Nozzeroz aka Zero

Name Nozzeroz aka ZERO
Gender Male*, he/him, pan
Homeworld Twoarth, Magical Djinn
Class Sophomore 25KK +5
Totem Porcupine
Smarts 4
Bod/Feet 5
Luck 10
Drive 0 (Fly/Self 6)
Looks 3
Cool 5
Bonk 5
Powers Magic Djinn Powers - he likes making deals with people, and has an excellent memory for who he's dealt with and what they want... and what they are willing to trade for that. These include granting quick wishes or emergency measures, but will some day go all the way up to 'create an entire city', depending on the strength of will of the wishing person.
Clusters Wish Assessment +3
Skills Adapt Appearance +3 *he can appear however he or a wisher wants
Wish Accuracy +2
Inspire With Augmented Reality +2 (trumpets blare, lightbulb appears)
Knacks Always Absorbing Information +2
1 Heroic Ethics / Peacemongrel / barely Passing
2 Teleport / Retail / Decent
3 Computer Code / Wesson / Passing
4 Algebra / Nachos CA / Decent
5 Heroic Banter / HH / Excellent
6 Living Mythology / Kirabo / Superb
7 Fiction Writing / Singe / Superb
8 Fractal Art / Boreah / Excellent
Dragon Flamegust
Team Spot Support and Triage

Since he is actually still young and a student (he was born less than 30 years ago, but he is not '30' in any way due to Djinn aging) he doesn't have his full strength yet. Letting loose won't become an issue even if someone wishes for tremendously overpowered things. However, he is bound by Djinn restrictions (remarkably similar to those that the Convocation use, hmmm) and must be properly addressed, with formal wishes formatted correctly in order to use his 'full' power. Casual wish granting is his 'thing'; though he doesn't use it for cheating he isn't above allowing someone's 'wish I'd pass this test' to come true - with the complications that might entail. He actually does this to prove a point - Be careful what you wish for. Also he does not have to grant any wish if he doesn't feel that it's appropriate. This is a term of both Carramba and his kin, they're not into the whole 'slavery to the one that freed them' bullshit any more.

Note that in the conditions of not only a supergroup, but of Carramba's class structure, when he is out with The Finest, he is at his own whim able to do miraculous work, from healing the near-dead, to throwing a tickertape parade that cleans itself up afterwards. Since he is involved with the group he has had to learn what specifically each of the members needs, and how to assess wish-granting in the field, which is something his ancestors really didn't have to deal with at all. Integration into normal (... normal on Twoarth?) society is new to all of his kind, but he takes his work seriously and wants to put his kind on the spot: like Keenan has done with his Convocation, why aren't they doing more? They can after all, they just don't want to. Their powers are vast, however, and since he is inexperienced the elders of his group give him a bit of a pass. But they are seemingly waiting for him to screw up. He won't give them that chance, if he can possibly avoid it.



Name: Flamegust
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium (large wings) 10'6" s / 65' l / 110' ws
Colors: belly from chin to tail tip and behind legs medium red; body, legs, wing arms shiny crimson; dorsal and limb armor darker metallic crimson; markings on face, neck, body, limbs, tail pale white-blue and cyan wind gust curls; wingsails grade from yellow-orange to red-orange with tiny speckling of red, yellow, orange; horns medium red, claws dark charcoal black, eyes yellow with red
Features: Skywing
Powers: Winged Flight, looking like a flame on the wind, those big wings mean business. Always moving and dodging, she is a very capable combat dragon, and enjoys being trusted with emergency flights and rescues. She flies without leaving much of a wake and can match race cars for speed. Though incredibly speedy, she is also very careful, and has learned in the short time she's been with The Finest that her flight patterns need to be stable and safe for transporting people around. She can lift several human-sized weights, prefers to let them ride - and has a harness they outfit her with before missions where she'll be moving people around. Though she'd love to just get out there and fight, she is very interested in making her team proud, and has not let them down.
Communication, As a young dragon born on the Rookery very shortly before coming to Carramba, she has little knowledge of Draconic beyond what she's been learning from elders. However she can speak English and Arabic with ease now that she's been teamed up with Noz, and has a small amount of terminology that she recognizes ("wish" "help" "they went", etc) in many local Human tongues. She and Nozzeroz share a magical bond, and can communicate with each other from any distance.
Element Production, obviously a Skywing like this will have a tremendous amount of firepower. Flamegust has a talent for very specific heat and fire. Those markings on her body are not for nothing: one of her ancestors was an Icewing, and as such her tricks are different than most. She can drop the temperature around a small area (within 10 meters) and then re-heat it dramatically, providing a pressure shift and moisture production, not real rain but condensation on any slick surface like glass or metal. She also seems to be able to make wind-gusts and eddies in breezeways, knocking over small things or uplifting wings (her own or whoever's) within about 50 meters. Her fire breath however is still remarkably strong and accurate to over 200 meters in a beam of bright-orange light. She tends not to use it in urban areas unless it's an emergency, because it can melt stone with how hot it is... meaning street and building repairs aplenty.
Parentage: Sire Flamekeeper, unknown mother - grandparents are Warning Signs and Sanguine Ice
Origin: Adopted from GuildKnight with Biohazardia lines on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: It was a toss up that this dragon bonded to a djinn and not to the Bender of the group, because her elemental prowess is pretty similar. However, she liked Noz's style!