Tatum Darby

Name Tatum Darby aka DRAGONFLY
Gender Female, she/her
Homeworld Twoarth, possibly hybrid
Class Junior 30kk +4
Nut Nut
Totem Poodle / Dragonfly
Smarts 7
Bod/Feet 10 (strength 4, dexterity 7, aerial agility 10)
Luck 9*
Drive 7 (fly only)
Looks 6
Cool 7
Bonk 3

Dragonfly Totemic Powers
Flight - Tatum is very speedy and light in the air, able to lift herself in any direction and gain forward speed up to 40 mph in moments. She can hover and often does so if there's room around her. She can lift only about 100lbs in addition to herself, if a rescue is needed she may call on someone else to help, or fly with difficulty.

*Vision - though you can't really tell her eyes are faceted. They're close enough to human to 'pass', though very large, and she doesn't really suffer any particular social penalties if someone notices. She has exceptional 3-D and distance estimation abilities with her eyes, and can see motion before almost anyone else does; her field of vision is slightly wider than a normal person's, at 240 degrees, but this is in both horizontal and vertical dimensions. Her exceptional vision allows her to jump out of the way of dangers, and thus she seems to have a lot of Luck.

Sensory Tracking - her sight is paired with keen chemical receptors that are actually within her hair follicles, so if she fluffs her hair she's actually smelling the surroundings. With this she is able to discern individual smells and does so to track enemies or items. She can sense most strong smells at a much greater distance than humans, and can also detect remarkably faint trails, able to follow them from the air as long as they were made within 2 or 3 hours.

Light on her Feet - She's able to fly and move so fast because she's extremely light-weight, and hardly registers on scales (she is around 5'8" tall and weighs about... let's say 35lbs?), so she can alight on objects as improbable as a single slender tree branch and not even bend it. Also she can cling to surfaces to a degree, with her fingers and feet having small gripping claws similar to a dragonfly's. Normally in school settings she does wear special shoes to prevent her from sticking to the floor, but they come off and vanish into Hammerspace when needed.

Clusters Navigate Like A Dragonfly +4
Skills Discerning Palate +3
Follow/Give Orders +3
Math Is Easy +2
Knacks Perch On Bigger Team Mates +3
Fashionable To A Fault +2
Audible Blink +1
1 Super Team Tactics / Wesson / Superb
2 Pain Compliance / Aliza / Decent
3 Taekwondo / Canby / Excellent
4 Steam Tech / Wheeler / Decent
5 Trigonometry / Nachos CA / Superb
6 Royalty+Regular Folks / Wolf / Excellent
7 History of Warfare / Pointman / Decent
8 Practical Composition / Feliciane / Passing (barely)
Dragon Pterostigma
Doll Info Meiker Element Guardians
Team Spot Scout, Tracker, Defensive Lead





Name: Pterostigma (literally 'wing spot') "Terry"
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 10's / 55' l / 66' and 52' ws
Colors: belly from chin to tail tip, behind limbs turquoise; mid armor bright yellow; body from neck to tail tip, wing arms dusty orange; armor and back insets rust red; face brown; wingsails grade from medium blue to blue-violet at tips with large bright yellow slightly glowing star dots; claws, horns, spikes, eyes cyan
Features: Hivewing, young
Powers: Winged Flight, like her companion, Terry is very speedy and extremely agile in the air. She is a lot stronger than she looks, though, and can lift several human-sized weights with ease though they'd need to find a way around her back spines; she does make a weird buzzing noise when flying, so you do know when she's on the way.
Communication, as a young dragon hatched basically on an Earth, she has little to no exposure to her homeworld's speech, and as such she speaks English and can understand a few phrases in other Twoarth-centric tongues; she and Tatum have a close bond, though their communication is mainly pheromones and clicking rather than mental/Vortal. Notably though, she is immune to Vortal or Psionic mental commands, and cannot be hypnotized or coersed.
Scent Production, many Hivewings have unique properties and powers, hers is that she can create very specific smells that range from 'only ants can detect this' to 'drive a human crazy wondering where the corn chips are' to 'the ocean is this direction'. She can leave a trail of scent geared toward one person or a species ('that guy smells like the library I should follow him to it', 'where the hell did all these moths come from they're clogging the security cameras') that lasts about 3 hours, after which it just evaporates. She's the ultimate social engineer in this regard, and can use these scents in quick succession, up to four different smells in 20 minutes. She does however almost always smell a little 'weird', in the way that bugs often do to Human noses. She can discern all of these scents easily, though she usually needs to be exposed to the scent to recreate it.
Parentage: Unknown, not related to any in the Rookery or Protectorate
Origin: Adopted from LunarSolstice981 with lines by Biohazardia on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Eager and willing to take orders, she's also quite clever with her use of her scent power, and doesn't hesitate to tell Tatum what she discovers while wandering around, including 'this guy's carrying a gun I can smell the powder' or 'the janitor is drinking again'. Sometimes these will lead to interesting discoveries or help the team, others not so much.