Iridia Dominican

Name Iridia Dominican
Gender Female
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Not, certainly not. ... no really.
Totem Does her dad count?
Smarts 5
Bod/Feet 4
Luck 2
Drive 2
Looks 7
Cool 5
Bonk 4
Powers Telepathy (close, invasive), because her father IS in fact Zekiran, their penchant for strong mental powers is obvious. She can listen in to nearby minds with ease, and pry just a bit here and there to catch underlying thoughts or desires, as well as speak directly into minds of intelligent creatures. Those who are Vortally powered themselves might resist her deeper poking around, but are much more easily spotted and communicated with. This works best at around 25m or less.
Empathy (touch-based), though she can read the mind, emotions are a different matter, and she wants to be a bit more ... personal with that. She can't really turn this power off, whenever she touches someone (skin) she can tell their mood, and overall sense of well being. She can't directly influence this, but then again she can sing and dance, so there's that.
Sounds and Colors Oh My, Where her father is a musician with a little power, she's a powerhouse of sound and light, able to produce both sonic and visual illusions that can convince even highly intelligent creatures they're real. This can be seen up to 200 meters away, if she wishes it. Mostly she likes to dazzle people's eyes right up close, or whisper to someone across a room.
Dream Influence, If she really needs to, Iridia will revisit a troubled person in their dreamscape. She has yet to ask if they want this, but then they've rarely if ever even noticed her doing it. In the end, she wants people to be happy and sane, if she was on Zekira she'd very likely be a Dream Healer. This can only be done in reasonable proximity, less than 1 mile, and must be while both she and the subject are sleeping. This wears her out, and she must basically call in sick the next day to rest properly. She can only do this perhaps once every week.
Genre Sight, though she can't open portals to them, Iridia can easily see into other dimensions and knows who is from which one. Though she can't control this power either, it isn't as invasive, and doesn't do much more than put a faintly annoying overlay on top of what she's seeing or doing.
Clusters Lucidity and Dream Control +3
Skills Sound Engineering +2
Hypnotic Lighting +2
Organize Riots +1
Knacks Is Probably Hyperfertile +3
1 Oneiromancy / Alorel
2 Math, Just Math / Smith
3 Practical Anatomy / V. Sanger
4 Modeling / Heddi
5 Lightshow Tech / Boreah
6 Epic Poetry / Rayne
7 Religion and Belief / McPanda
8 Using Telepathy Politely / Paveh


She has groupies
Dragon Dark Peacock Pavonine
Donor parent Khyrus Dominican
Siblings Shale




Name: Pavonine
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large (multiwings) 10'6" s / 47' l / 100' and 50' ws
: Base black, though varigated with very faintly visible mottling on limbs and backs of wings in a delicate very dark violet-grey, limb armor very black, belly from chin to tail night sky black with tiny distant star white dots, markings on body are 'skeletal' and run from blue-violet through purple to brighter pink-violet on wing arms, also have black spotting; antennae are mostly violet and pink; wingsails on big wings are black with green-teal-gold nebula and brilliant distant star patterns, fin from head to back brighter; sails on lower wings midnight violet-blue with purple-red nebula and similar stars, neck frill brighter, chest frill darker; tail webbing black; spikes white; horns and claws black; eyes bright pink-red
Features: MysticWing, a combination of all the varied breeds found on Pantala and Pyrrha; just look at her. (from description: Enchanted to be a combination of all ten tribes of the world. They have the head of a NightWing with the NightWing face scales. They have a SilkWing antenna. A HiveWing horn on their head. A RainWing frill along with a SandWing sail that fades and starts up again as SeaWing spines and membrane that eventually fades. At the end of their tail, they have IceWing-like tail spikes. Their scales resemble a mic between SandWing and NightWing for the upper half and then turn towards MudWing-like scales for the tail. They also have LeafWing scales on their main body. They have four SkyWing-like wings.)** note this is no longer the breed, fantribe changed to OS
Powers: Winged Flight, Pavonine is quite good in the air thank you. She tends to use her bigger upper wings for most of her strong flying, and when delicacy is needed or specific directional aid (such as while flying extremely fast and needing to turn or roll) adds the lower smaller ones. Normally she'll use those secondary wings to help carry items. With wings as exceptionally large as these, she has a tremendous amount of lift strength, and can carry massive and heavy items such as train cars... or train engines... or whole-ass trains.
Communication, Though her Vortal skill is weak (easily being 'heard' by strong minds, but not really able to telepathically communicate herself), Pavonine is adept with numerous dialects of Draconic, and is keen on learning others from those not of her world. She has a gentle but deep voice, however she can increase the volume of her voice dramatically when needed, echoing across miles and miles. Her grasp on English is strong, but also she can speak Vortigese easily and somehow accurately.
Ice/Cold, though she doesn't have a true breath weapon to speak of, Pavonine is considered an Ice breath type. She prefers cooler evenings after all, and is suited to life in blustery places - it's possible that she left her home in the Lost World because it's just 'too warm'.
Color Shifting, her Rainwing-enchanted bloodline has given her the ability to gently move the colors on her wings and chest scales, all the fins and webbing as well. They will swirl with realistic looking night-sky nebulae and stars, even to the point of including comets and falling stars... It's entirely possible she's running them real-time from somewhere. She cannot really control these, but when she concentrates they can become brighter or less distant-looking.
Silk Production, her forelimbs as well as the lower wing wrists can produce a fine or strong silk, similar to a Silkwing's. That from her legs is stronger and durable, like twine or sticky webbing geared for grabbing and securing, and can be used for days without it becoming damaged or worn. The silk from her wings is considerably lighter in all ways, but still strong enough to last with use - she'll gather up items in a web made between her wing arms, and scoop things out of the water hunting, even propel herself forward to lunge at bigger prey which she can engulf in it like a net-casting spider. This finer silk can also be used to produce cloth, when it's gathered and properly treated.
Parentage: Unknown, not from any distinct family line of Mysticwings, perhaps that's how she managed to leave unnoticed.
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, formerly fantribe, created by x-Tamara-x and MS981
Other Info: Her little human looks so much like her! Pavonine thinks that's just wonderful. Because she has the ability with dreaming, Pavonine has been working with other dragons and Color Guard kids to produce a pellet or ball that she can break on using the webbing, in order to cause a trapped victim to sleep, so that Iridia can more easily work on their mind.