Carmen Seymour

Name Carmen Seymour
Gender Herm (male dominant, he/him)
Homeworld Alternate Earth (Where Convocation Settled and Bred With The Natives)
Class Junior
Nut A Little Nutty
Totem Parakeet -1S/GM, +3Bod, -1 RWP, +1 Luck, -2Drive, 30+4kk
Smarts 7
Bod/Feet 11
Luck 4
Drive 2
Looks 4
Cool 4
Bonk 6

Favored By his Convocation (by extension, Lane and his family) likes this character a lot, and will go to great lengths to protect or aid them

Convocation Powers - As a pseudo-energy being, he can access and manipulate many forms of energy including electricity, radio, radiation, and even biochemical. He can turn into energy very briefly, allowing him to move at incredible speeds. This includes teleportation and genrehopping, though he is not experienced with focusing those fully.

Clusters Movement is his Bitch +4
Skills Navigate Around Objects +3
Multiverse Sensing +3
Knacks Attract All The Wrong... Um, Right People +3
Know Your Pronouns +2
Impress With Fun Foods +3
1 Genetic Engineering / Paveh
2 Realtime Geometry / Rex 903
3 Greek Studies / A Caroline Clone
4 Locals History / Prescott
5 Ironic Literature / P. Fettel
6 Exotic Diets+Cooking / L. Sidki-Sanger
7 Interpersonal Relations / Rubio
8 Teleportation Practice / Lane


Small fluttering creatures such as found on Xen are often attracted to Carmen, but they're not really his pets as much as hangers-on; he does feel a bit weird when they die, because was he supposed to take care of them, even if he didn't want them as a pet?
Dragon Stardip



The increasingly large group had made it through another tour site, and most of the kids were tired enough that they didn't even notice when Lane moved them from one dimension to another. Most of them, not all. It was likely that Raheem, Connith, and Pace also noted this subtle interaction, but they were exhausted and distracted for a variety of reasons - not the least of which was dragons. Those dragons also didn't much notice, so focused were they on making sure to not squish their small companions.

Muttered conversations came from a few, wasn't that waterfall beautiful, wonder how those flowers get pollenated, can we try hunting as a group if we find something big enough. Adelade was already asleep, her dragon protectively watching over her with what appeared to be adoration; the other dragons finding new ways to not spear each other with poison tails or spikes while they too drifted off.

Carmen stood quietly on his own, a ways off from the group though he didn't remember walking away. He stood tiredly, but still quite typically for him: upright and a little stuffed-shirt looking. But his shoulders gradually slumped, his spine finally loosened. He felt... comfortable? At the very least, comforted here. His orange-shaded eyes scanned the horizon if it could be called that, focusing on far more than the odd visuals of floating chunks of ground that gently bobbed in the pseudo-atmosphere.

It was clear he knew that Lane was standing nearby, yet he still used his voice and not his telepathy to address the older man.

"This... this is Xen," he said quietly. He hadn't taken his eyes off the panorama; while not concerned exactly, he was a little confused.

Lane drew in a slow breath, spoke quietly and slowly. "It is indeed." Carmen missed that smirk on the instructor's lined face. "The question is... which one?"

He hadn't been fully 'reading Carmen's mind', of that the younger Convocation boy was sure. But no one needed to be a mind-reader to sense the confusion from that query. Carmen tilted his head, almost went to adjust his tie. Yes, even as a student he preferred to keep the tie even when others might have decided against it on this weirdest of field trips. At last, Carmen turned with that upturned crook to his eyebrows. He swept his hand through his hair, leaving it to find its own way back in strands in front of his eyes.

Once more, Lane gave that patented Mysterious Smile of his. Carmen knew that he should know the answers, he knew that they were right there in front of him, but he didn't know the right question yet. "The baffled look on your face tells me... that you still haven't fully accepted this... idea." Lane walked a few steps nearer, to rest beside his young charge. He looked out at the islands, their distances could not be determined visually because their scale wasn't clear. He knew: some of them were massive, some were tiny. "My dear boy, I am not of your Convocation, why would my Xen be the same as your own?"

That almost startled Carmen. Of course! It made sense, now, now that it was said. Lane watched all the different emotions and expressions play over Carmen - fleeting as they would normally be on his own face. Less subtle. That was good. He hoped that the younger Convocation would learn it was so much more fun to display everything and let others figure it out.

The boy closed his eyes and felt around with a bit of Vortessence. "It's... older than ours," he commented about his Xen. "A lot older, I think. It's... more... um, condensed? Is that the right word for it?"

"I suppose so. If yours is indeed 'younger', then it may be in a more... expansive state of collection." Lane looked up and down, easily able to 'ping' any given island's trajectory. "It's taken this long to get it this... compact. It is still a work in progress." He sighed, and Carmen was young enough that he missed the deeper sense of sadness in Lane's voice. "I've been thinking about just leaving it as it is now, but it's always been a... hobby of mine, to... Well. To put it back together. Somehow." He was very quiet, but his voice was still filled with some nameless emotion. Carmen wasn't sure what he really meant. He obviously knew Xen's origin, didn't he? Was it... different with his Convocation? Instead of dwelling on that, Lane focused back on the younger man.

Carmen turned back to the edge of this wide, flat island. His Vortal vision splayed across it, a faint saffron-red web visible only to Lane. The student finally was able to sense that one huge island he thought was nearby... "It's so far away, but ... there are people on it, that one there," he faintly waved his fingers toward it. Lane squinted gently. It was clumped and visually difficult to distinguish from the other three behind it, at this distance. But he knew it by heart, by every single molecule it was composed of. From the pillars, the bones of the dead creature that had resided in it millennia before, to the newly constructed metal and plastic shelters. It was in his domain. It was all his, whether the work and imported matter had been brought, or existed here all along. What wasn't 'his', at least, understood the rules.

"Yes, there are. I'd leave them to it, they have their work cut out for them." He left it at that, and Carmen didn't press the issue. "You should join the others, get some rest. I... suspect that you'll want to be rested for the next leg of this... journey."

"Are you going to keep making us guess where we wind up?" Carmen asked, and Lane chuckled.

"Undoubtedly. That is part of the test."

Carmen did go back to the group. Their camp site resembled the last one they'd had


Name: Stardip
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small 8' s / 44' l / 66' and 40' ws
Colors: belly from chin to tail tip, behind limbs pale frosty grey; face accents and lower wing arms light grey; face, neck fringe armor and dorsal armor steel grey, fringe with blood red teardrop markings, and dorsal from head to back marked with cream; body fringe armor goldenrod with red marks*, belly only; upper wing fingers and arms creamy; dorsal markings, limb armor, horns and spikes, claws, all very, very black; wingsails cream solid at arm and wrist, with drip pattern into underlying transprent grey with tiny star field white specks; eyes red
Features: Hivewing Nightwing hybrid, likely only one Nightwing grandparent given he's mostly Hive in stature and features; upper wings, coloration, tail type Nightwing
Powers: Winged Flight, Stardip is much stronger than his size would indicate, as his Nightwing-styled main wings prove. He can attain remarkable speed, though not as fast as top-tier dragons, for his size he's pretty swift. His secondary set of wings is nearly as long as those main ones, and allow him to navigate with precision and slight speed boosts when needed though that does prove exhausting. He could potentially fly with only those second wings, but that would be a dire circumstance indeed. Because he does have Hivewing spikes on his neck it's a little difficult to get snugly rested onto his shoulders, and he doesn't like carrying anyone other than Carmen anyway. However he could definitely lift a medium sized vehicle as long as it's got a way to be hoisted, for a short distance. Overall though, he prefers to burst into the air, do his thing, and return to the ground, unless it's night time at which point he will cruise around on patrol enjoying himself in the air.
*Communication, his Nightwing scale pattern (the teardrop-shaped insets on his scales) indicate his high-born status Vortally. Whether he was hatched on his homeworld or somewhere else is unclear, but what is known is that he is very strongly Vortal and can telepathically communicate with anyone that also has the power. He and Carmen are strongly bonded together, and share a lot of their inner thoughts even at great distances. Otherwise he is a bit on the hissy side, and if you get him irate he will positively deafen things with screeching. He has been likened to an angry youtube ranter, with a more or less deep sedate voice until he goes off on something. His vocabulary however is very large, so he'll pull out English, Russian, French, Korean, Vortigese, or Draconic in equal measure to get his point across.
Hypnotize and Dazzle, as a uniquely talented Hivewing with the strength of a Nightwing's power, Stardip has the ability to open his wings wide, and cause anyone (with eyes and a brain/mind, including AI with visual sensors) to become hypnotized and lulled. While the stars on his wings do not actually move, they seem to, and while in this state of enrapt attention, Stardip can use a very particular voice, Vortally-enhanced, to make suggestions, lay the foundations of triggers in a mind, or even to a limited degree force a person to act or stop acting in a specific way. There are no limits to the quantity of those who will be affected by his wings, save distance that they can see him. So if he were to get onto a stage and become the focal point of an entire audience, they would all definitely go sort of numb and 'pause' for the duration. He can select who does or does not become affected, though he requires preparation time for that. The effects last as long as his wings are up, and then on folding them down people go back to whatever they were doing before seeing it - weaker willed or lesser intelligent creatures will literally never even realize they were under his spell, though anyone with a stronger mind, Vortal power, or the like, will absolutely know. Only those with equal strength of mind, strong Vortal ability, or an active power to contradict it, can resist. He can do this multiple times to the same person, and create an elaborate string of commands, which then can be triggered with a single word or event. Thankfully he uses this to creative and positive ends, rather than dangerous or cruel ones.
Parentage: Unknown, likely a pure Hivewing, and a Hive-Night hybrid
Origin: Adopted from LunarSolstice981 with lines by Luna-The-Nightwing on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Stardip fits in much better with Nightwings than Hive, though he is quite a bit smaller than most of them. He enjoys training and has participated in a number of Carramba classes for such things, both for people to resist, and for him to get better.