Olive Zee

Name Olive Zee
Gender Female
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Absolutely Not
Totem none
Smarts 4
Bod/Feet 4
Luck 2
Drive 5 (6 ride)
Looks 3
Cool 4
Bonk 5
Powers Genrehopping - Olive is among the few Guard that can move between dimensions without the aid of technology, magic, or even a dragon. Her 'mother's influence, surely. She can navigate nearly anywhere, and likes to be direct with it, no wandering around or random side-trips. Seriously, how can this girl have even a tiny bit of Zeets in her if she won't road trip!
Power Nullification (AoE, Range, and Touch) - Though most of the powers around her are used honestly and for good reasons, there have been times that Olive has had to absolutely nix them before they got out of hand. Panicky students, people in pain, dragons confused by their surroundings, all of those things mean powers or magic might get thrown around and harm people or do damage. Olive can glare at a power sternly and it'll just -- stop. Generally she does it in a quick movement, maybe touching a shoulder or waving her hand to 'cut' it. She can do this at ranges around 25 meters, or even as an area of effect in about a 7 to 8 meter sphere around herself. Anyone or anything caught in that AoE is open game, even magic items will cease while she's concentrating. It is exhausting, any version of this seems to take about the same amount of effort as it would for the person using the power. She just matches will with it, and is usually declared the winner... Unfortunately a side effect of this is that very few powers work on her, including telepathy, healing, or locational 'pings'.
Clusters The wettest of blankets +3
Skills Navigation Across The Multiverse +3
Spot The Idiot Throwing Power Around +2
Knacks Never Gets Inebriated +3
1 Nexus Geohistory / Tessrabia Kshau
2 Honors English / Gabriella ^
3 Using Telepathy Politely / D'ouberville
4 Radiation Is Your Friend / Virus
5 Business Math / Varnhagen
6 Advanced Relaxation Techniques / Yugi Neko #
7 Dimensional Travel and Pocket Universes / M. Houten
8 Basics of Law / Haital


Dragon Taproot
Donor parent DJ Zeets
Siblings Citron

^ This is not only her favorite class, but she's absolutely acing it
# And... imagine being in a class about relaxing and letting go... and failing it.



Name: Taproot
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Small 8'6" s / 40' l / 80' ws
Colors: Medium green body with darker green scales scattered across neck, head, body, limbs, and tail; light brown belly from chin to tail, darker brown scales along nose, neck, down back and tail, spines also brown; wingsails lighter green; claws deep green, eyes violet
Features: Purebred Leafwing, four muscular, slender legs with 5 and 4 short curved claws, taloned on back; two leaf-veined leathery wings with 4 visible fingers, short wrist thumb, and elbow strut, all with short curved claws; body is scaled with armor on belly and back, large plates along body, and ridged fin from head to tail, leaf-shaped spade on tail tip; head is angular with hooked nose, rounded jaw nubs, external ears, prominent eye ridges, and two elegant upswept curved horns
Powers: Winged Flight, Taproot is an adequate flier, he's big and reasonably durable in the air, but not terribly maneuverable. He can however maintain a good line in stiff winds, and apparently is able to navigate in near darkness as well as bad weather conditions. He can carry quite a bit of weight.
Verbal Communication, he's able to speak Draconic and English well, but gets confused by accents of any kind.
Photosynthesis and Plant Toxins, Taproot is apt to enjoy basking for long periods, and rarely eats more than fruits or, his favored, tubers and roots. He does drink a lot of water, and has never been known to become ill from any form of toxins, including fermentation, so he doesn't know what the fuss is about when Olive chastises people for 'getting drunk'. He possibly believes she's tsking her tongue at them because they can't speak right...
Minor Plant Manipulation, that's not saying he can't identify toxins and poisonous plants when he detects them. He can alter their properties to be inert, and is excellent at 'sobering people up' whatever that means...
Parentage: Unknown, pure Leafwings, he's unrelated to any others in the Rookery
Origin: adopted from Catbreeze212 on deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Taproot is... a bit on the naive side, honestly. He means well and is brave, steady, and sure as a friend to his little human friend. He is absolutely dumb as a bag of bricks, though.