Soon-Rae 'Sunray the Striped Shield'

Name Soon-rae SUNRAY [striped shield]
Gender Male? they/them
Homeworld Xen, Vortigaunt
Class Junior 30kk +7
Nut Nut
Totem Earwig
Smarts 6
Bod/Feet 6
Luck 4
Drive 1
Looks 1
Cool 7
Bonk 4
Powers Vortigaunt And Then Some - a standard array of Vortal senses, (such as telepathy, empathy, and aura sensing all at very good distances and level of detail)
Also has a very strong shield that can protect from impact damage and deflect bullets and even some amount of energy. It absorbs all electric power thrown at it, which improves the shield for a short period, so if the group is up against an electrically powered foe they are sent in first to soak up that power. The shield is 3 meters across, and can be split up into smaller portions or shaped to fit an area such as a doorway. Since starting this venture in The Finest, they have improved the duration of this shield and can keep it up for nearly 15 minutes of high-effort.
They can heal in a pinch, though it's more geared toward emergency use to keep victims alive until someone else can work on them - they use this to stabilize someone and then keeps the shield up for that to work best.
They can use a Vortal Tunnel, focusing their energies to create a small and temporary portal from one location to another, usually this is up to 50 meters away, but sometimes they can open one to another dimension if needed. This will wear them out tremendously but can mean instant safety. (They turn glowing greenish at this, where many Vorts turn a violet-blue.)
Lastly they can direct a massive electrical blast toward enemies that is accurate to about 10 meters, so it's still a last-ditch defense, but it can incapacitate a human-sized enemy for a few minutes or even kill a smaller animal.
Clusters Vortessence +4
Linguist +1
Skills Electrical Conduit +3
Estimate Shield Strength +2
Remember Names +2
2 Fingers Is Enough +2
Knacks Colorful Language and Colors +4
1 Dimensional Travel / Lane / Excellent
2 Teleport / Retail / Excellent
3 Computer Code / Wesson / Decent
4 Algebra / Nachos CA / Passing
5 Royalty+Regular Folks / Wolf / Barely Passing
6 Naming / Akarist / Superb
7 Practical Composition / Feliciane / Decent
8 Thumbless Crafting / Kuumba / Decent
Dragon Sunsword
Team Spot Defense and Support


Soon-rae lives up to their name already, having adopted a strong defensive and support role, as they are best at shielding and protection. They do get to blast at things enough to keep their teenage attitude sated, but that will never be their strongest suit.


Name: Sunsword
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 10'8" s / 55' l / 100' ws
Colors: belly armor from chin to tail tip and behind legs medium brown, body and limbs, backs of wings slightly shinier medium brown that goes a bit lighter and much darker depending on the angle of shadows; dorsal armor, limb armor dark brown; wingsails vibrant red-brown with bright yellow and red markings also found around eye; mid strip scales orange; dorsal ridge and claws reddish brown; horns dark brown; eyes red
Features: Skywing
Powers: Winged Flight, with big wings even as a youth, this dragon is able to both soar and speed with grace and style. She does like to speed, though, and while she can hit breakneck speeds quickly, she only does this when there are no passengers. She likes to arrive with her rider and make a dramatic entrance, and distract enemies while they're setting up their shield. She can then carry a considerable amount of weight away from an area and does have a harness arrangement for injured people to rest in.
Communication, she's young and speaks English, Vortigese, and Korean with ease, and only barely some amount of her native Draconic. She does have a brilliant Vortal connection to her partner, and they implicitly understand each other from any distance. She has a very loud voice when needed, but when she's mentally speaking her mind feels like the crackling of a warm fire, or a sparkler.
Fire Breathing Dragon, obviously, Skywings are hot stuff. She's able to produce metal-melting heat, but can carefully guide her flames in a very narrow beam, or fan them out for a shorter cone, accurate at up to 200 meters and 50 meters respectively.
Parentage: Unknown Skywings, unrelated to any in the Protectorate or Rookery
Origin: adopted from GuildKnight with Biohazardia lines on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: She loves to pose for photo ops, and encourages the others to do so as well, they really are The Finest!