Gill Finn

Name Gill Finn
Gender Male
Homeworld Rapture / Earth with Bioshock Flavor
Class Freshman
Nut Not
Totem Earwig +1 Bod, -1 RWP, +1 Luck, -1 Drive, -2 Looks, +7 extra KK's (27)
Smarts 8
Bod/Feet 4
Luck 3**
Drive 6
Looks 5
Cool 3 (6 in Stand Down mode)
Bonk 3
Powers **Luck - normally neither here nor there, Gill has an astonishing ability to just narrowly escape complete and utter ruin. For instance: he's here in Carramba, and not stuck in Rapture!
Stand Down - fights like a god in overwhelming situations, this is probably the result of all those Splicers ganging up on him down there, and he managed to beat them all!
Run Like Heck - for when those narrow escapes need a slightly larger margin, just scoots away at twice the speed normally available.
Plasmid Use - has three plasmids to choose from and can only use one at a time, and only when he's got access to Adam, the power supply for genetic alteration.
-- Animation - cause things that aren't alive to move and talk, however he's not very good with this and it tends to cause him to be pretty scared of the objects; they seem to respond to his subconscious rather than any direct commands
-- Super Swim - without a diving suit, even down at the bottom of the Sea, he can swim as fast as normal, and in wet situations he doesn't suffer and movement or Bod/Feets penalties from slipping around, this is not hindered by the pressure or cold of the ocean, nor strong currents or waves
-- Zap - can fire zappy bolts out of his fingers which cause Bonk damage or temporary blindness, sometimes misses and ricochets to hit himself...
Clusters Planning and Scheming +2
Navigate Anywhere +2
Skills Plasmid Aiming +3
Read Blueprints and Code +3
Knacks Tool Identification +3
Handle Any Situation +3 (Stand Down mode)
1 Swim Team / Hilton / Superb
2 Cartography / Rex 903 / Suberb
3 Celtic Studies / Underwood / Passing
4 Speculative Engineering / Valarian / Decent
5 Basic Architecture / Yresh / Decent
6 Political Science / Talshoy / Decent
7 Technical Writing / Wheeler / Excellent
8 Powers and Their Use / Ramrod / Excellent
Pets none, those eels with Adam in them maybe!
Parents? Who knows, they're still in Rapture on another Earth and not Rookery's
Siblings? Nope, an only child, which is kinda saying somethin' innit?


Note that Gill does have access to Adam, for the most part collected while he's in Rapture (Rookery), but also there's a kiosk in the middle of Carramba's campus that sells it for a quite-nominal fee. He doesn't know where they are getting it.


Name: Coral
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 8'9" s / 40' l / 80' ws
Colors: a variety of bright pink, fuschia, red, crimson, and rose, just... look at all those pinks
Features: Pure Seawing
Powers: Winged Flight, Underwater Adapted; though Coral can fly above the surface, and does so a bit wobbly, under the sea she's really swift and sure. She tends to be more careful than haphazard when she moves through a place, not wanting to disturb the local wildlife. She can however both lift and swim with tremendous weights, and is able to keep them from bumping into things as well.
Communication; Coral's primary language is Draconic, the Seaborn variation, and she can commune with almost any underwater dragon or intelligent creature verbally. She does have a close connection to Gill Vortally, though this comes more in the form of her responding to him if he's ever in danger, his own Luck there...She cannot really speak 'quietly', and doesn't bother trying to speak English, she just knows that Gill understands her and that's good enough for the moment. She does understand it, even highly technical terms.
Water Adapted Life; with gills along her neck under those large scale plates, she is suited to life below the waves. Withstanding tremendous pressure, cold, and lack of oxygen, as well as being able to see in the very dim or even completely black ocean. She is a bit blinded above the water, particularly in daytime. She can breathe air, but gets a bit woozy with it.
Color Lures; her side scales can flash brightly in a vibrant pink shade. She can't change their color, only whether they're reflective, dull, or actively bioluminescent.
Watery Breath Weapon; Coral doesn't do much with her breath weapon, because she'd rather keep things intact. She has been known to bluntly belch out a wall of pressure that blasts everything for about 5 meters in a cone, but that's about the extent of her use of it. She can stun fish with it, and that's all she'd want to do.
Parentage: Unknown, very bright Seawings, unrelated to any on the Rookery
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981, base by LunaTheNightwing, and WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Coral is very interested in this Rookery place, but tremendously unwilling to be teleported out of the deep sea and onto very, very dry land. She'll settle for hearing tales and watching video feed of it. Once the Rapture facility is completely settled and Gill heads back there, she'll be right at home.