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Name Marcus (MAR series, designation CUS)
Gender Male, he/him, bi
Homeworld Twoarth, Black Mesa (skinside) facility
Class Freshman 20kk+5
Nut Dark Chocolate Covered Hazelnut

Jackal the Scary Harbinger of Death totem, scary. Dark. Misunderstood. Slobbers when happy or upon hearing a dinner bell +2 S/Gm, -1 Luck, +1 Looks, +2 Cool, -1 Bonk

Smarts 7
Bod/Feet 2
Luck 1
Drive 6
Looks 6
Cool 5
Bonk 5

Defensive Adaptation - Marcus is fully capable of entering the worst locations Black Mesa has to offer, and come out with maybe a small hole in his shirt, or singed shoelaces. These adaptations occur without needing concentration, and seem to be proximity-activated. He's been known to walk through a series of increasingly improbable obstacles and quickly adjusts between them. Water? No problem, that's why he likes to start the day with swimming! Electrified water? Pfff, it might kill fish, but it won't hurt him. Boiling lava? Intense pressure? Any and all of the above. The only limits he seems to have is if he's also having to run and dodge or exert himself in physical ways, but that only slows his adjustment time, not the effectiveness of the adaptation. (So he can be going full breaststroke in swim team, and maybe only miss two paddles between boiling and freezing, electrical or sudden vapor.) He cannot extend this to anyone else, but he can and does shelter others if he can, lifting them above electrified surfaces or blocking intense X-rays (he doesn't conduct electricity or carry any radiation). Also this doesn't really confer any immunity to diseases, but he hasn't ever carried a parasite of any kind through a room while he's using this ability, they cannot keep up with him

Photographic Memory - Ever since they were released from their cloning tubes, Marcus is the one who remembered all the voices, could identify footsteps outside the room... But he does also remember the trauma of being exposed to broken glass, forced under water, made to hold his hand on fire... All in the name of science of course, all because they knew he could handle it. But he was just a kid (they were children-sized when they originally ‘hatched') and he can't say he liked it very much. He knows now that they were just doing what they thought was right, but it doesn't remove those memories. If you need something brought up at the right (or wrong) moment, tell him a secret. Though he's not ‘bitter' he definitely will want to use those things to his own advantage and that of his bros, before anyone else can

Spoilsport - While he might use those powers... he can also make sure that other people can't. Anything that could be considered an ‘external' power, within about a 10 meter sphere from him, he can simply cause to stop working. This notably does not work on his bros, nor can it stop inherent abilities such as a winged creature flying, but it could stop a bird-person from using a sonic scream in class when they're not getting a good grade! He is on hand to keep kids that have lost control over their powers in the Danger Room from getting too ... dangerous, and his Powers and their Use class he's definitely at the top. This ability also seems to allow him a slightly more intimate knowledge than just observation might allow, but he cannot control or trigger other people's abilities, just turn them off. He can do this to whoever is in that sphere, though ones who are quite powerful might require touch - it's a good thing he can withstand fire blasts and laser eyes to get close enough to a kid who's lost his self-restraint...


Moody Heroism +3 Even if he's the Spooky Goth Type, he's definitely a hero through and through. Because what else would he do with those abilities of his but serve to protect others? He's dark, he's not evil . He doesn't have any classes with Dane, the superhero (bro Marlon does), but Dane does act as a guidance councilor when needed, because they definitely have that in common. He will spot ways to use the environment or other people's abilities to this advantage, and then write poetry about it later. Any time he's in a situation where someone else needs help, he will definitely be hustling to do ‘something', whether it's throwing himself into the fray, or barking an order to someone else to do it, it'll get done


Organizational Skills +4 Because of his memory, he knows just how to arrange the pieces of any given puzzle, and this applies to jigsaw pieces up to space armadas. He knows how to mitigate weaknesses in people and get them to the right partner in a science project, can go through papers that have been through a literal shredder and put them back together again, and remember just how many syllables go into that poem he wants to write in a specific style - all of these things, done with a distinct flair, not just by rote

Social Confidence +2 He is a natural leader, but never seems to admit it until shit starts hitting the fan. He knows that he's good at things, he also knows he's among the smarter of the kids in the MAR project - though not the smartest, which keeps him in check. He has a commanding presence, but not a blustery one. People will give him a wider berth when he's in a mood, but don't stop listening to his advice or instructions just because he's got a nose piercing...


Make Yourself Useful +3 Even with his off-putting occasional grumbly-growly personality, and even though he's rarely ‘first choice' on any given team, he finds ways to fit in with almost any group, and offers aid, advice, the right tool for a job, or an anecdote or meme he just found - always at the right time for the best impact; he also finds it amusing that he's both the one who looks like a social outcast, and is definitely the most social of the group

Yes He's Got A Tattoo +1 and yes he's way too young to have gotten it ‘legally', and no it's not their barcodes which they do have too... Those piercings are self expression that a few of the scientists at Black Mesa didn't much care for, but they were told not to interfere with personal development. These are quite personal, thanks

Period Class/Instructor/Grade ^ w/Marlon # w/Marshal @ w/both
1 Swim Team / Hilton / Excellent
2 Theoretical Physics / Freeman / Superb ^
3 Way Off Base-10 / Saiintenella / Excellent
4 Linguistics / Kale-Baah / Excellent #
5 Nexus Geohistory / T. Kshau / Decent @
6 Fiction Writing / Gray / Superb
7 Danger Rooms and Reset Buttons / Moonrose / Excellent
8 Powers and their Use / Ramrod / Excellent
Pets He has groupies, do they count?
Parents? Only the one, from whom he's cloned
Siblings? .... In addition to his two bros here? 17 others all MAR*** names
Image From Meiker Character Generator


Name: Cushavoth
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: (?)
Colors: strong purple with very deep contrast and highlight in good lighting; paws and muzzle have the beginning of the traditional Blood Court red markings; wingsails are richer purple; eyes yellow, claws light
Features: Blood Court (will acquire new visible features at adulthood)
Powers: Winged Flight
Telepathy, Verbal Speech
Blood-Activated Elemental Magic
Parentage: mother Dark Court Green Anseloth, father Blood Court Blue Nacsarth
Origin: Empyrean Stair Court Hatching 2022
Other Info: attentive, private
(from hatching) There was a  Blood Court purple shuffling himself neatly from his shell, though his swiftness was not to be mistaken for eagerness, but rather, a need to be away from as many other people and dragons as possible.
He lined straight for Marcus, as soon as the young man was in sight, shoving his head down next to his paws as soon as he came to a stop. Too loud, too many. Cushavoth wants quiet, can you help?