Mauve Wong

Name Mauve Wong
Gender Male
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Not
Totem none
Smarts 3
Bod/Feet 6
Luck 4
Drive 0 (Ride 5)
Looks 5
Cool 5
Bonk 4
Powers Air and Wind Control - strong enough to fly, as well as aid dragons with updrafts, extremely precise. Can be as light as a puff of breath, to a brief 200 mph blast. Can produce gentle and specific winds around 1 meter across for more than 500 meters, weakens and dissipates after that; range adjusts for strength of wind, and width.
Scent-Based Distraction - produces extremely enticing smells, every part of him smells good if he wants it, nasty if needed, but also can trigger many different responses such as hunger, revulsion, sexual desire, or even vomiting; on his own produced breezes this effect can last for more than 200 meters, on naturally forming winds including those from dragon wings around 50 meters, more precise with his own. Seems to be able to sense whether these smells are working, at that distance as well.
Also has the typical Psychic Suite of empathy (strong, to 50m), telepathy (average, to 500m) and sensing Vortal auras (to 100m with clarity)
Clusters Paint With All The Colors Of The... +3
Skills Excellent sense of direction +3
Right smell for the occasion +2
Knacks Seems rather grumpy. Is rather grumpy. +2
1 Realtime Geometry / Rex903
2 Interior Design / Yresh
3 Curry! / Batty
4 Exotic Team Sports / Staff (hoping for a flight-skill based game)
5 Ironic Literature / Paxton Fettel
6 Allergies Are Everywhere / Virus
7 Interspecies Politics / Liaxeri
8 Multiplanar History / Prescott


Dragon SpringBloom
Donor parent Isabella Wong
Siblings Hematite
Family Daughter Martinique with Bitta




Name: SpringBloom
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Small 9'3" s / 45' l / 100' ws
Colors: Main body light grey, belly armor medium blue-grey, back armor light warmer grey; armor plating from head to tail fades in a set of melon-pink through dusty rose, faded mauve-grey, and back, a bit grey-blue at tail; wingsails are vibrantly red, fuschia, and purple in great swaths, neck frill and back webbing fades through those colors, tail spade is matching blue; eyes are indigo blue; claws are rainbow on feet, white on wings, back spines are actually a dark crimson red
Features: Leaf-Rainwing hybrid; four slender muscular legs with 5 and 4 claws, thumb on front and heel-talon on hind, with curved, short claws; two leaf-veined leather wings with 4 visible fingers, wrist thumb, and elbow strut, all with short curved claws; body is scaled, with back and belly armor plating, and smaller random cell-shaped plates along entire body and tail; face is angular with prominent nose hook, rounded jaw nubs, external ears, prominent eye ridges, and two long elegant upswept back-pointing horns, and neck frill behind ears with webbing; body from head to top of tail has spined webbing, and separate webs along mid-tail, tail ends in leaf-shaped spade.
Powers: Winged Flight, Bloom is a delicate flier, not remarkably durable in the air, but she does like being blown around by strong winds (or by other powers!). Mauve provides an updraft and she glides like a leaf dropping down or swirling around haphazardly, much like a butterfly. She can lift a decent amount of weight, in fact when she's loaded down with gear or people riding her, she's considerably more stable in the air. But she thinks that's rather boring...
Verbal and Visual Communication, like her Rainwing sire, Bloom is extraordinarily colorful, though she cannot actually change her coloration directly, when she's been in the sun her body scales become much brighter. She will use her coloration and bright wings, tail spade, and neck frills to convey meanings when she's too far away to speak, and she can speak quite well thank you. She has a warbling, bird-song like voice, and plenty of people love to hear her singing.
Flora Control, with coloration that brilliant, there was no way that Bloom could be anything less than a plant-shaper. She can cause flowering plants to bloom and grow, less effective with plants that aren't flowering types. With her human friend to aid her, though, she can spread pollen and seed puffs far and wide, and once they set into the ground, they are almost guaranteed to take root. She can also control the specific types of flowers that are growing, change their color, and to a small extent affect the results of hybridization. In addition to this, though, she can change the pollen and seeds, spores, and other plant materials immediate properties: specifically she can make them toxic, poisonous, or hallucinogenic, but also remove those traits if they exist in a small enough amount. This has proven quite useful for clearing areas of animal infestations, though she wants to practice more so that she can improve the time that it works, or the properties strength. The plants return to normal within a day or so, but if she remains near them (within 200 meters) she can 'reinforce' the property shift for quite a while, producing longer lasting effects and more effective coverage.
Parentage: Leafwing mother, Rainwing sire
Origin: adopted from SeastarofEarthclan on Deviantart, lines by Moonshimmer981, WoF Tui Sutherland/Joi Ang
Other Info: She and Mauve do amazing work together, and they are duly proud of their efforts.