West Wakeman

Name West Wakeman
Gender Male
Homeworld Aperturth, though spied on local (Twoarth) Black Mesa
Class Junior 30kk
Totem Bush Baby +1 S/GM, +3 Bod, +1 RWP, -2 Luck, -1 Drive, +1 Looks, -1 Bonk, + 8 KK
Smarts 9
Bod/Feet 8
Luck 5
Drive 7
Looks 5
Cool 6
Bonk 2
Powers ^Natural Born Sneak; maybe it's that both his parents are spies? But he's super good at sneaking around, finding cover, appraising a situation or location, and finding the best way through a room without getting seen. He's also reasonably good at bullshitting his way both into and out of situations, and has been practicing at his political speeches. Will he actually go into politics? Or does he just want to uncover some massive conspiracy? He is a massive conspiracy.
*Bookworm; able to discover and research anything that's found in a library, online, or other source with ease (Research +3)
Fly (Portal Device); while West was working as an intern at Black Mesa he did pick up some things. ... Like, outright stole them, let's say it now. One of those things is a jetpack which allows him bursts of speed in any direction, though some are much safer than others. Has enough fuel for 10 bursts of 100 meters straight up (which is around 300 meters forward), before it needs to be refueled, and yes he knows he has to head back to Black Mesa (Twoarth's) to gas it up because it's rather specialized materials from the Anomalous Materials Lab... Also he has a fully functional Aperture Science Hand Held Portal Device, with which he can make his way across a variety of locations as long as they have a flat surface at least 2 meters tall by 1 meter wide.
Know It All; +4 Smart/Greymatta straight up, he can answer promptly and with confidence off the top of his head. He's usually right, and at least he has the sense in his head to admit when he's been wrong.
Clusters ^Stealth and Spy Thriller Stuff +3
Talk His Way Out or In +2
Skills *Research +3
3D Navigation +4
Cleanroom Habits +2
Steal Anything He Can Carry +4
Assess Physical Requirements (Portals/landings) +3
Knacks He Makes White Latex Look Good +3
Actually Understands Technology +3
1 Nexus Geohistory / T. Kshau / Passing
2 Journalism / Leland / Decent
3 Paintball Team / Axemurderer / Superb
4 Political Science / Talshoy / Superb
5 Economic Structure and Reassignment Via Physical Means / Magpie / Superb
6 Theoretical Physics / Freeman / Excellent
7 Betting and Odds / Haital / Decent
8 Concealment and Stealth for 'Heroic' Purposes / Dane / Excellent
Pets None, they would need too much attention he can't afford
Parents? Yes, they're still lurking in Twoarth's Black Mesa facility, funneling information back to Aperturth's central knowledge database somehow.
Siblings? Has a little sister who is currently in Black Mesa's day care system.




Name: Sandstorm aka Orangesicle aka Sandy or Orangina, take your pick
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 9'6" s / 50' l / 100' ws
Colors: neck, belly, under tail white mottled very faintly with pale peach; face, limbs including wing arms brighter peach mottled with white; armor trim on neck, back, tail peach-white with rust-orange markings; dorsal armor from head to tail and along limbs tan brown mottled lighter and darker; wingsails and dorsal fin blotchy orange through orange-rust with light and darker marks; all claws very orange, eyes deeply black
Features: Pure Sandwing, though is a touch on the small side
Powers: Winged Flight, Sandy is really strong in wind and stormy conditions, low-visibility, and unpredictable settings. She can keep aloft, though not necessarily stable, in most any condition at all, and in smooth wind or clear skies practically doesn't have to move a muscle to travel. She can lift medium sized cars with ease, but complains about how much more flapping she has to do. Because of her powers, she doesn't raise dust or blow things with her wings on liftoff or landing. She does need a bit of room to move, and prefers rocky and sandy areas like deserts, beaches, and scrubland or mountains, to forests or urban areas.
Communication, Sandstorm has a gritty voice, not deep and gravelly but 'smokes a pack a day' kind. She speaks Draconic of different breeds, English, and Vortigese, and claims that when she's encountered those big manta-creatures flying endlessly overhead at Black Mesa (the boids and their large kin) she can understand their mindless howls. She has a good mental connection to her rider, though mainly close up and it fades at around 200 meters.
Heat and Aridity Tolerance; obviously as a Sandwing, her life should be spent in the dunes and scrubland, and that's where she feels most at home. Though she doesn't get cold often, sometimes those desert nights can be a bit chilly! While actual fire can damage her scales, it has to be really burning or somehow sticky, because otherwise it'll just get carried off with her breath.
Particle Management; though she does have a warm breath weapon, what she uses it for is to contain the sand, dust, and ash that flies around when she moves. She can then superheat it and beam it out with a narrow blast of hot air carrying it, and it can blister, covering anything that it hits with a thick tarry ash. This is accurate up to 25 meters for single targets, or she can spread it into a lighter cone that fans out to around 40 meters and still does damage. She can walk through a burning building and not sustain injuries, soaking up all the ash and cinder, letting all that go is a truly spectacular blast, but she does have to be careful about where it's aimed because then there's a literal rain of fire somewhere.
Parentage: Unknown, pure Sandwings, unrelated to others in the Rookery more than likely
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Quite young when she arrived to the Rookery's world, she thinks that Carramba and Twoarth (whatever that is) is considerably nicer, and will help locate her human and maybe even his family wherever she can fly. She and West are equitably 'teenaged'.