
Name Vy
Gender Female
Homeworld Rapturearth, Rapture facility
Class Freshman 20kk
Nut allergic, will try to avoid!
Totem Sloth, +3 S/GM, -2 Bod, -1 RWP, +1 Luck, -2 Drive, -1 Looks, -1 Cool, +5 Extra KK's
Smarts 7
Bod/Feet 3
Luck 7
Drive 1
Looks 3
Cool 4 (6 Anti-Rumple)
Bonk 4 (she is not even 4'9" but... you'd never know)
Powers Anti-Rumple - Vy is simply never dirty. Ever. Even if there's goop and mud, waste and bloody bits? She's got none on her at all. Just try hitting her at a food fight, see what happens?
Plasmid Use - Vy enjoys only one thing, that's putting things into a Deep Freeze. She can point and freeze up half a room with no problem. She likes it chilly, and doesn't seem to suffer any ill effects being around cold or icy conditions.
Clusters Business Acumen Like You Wouldn't Believe +2
Skills Fashionista +3
Plasmid Aiming +2
Inexhaustable +3
Knacks Clean Freak +3
1 Fashion Technology / Phoenix / Superb
2 Public Relations / Qeats / Excellent
3 Business Math / Varnhagen / Excellent
4 Economics / A. Vale / Superb
5 Martial Arts for the Fashion Conscious / Carver / Excellent
6 Allergies Are Everywhere / Virus / Passing
7 Multiplanar History / Prescott / Passing
8 Coddling Codexes / Kale-Baah / Superb
Pets oh no, they're disgusting
Parents? They were still alive in Rapture
Siblings? Younger brother and sister, avoiding being made into a Little Sister




Name: Mua Thu (Autumn)
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Small 7'4" s / 45' l / 65' ws
Colors: belly armor rich brown; face, neck, basic body and limbs, tail, medium brown with orange-rust scales; dorsal armor slightly darker medium brown; wingsails and all fins grade from nutty red-brown through frosty white at edge; spikes brown through frosty white; eyes have white markings, and are yellow; claws graphite dark grey
Features: Leaf-Icewing Hybrid, leaf clearly dominant, only neck and tail spikes and coloration, powers can be from Ice
Powers: Winged Flight, Mua Thu is good with narrow areas and low to the ground soaring, enjoying flights under canopies and even indoors, which is good because his human friend lives in that big undersea city? Loves warm air under his wings, and is adept at using updrafts even over roaring forest fires, fearlessly. Vy rides between horns.
Communication, Mua Thu is good with English, Vietnamese, and math-based codes, and has a very strong grasp on the pretentious ways that rich people like to brag, without falling into the trap of believing any of it.
Douse or Bonfire, Mua Thu enjoys the sight of burning leaves, bonfires, and even small wildfires, though he does know better than to think they're all just good fun. He can start small fires just by walking around in dry brush, and things will catch on fire if he's not careful even in an urban setting. However, he's also able to soar very slowly over those same fires, and they just go out. Almost as if frost replaces the flames, in fact. He can warm or chill the air around him sufficiently to keep aloft at a snail's pace, but he can't really put out very large amounts of fire at once. He's excellent then for making sure that smaller fires are kept under control, and they've done bonfire duty on the beach lately (starting, monitoring, and finally extinguishing them).
Unlike other Leafwings he doesn't derive any energy particularly from the sun, so he does eat regular meaty and fruity good foods, he loves avocadoes and any fat cuts of meat.
Cold Tolerance, as long as there's some spark of life in him, there's enough warmth to live on, and he can walk through a glacier in a blizzard unscathed. Though he must be careful: Vy is good, but not that tolerant of it, for long periods anyway, so they tend to go in and come out as quickly as they can in such conditions.
Parentage: Unknown, Leafwing mother and possibly Leaf-Icewing father? Likely either a half-sibling/cousin or uncle of Icy Autumn
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Like his human friend, he knows he's beautiful and talented. But he keeps his ego in check: there are way bigger, bolder, better fliers and more experienced dragons everywhere, and he will not make the mistake of thinking he's better than they are. More, he would prefer to learn from them, instead of upstage them.