Rita Tailor the Retail Retali8r
Character Information Page
Rita Tailor  
Retail Retali8r, Emperor's Adul8r, Retali8ed, other 8rs as well
Natural, supposedly
Heroic for the time being
Pansexual and aggressively so
A lot more than she looks
Apparent Age
Mid-30s to early 40s
Group Affiliation
Irregulars, Protectors
Status in Group
Mentor, partner in crime
She has been herself on numerous dimensions
Day Job if any
Occasionally drops in on the local Comic store to help bag and board; also locally at Carramba is an instructor, see below

Art from City of Heroes

Retail Retali8r is an odd bird, she is technically found in hundreds of thousands of Earth dimensions, however... they're all her. She's always that person, she seems to blip back and forth between dimensions and times, having lived over and over and over
This time it's heroism. Sometimes it's chaos. Others it's revenge. She is a bored immortal and isn't afraid to admit it
She has almost always had powers that come from empathy and healing, but weaponizes those using her innate teleportation; she can pull hearts out of bodies, and then heal the victim back to do it again; Ranged Support is technically her specialty
Anatomy and tactics, they've always been one in the same to her. If she knows anything from repeating the same events in different styles, it's that everyone dies when you pull the right organs out of them
She is dangerous to a degree that is astonishing, but she is at least consistent enough to focus on being evil some other time; she's an all-in girl, whether that's for a crime spree or a redemption arc. She will up and murder someone for the hell of it, even as a hero, knowing that she can revive them...
She serves as the Mentor for two specific members of the Protectors, but also as an instructor at Carramba High, teaching Concealment and Stealth for Heroic Purposes 1, 3; Teleport Practice 2, 5, 7; Psionic Healing 4, 8
Rita isn't any kind of body builder, she prefers being lithe and quick rather than hefty and strong
Her ability to keep going in an extended fight is well known, and she can extend this to her peers or team mates
She has a long history of doing artwork and writing in down time, as well as massage and other fun stuff for personal relationships
Able to keep up with most enemies easily, she has learned how to 'dance' with her powers, kiting enemies into ambushes, and holding her own in large mobs
She's quite smart and easily understands advanced ideas, though tends to work with what's immediately in front of her, rather than based on theory
Don't let the mediocrity of her formal education fool you, she knows a lot about some subjects and ignores plenty of bullshit others
As a store employee back in the day (every time she restarts) she was quite easily able to bring in customers, and keep them, thanks to her big smile and blunt words
She considers herself less than average in appearance, but she has always had a bunch of groupies who assert otherwise
You will never realize that she's there until she makes herself known, and that's by design
With as much time as she's spent being both heroic and villainous she does know how to approach a fight or event, and will absolutely take charge if needed
She has a surprising reservoir of power in its raw form, this is likely due to her magical partner as well as repeatedly going through portals or just being immortal
What she does, Rita does very well. She doesn't fuss about with stuff that she knows she will have to 'learn long term', her healing and teleport works just fine


Weakest --> Strongest; Good --> Evil / Order--> Chaos; Little --> Most

Always interested in what's happening, but not always directly involved; if she sees something needing done, she'll do it Currently she's on the 'slightly chaotic side of good', but swings both ways (huhuh) every time she changes dimension This is her thing. She is absolutely and sometimes painfully aware of those minds around her, and either exploits them as a villain, or soothes them as a hero; she's not above a lot of tough-love, however, and has a point where she knows people simply won't benefit from it