and her skills are needed. She hopes that some day she and her companions will live in peace.