Portia Rowley

Name Portia Rowley
Gender Female, bi
Homeworld The World (Dishonored) / child of Dunwall nobility, Marked / Also has a spot in the Void Travelers side of things but isn't sure that coming home with a 'hound' like the one she's apparently got would be too safe... or maybe it'd be fun
Class Freshman 27kk
Totem Earwig / art Meiker - The Green Ferret Steampunk
Smarts 4
Bod/Feet 4
Luck 5
Drive 5
Looks 2
Cool 2
Bonk 6

Void Magic - because she has been Marked by the Outsider (perhaps it's the same one as comes around when Lane and company wander the halls), she has easy access to an almost unlimited supply of raw chaotic magic energy. She carefully plans how to use this, and also to unlock other abilities she must first seek or create a Rune inscribed with that same mark, to channel it from the Void into herself; she has to disguise the Mark when at home, as it is absolutely heretical and will get her killed... or worse, by the Abbey, passes this off as a grease stain
Nimble Fingers - opens doors to ... anywhere, this power allows her to 'pick a lock' on a door or even a large crate or case, anything that has a lock on it and enough room to physically stand in, go through, or squeeze into; you might see her trying to escape through a locked window into a blank alley, but that alley doesn't have to be where she winds up... any location she's visited or has seen specifically (with enough detail to not screw it up) can be opened
Send It To The Void - forever. No really, she can just open one of those doors and toss something (or...someone) in and it's the Void where they go; they will not last long there, and though nonmagical items will simply dissolve over time, magically enhanced ones can be stored there up to 1 year without harm; she has a 'room' for such items floating gently in the darkness of the Void
Mechanical Senses - able to use local machines and electrical connections to detect security, lighting, other devices, and people in close proximity to them; this power works best from 5 to 25 meters, and can give a ghostly vision of strong enhancements or enchanted items within that range

Bonecharms - she has an extensive collection of small charms made from whalebone (and other bone), wire, wood and metals, that are enchanted with Void energy to provide small boosts in skills or situational protections; these are minor, only offering a +1 bonus, but she has one for virtually any need to add to rolls below; she can reach into the Void for these via a 'locked' pocket on her belt

Clusters Mechanical Aptitude +3
Skills Doesn't Rely On Magic Alone +3
Easily Estimate Volume/Distance +3
Tinker With Bones +2
Knacks It's Just A Grease Stain +2
1 Economics with FurEngel Decent
2 Current Earth Religions with Sidki-Sanger Decent
3 Metalshop with Krueger Excellent
4 Personal Space Creation with Lane Excellent
5 Teleportation Practice with Retali8r Decent
6 Steam Tech and Alternate Power Sourcing with Wheeler Superb
7 Technical Writing with Wheeler Excellent
8 Betting and Odds with Haital Decent
Pets Stickitt
Parents? Don't realize she's marked, send guards to fetch her
Siblings? Two older sisters, one younger brother



Name: Stickitt
Gender: Ungendered, warrior, low rank
Size/Shoulder/Length: 4' head
Colors: Browns, orange, yellow, orange glow
Features: Xenobunnydragon, big feets, long ears, buckteeth, fur; Marmalade inside dark chocolate
Powers: Teleportation long range at extremely high strength, marmalade resin sticky
Parentage: Glowstick, Candycorn, Sundai
Origin: Winter Gather 2020 by Shard
Other Info: Named because that marmalade often drips and leaves sticky pools around the work space, but it can be used to stick things to walls, or even other things; Stickitt is smart enough to follow instructions, and rarely gets bored watching its human friend

Note that if she comes home with this beast, she absolutely will have to pass it off as a highly-bred Hound...


Other Info: