Nach'lih Kallah-Vahh
Character Information Page
Nach'lih Kallah-vahh  
Keenan Lane, et al
Convocation / Magic
Apparent Age
Mid-30s at most
Group Affiliation
Convocation; Carramba Protectors
Status in Group
Founder; Main Mentor
Wilson Carver and Nachos California...
Day Job if any
Not in this form, however his alts are often found instructing at Carramba High; this one is all hero all the time, and occasionally 'daddy' to Mouse and others

Art from City of Heroes

It's just Keenan, again. And again.
Probably dates back to 'guilt', he really does want to make sure that Earth is protected, regardless of the enemies it faces
This version of his persona group utitlizes Psychic Blasting, Time Manipulation, and Electrical Mastery, along with Invisibility, Haste, and Teleportation
Heroic based in this form, navigational skills, identifying enemies and groups
He's a touch more on the impulsive side in this guise, and has been known to immerse himself in a big fight just to fend off the lasting guilt he's had over the decades and much more recent issues; he is most certainly hunted by Crey at this point, because of his actions in Paragon City stealing the clones
Though not 'sidekicked', he has Mentored the entire Protector group at Carramba High; he does specifically help out two of their number instructing them beyond the overall group
Keenan is not remarkably physical, choosing more intellectual pursuits for his heroics
He does get around town by walking most of the time, and can last a while in combat with enemies
Adequate with his hands, this isn't where his true skill rests
You would be amazed where he can wind up, however, after teleporting or even just walking around a place; he is able to combine his teleport with time pauses...
No, you cannot out think him. He's seen a lot and he isn't afraid to use this against an enemy, overwhelming them with his pure mind power
Though he doesn't use every moment of his memory, he can access a literal billion years of experiences, though he concentrates on the present for real needs
Keenan in any form is both impish and badass, but doesn't rely on his charms to get him where he needs to be
Though handsome enough, even in his 'older' form, he's not conventional enough for most people to point and say he's gorgeous, he doesn't really care
That literal billion year thing in action, there is never a time when he seems anything less than daunting, and any magic or psychic senses will detect his great power
As a hero, Keenan has prospered greatly, and doesn't hold back any more. He knows enemies will come after regular people and cannot abide that
He splits his efforts between like 8 different bodies on several Earths, he's still got Convocation power to spare, don't test him on this
Though greatly powered, he does also occasionally miss with his attacks, or let someone slip past him


Weakest --> Strongest; Good --> Evil / Order--> Chaos; Little --> Most

Keenan is intense and focused most of the time, and once he sets his sights on a goal he will reach it. This differs from his prior era, when he was more content to set things in motion and watch for the results. He's learned that he must act promptly. Though he definitely has a bit of whimsy in him, and enjoys the results of some good old fashioned rabble rousing or chaotic moments, as a hero he will defend the innocent to his greatest ability. Not merely a psychic power, Keenan is very aware of the needs of those around him, and their emotional stability. He will put their happiness and security well before his own, in almost all cases.