Dragon |
Name: Scorchwing
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 8' s / 50' l / 90' and 38' ws
*Colors: belly from chin to tail tip under soft yellow; main boxy scales, face, limbs, tail grade from yellow-orange to stronger red; face armor, racing stripe trim and dorsal trim, limb armor darker red; wingsails and neck fins vibrant yellow through orange-red with lighter small spot mottling; lower wings faded with butterfly pattern adding greenish-yellow trim; side spots, claws, horns, and back ridge butter yellow; eyes turquoise-cyan
Features: Rainwing Silkwing hybrid, very evenly represented as shown
Powers: Winged Flight, Scorchwing is a strong and bold flier, using his larger wings to propel and lift or for endurance flights, and primarily using the smaller second set for any balance and turning. If compared to a horse, Scorchwing is a Quarterhorse, excellent for tight turns, drag, lift, and speed all at once though not 'the very best' at any given thing. He can carry three or four human-sized or one smallish car on back or with hands, though anything he's carrying with his claws needs to be very durable, they will puncture anything weak.
Communication, With a somewhat sinister burr to his voice, Scorch is a flatterer, using quite a few big words, all of which he understands. Speaks Draconic of several types, English, French, and some amount of Brazilian Portugese for some reason.
*Color Shifting, also of use in communication, is his ability to shift some of his scales in different colors. Mainly the spots on his neck, sides, limbs, and tail will grow incredibly bright or turn red, green, orange, or white with his moods. The fins on his neck, as well as the Silkwing antennae also can change vibrantly. The rest of his scales don't change. This ability is under his control, though if he really is distressed or feeling particularly passionate about something they'll glow brighter yellow or orange.
Prehensile Tail, another Rainwing feature, that tail is able to tightly grasp quite a lot of weight, though he tends to use it for attacking and balance while flying, rather than manipulation (even with claws like his, he can still delicately use his hands, it's a lot like a lady with super long nail extensions typing...somehow).
Sticky Paws, the reason he can do more manipulation with his fingers and toes is that his Silkwing side has the ability to extrude a bit of 'silk' from all of his fingers and toes. He can't spin webs or fling silk rope but they do produce enough tack to allow him to grip things with his paw pads rather than claws. He can stick to a boulder and lift it, briefly, before the weight gets too much for his skin. He can consciously produce or let this stuff go.
Powerful Narcotic Bite, many Rainwings have a strong venom, and he's no exception. He must physically bite prey though a scratch will do, and instantly if it's got a blood stream that narcotic will go to work to effectively cause the victim to pass out. It's a dreamless slumber, uncomfortable, usually described as being hit by a brick, rather than casually falling asleep. The bite will also likely become infected if not taken care of immediately.
Parentage: Though there are other super-orange types in the Rookery, Scorchwing is unrelated to them, his mother was a Rainwing, and sire a Silkwing.
Origin: adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: If there were other bloodlines in this dragon's history it's clear that it is an exceptionally hot Skywing... Because he's able to just shrug off both icy and hot conditions as though they're just pleasant afternoons.