
Name Sky
Gender Female
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Not
Totem none
Smarts 3
Bod/Feet 4
Luck 6
Drive 2
Looks 5
Cool 3
Bonk 3
Powers Group Teleportation - Sky can 'summon', 'dispell', and generally move a tremendous amount of mass. Living or otherwise, without a hair out of place. Within a radius of 10 miles, she can relocate approximately a 2 bedroom house full of items, goods, people, dragons... and fit it exactly where it needs to be at the other side. This can be remarkably disorienting, but she does it with a smile - at least, you think she's smiling... Sky can move a single person-sized creature nearly twice as far as a large amount of stuff, and it is tiring for her to do more than a dragon-sized creature.
Information Routing - With her Vortal abilities opened up by the Icarus process and the generous splicing her genes have undergone, Sky is an information storehouse, able to sort, categorize, and route whatever needs to be said or learned, almost instantly. She can read code like nobody's business, provided it's not so binary that there's no actual words to learn. Also she can type like a demon. Basically she's the ultimate in secretarial staff, the technical side of leadership, the one with a clipboard and she knows what to do with it. While she doesn't necessarily understand everything that passes before her brain, she can memorize and then relay even incredibly complicated technical information to its destination. She doesn't need to keep all that in memory, and 'loses' it when it's no longer relevant. Until it's relevant again: and then, somehow, she Vortally 'remembers' it out of the ether. It's been thought that if she and Melissa got together, their minds would literally know everything.
Clusters Checklists! Clipboard! Calendar! +3
Skills Herding Cats +3
Chankla Attack +2 (she's not the type to let kids get away with slacking off)
Smile While Bellowing Orders +1
Knacks Incredibly Cheerful +2
1 Computer Basics / W.B. Poddie
2 Optimism Under Duress / C'thain
3 Technical Writing / Leland
4 Administrative Assistant / Staff (off-campus organization and routing)
5 Business Math / Varnhagen
6 Nexus Geohistory / Tessrabia Kshau
7 Dragonry Recordkeeping and Data Collection / Sean
8 Teleportation Practice / Lane


Dragon Glimmer
Donor parent Silver
Siblings (Eventually, Tanner)

Sky, while not the smartest, fastest, or most powerful of the group of clones this time around, does serve as a 'leader' of sorts, but that's because she inherited her very normal mother's uncanny sense of timing, information gathering, and den-mothering behaviors. These were reinforced when she was given the Icarus treatments, which also opened her up to the more interesting spliced side of her gene pool: teleportation, and actually being able to route information without speaking. Her Vortal presence is shiny white and easily seen, though she actually lacks any other Vortal power beyond those above.

If she knows where her targets are, and in fact where they're needed, she can just up and move them - sometimes to their distress. Generally though she'll warn them first with a brief burst of 'heads up get focused' before. ... Not always.



Name: Glimmer
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small 6'5" s / 35' l / 72' ws
Colors: Glimmering blue-white, sparkling with tiny tiny scales reflective, more blue than white on limbs and under wingsails, slightly more blue on limb fins and tail fin. No part of her is fully white or blue, there's always a little teeny speck somewhere. Claws are silver, eyes are bright yellow-copper.
Features: Light Fury, four chonky legs with feline-like paws, having 4 and 3 dainty little claws that can retract but usually are out; two leathery wings with four internal fingers, only marginally visible underside, with solid leather back; muscular but marshmallow-looking body, with very tiny (nearly invisible unless right up close) scales; body is long, tail is more than half of full body length, has a long, low fleshy web along spine, terminating at top of tail, tail has heart-shaped paired spades at end, and below wings also teardrop shaped 'extra' stabilizing lobes, backs of limbs have short lobes; head is 'cute', rounded with a muzzle, very large eyes, and surprisingly large open mouth given that little closed one... Head has two pairs of appendages which can act as a threat detection and display, she can 'smell' with them, as well as detect and produce vibrations.
Powers: Winged Flight, Glimmer is surprisingly strong in the air, though she looks more delicate than she is. Like most of her kind, she's very fast when she needs to be, but more often than not she'll be found with three or four humanoids on her neck and back, and flying around like there's nothing at all strange about it. She can lift absurd amounts of weight clinging on to it with her claws, and can deadlift what appears to be entire buildings. She does need to rest after doing feats of strength like that, but if she's up alone or with just Sky on her shoulders, she can fly for days - actual days - without tiring.
Lightness, it won't come as any surprise, but Glimmer is light. Light on her feet, in the air, on the water, she's buoyant to a degree that it's almost hard to keep her physically on the ground. When she rests, she's still apt to 'dangle her feet' in the air, sleep walking is common. More like sleep drifting-into-the-air with peets wiggling.
Draconic and Body Communication, Glimmer can understand a good number of Draconic dialects, though it seems she misses hearing her own world's dragon speech. Her own 'voice' is quite deep, subsonic, and she is more comfortable listening to the big dragons, Vortigaunts, and even whales, able to vibrate and sense subtlty within those very deep sounds. However, to communicate with humans like Sky, she relies on her extraordinarily expressive face, eyes, tail, and 'ears' to convey pretty much whatever needs to be 'said'. Though Sky certainly senses Glimmer's mind, they aren't telepathically linked in any way. But they rarely misunderstand one another.
Teleportation, apparently one of this Light Fury's gifts is that of a burst of speed, which seems to terminate in vanishing off the radar. Glimmer does this rarely, but that's mainly because she cannot do it with any amount of 'extra' mass on her: no riders would survive it, and unless gear is tightly bound to her, it simply blows off in the speed burst. This can be helpful in emergencies, she can fetch help easily by moving to whatever other dragons are nearby and cluing them in that their aid is needed. She can then of course fly back at leisure in order to help move or extract people once the danger is over. Note that unlike her kin on her homeworld, she actually does teleport rather than just spitting out a plasma burst and hiding herself to pretend she's gone.
Camouflage Scales, her brilliant white and blue scales reflect light in a way that creates a dazzling mirror, and she can blend into any lit area with ease. However, Glimmer normally doesn't want to just vanish, she's much too vain for that! She cannot really use this ability in darkness, it requires light to be tossed around.
Light Beam, a plasma-like burst of energy produced as a breath weapon, Glimmer's is more light than heat however. It can easily blind opponents, but if she aims it at objects, anything easily ignited will turn to ash almost instantly. It is accurate to around 100 meters, but must have about 20 meters to 'fire up' properly. She can do this no more than three times in a row before she must rest the power.
Retractable Teeth, yeah, that's a thing they do. She likes to hunt under water with them. When she actually extends them and starts brandishing them in public, something is scaring her.
Parentage: Unknown, was young when arrived to Carramba
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, lines by AriaAngelwing, How To Train Your Dragon world
Other Info: Glimmer knows she's lovely. But that said, she also likes to keep herself functional, rather than just pretty. After all with a partner like Sky, it wouldn't do to be seen slacking off!