Luciano Laguna


Name Luciano Laguna

Male, he/him, Quite Pan

Homeworld Twoarth, Skin-Side Tijuana (part of California in this dimension)
Species Human
6'1" with the hair up
Totem Chinchilla , the I Am Sneaky But Please Do Not Immerse Me Fully In Water Or All My Fur Will Fall Out In Clumps totem, secretive, quiet little freaks, the chinchilla often manifests itself in the form of the Dark Arts: skullduggery, subterfuge, telemarketing; bod +1, rwp +1, luck +1, drive -1, looks +2, +6kks
Nut Maybe you didn't realize you were eating a Challenge Peanut when you opened the bag but that's what you've got in your mouth... this is your life now and it is pure brilliance (and pain)
Class Senior, 40kks
Smarts 3
Bod/Feet 3
Luck 6
Drive 2
Looks 8
Cool 6
Bonk 4

Transformation Sequence and Chemical Powers - Luciano's typical style is not as ... suggestive as the all-leather gear he changes into. But he certainly seems to enjoy the attention that it gets. His small companion creatures (though there are multiples of these, only the white one is shown to match his outfit) swarm together around him, breathing out a glittering fog that envelops his entire form. When it dissipates he is left with the stunning giggalo-styled chaps and boots, and open jacket. Sometimes he adds a pair of white studded leather fingerless gloves if it seems like the situation warrants it. And sometimes those chaps are assless, but not while at school... Those who witness this transformation are usually transfixed, as they think they can get sneaky peeks at what's under those leather pants, and are enthralled by the delicious scent (sometimes it's corn chips, others it's cleaning fluid, and often enough tantalizing weed...).

His power itself is that of 'chemical alteration', and though it's focused through his hands, the source is definitely from the supernatural lifeforms that have attached themselves to him. He is never without at least one of these small dragon-like creatures, and each of them has a slightly different take on what constitutes 'chemistry'. Each of them can be used alone, but sometimes they will team up for dramatic results. Because of this he's had to concentrate on learning chemistry in earnest, because you don't want to accidentally create chlorine or mustard gas. Accidentally. The dragonets don't appear to want contact with anyone else, if they even notice that there are other people around him, it's as if they simply cannot see or interact with anyone other than Luciano. If someone tries to pet one, their hand will move right through it, sometimes with a very faint tingling if they have any magical senses but if none, they won't even feel it at all. The creatures respond to his needs, keeping him safe, but also obey his direct orders when he knows what to do. When more than one is working with him, they can combine and create alloys, gasses, flames, or pigments, some of which are quite dangerous. ** note that while these are based on real life things, the applications on this world are still 'magical' and as such don't believe everything you read as happening in our world...

-- White, Magnesium; with brilliant white tiny shards of glitter that seemingly self-combust on contact with air, Flashbang is a dramatic eye-catching poof of light allowing Luciano to move around or appear as if from nowhere. This creature can also alloy with others to make thin metal armor, or a longer lasting bright light filament

-- Yellow, Sodium; as a raw chemical rather than a dietary supplement Sodium's more softly glowing yellow flame is capable of Dissolving Metal, which on one hand is a lot of property damage, but on the other allows for escapes from broken buildings as well as cleaning up and recycling in metalshop

-- Green, Barium; providing a lovely apple-green glow to sparkling fireworks, but also useful for Cleaning Up The Gas, if there is any toxic or dangerous gas in a fairly large area (say, a 20x40x14 room such as many of Carramba's science labs are) this little creature is quickly able to evaporate it away and render it safer

-- Red, Lithium; though Lithium's properties may extend to lowering temperatures of metals, or even providing mood-altering capabilities, in this case it serves to Lighten The Load, actively reducing the density of a person, object, or even whole area to provide weightlessness. Since its properties as a metal make it impressively light and soft, whatever this creature breathes on will be able to glide around easily for a time, but they will also be more vulnerable to blunt weapons and take more Bonk from being struck or cut. Alloys well with Cobalt

-- Blue, Cobalt; the counterpart to Lithium's weightless behavior, it can Harden And Combine as well as becoming quite lustrously beautiful on contact with glass or metal. The combination and Alloy ability that this little dragonet has helps all of the others, so you'll often see a flash of blue in addition to any other color around Luciano's shoulders when performing tasks

As time goes on, it's possible that other spirit-creatures will join Luciano's crew, but these are more than enough for him to handle right now!

Clusters 18

Chemistry! +3 It's not the easiest subject to learn, whether it's organic or inorganic chem, and Luciano has made deals with the admin at Carramba and C4 to have specific tutoring when needed for new applications or uses for his little buddies. He is, however, adept at cleverly combining simple chemicals, recognizing them in raw forms, and doing the testing needed to figure out more complicated ones properties

Mix And Match +3 Those alloys, combos, tricks, and alterations that the spirits let him do would be nothing if he wasn't going to experiment and broaden their uses! He is exceptional at putting disparate things together and making them work, though often enough it's 'for the moment' and no longer. This is basically a more brief and chemically/substance-oriented 'Macguyver' effect where you could put him in a room with several unmarked boxes of materials and he'd quickly assess them and find a way to make a rocket or bore through the walls...

Skills 24

Surprisingly Good Study Habits +4 When your life might suddenly end because you put the wrong chemicals together, it's very, very important to not do that. So he's applied his dedication to chemistry to other things as well - when he needs or wants to learn about a subject, he'll do it, and do it well. He is a bit distracted by things going on around him, so if he's sequestering himself in his dorm just leave him to it, he knows what he's doing

You Will Sign Anything He Gives You +4 His charm and good looks go a very, very long way. It's a good thing that he's on your side, right? He hands out pamphlets for local charities - only after looking them over himself to make sure they're on the up and up. He'll hawk for events, school clubs, he'll even do political petitions and on-campus recruiting for local jobs. If his APEX Rangers days eventually come to an end, he'll definitely still have work in the form of either his chemistry, or marketing. Or, you know. Yodel's drag show...

Super Fireworks +4 If there's a show going on, he'll help with it no problem. He can detect issues with chemical mixtures and make sure that if a firework isn't going to go off correctly, one of his little helpers will balance it or alter its composition just enough to let it work right. He loves watching the fruits of these efforts, too, and virtually any show that he attends seems to be that much brighter, more energetic, and runs without issues in the background if he's had a chance to check the rigs

Knacks 4

Super Goddamn Stylish +4 Even without the full leather and sexy-sexy style of his Transformation, Luciano loves to look his best. He takes a more rakish approach to it than Bastien's 'formalwear', and seems to be more into having people see his outfits and want to take them off him, than Vidura's 'I will take this off for you' methods. No matter what he's wearing, or not wearing, his hair is done up in a fun style (and the coloration, well, that's likely from an early experiment with one of the spirit dragons!) and his handsome facial hair will always be preened just perfectly. This does extend into knowing how to choose the right materials and types of outfits for any given event, the correct colors, and he knows from experience with traditions in his home town how important it is to cover up if needed. He's the guy who will unfailingly help a girl put her hijab on if it comes off in a gust of wind, he understands modesty in others as much as vanity for himself

Quite Vain +3 Luciano knows he looks good, and he wants to be seen. He really will pose and posture 'casually' particularly if he notices someone checking him out. He's not picky as to who that might be - if it's a hottie human latina or a graceful Xeno warrior, he'll still pose and act coyly like he's not really doing it. He thrives on compliments but doesn't take criticism well at all

Do Not Immerse In Water -3 He can't swim. Like, don't make him swim. Most of his little companion spirits would explode or fizzle away to nothing if immersed in h2o as it is, and he doesn't want them following him into the showers let alone a jacuzzi or wading pool. He does bathe, and enjoys it, but he won't go any deeper than 'to the knees' at the beach, and positively hates the chlorinated pools dotting the California neighborhood back yards... He'll sit out and look cool, and laugh if he gets splashed by an energetic cannonball, but he will not go in no way no how

Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb)
1 Magical and Sentai Team Tactics / Darrow / Superb
2 Locals (Skinside) History / Huntington / Decent
3 Public Relations / Qeats / Excellent
4 Measuring Up / Haital / Excellent
5 Posing and Weight Training / V. Sanger / Superb
6 Speech / Prescott / Excellent
7 Advanced Biochemical Reactions / A. Vale / Superb
8 Snappy Comebacks and Heroic Banter / Carver / Decent
Pets He is pretty sure that the little spirit dragons that collect on him are pets to some but they're way more than that to him. He's just glad he doesn't have to litter box train them
Parents? Living in TJ, with extended family on both sides in one large villa structure
Siblings? Has three brothers (one older) and two sisters (both younger); older brother is still in TJ but a sister and brother both will be attending CHS since they also exhibit some amount of mystical reach
Image From Doll Divine Disney Prince / Hipster Maker and Kennonink Dragonmaker
Other Info He is part of the APEX RANGERS, and due to his supernatural connections is Sponsored by Magni Darrow
Original Description (random gen) This wild magic knight has hooded alabaster eyes and very short, straight, luxurious, green hair worn in an exotic style. He has a wide-chested build. He has chemical powers that are invoked by companion supernatural creatures. His costume is mostly white, and it strongly resembles a gigolo's shameless clothing. Does a little dance and in a poof of smoke, their clothing changes

It was Reshmina's idea that he join her on this quest for a dragon nest, and she was very insistent. Their powers were quite well suited to each other, she could ignite some of the elements that his little companion spirits spread out around him. On command of course! They made a good team, and everyone knew it.

Maybe a dragon would know too? It might be scary and it might be an adventure, but they got their permission vouchers and sent word to their families, who, if anything, were even more excited when they learned of this new facet to their children. Being chosen for a superheroic Super Sentai team like APEX RANGERS was amazing already, but dragons too? Of course they would sign their permission slips.

So off they went, to this Lantessama location - it was beautiful, exotic, quite a bit more surrounded by water than Luciano expected but still lovely. Maybe when they met these dragon parents, they could get a better view on the way home!

** (some from hatching) **

They'd been hanging out among the trainees and instructors at Lantessama just to make sure that everyone was on the same page, when the dragons on the sands announced that the eggs were hatching. The older candidate seemed like he was ready to gear up and jump into a flying machine or put together a contraption, and was always just this side of 'oil stained' so Luciano tended to keep a little distance. The other APEX Ranger, Reshmina, floated along side the attractive chemical-creature controller, as they made their way to the sands.

The first of the eggs to hatch was the feisty one, and predictably went right up to Reshmina. The second strolled out and didn't even bother freeing himself from the remnants of the egg, and Luciano breathed just a tiny sigh of relief that the goo-covered thing didn't come to him. That did leave the last of the three eggs, and it took quite a while to decide what to do when it refused to pop.

"I think I can handle it," Luciano said when the rider of the clutch mother nodded to him and then back at the egg. First a bright splash to distract, and a pink poof that parted a curtain of sparks, the colors of the hatchling that emerged to an adoring audience matched those almost entirely! He spread his rosy wings, over his quartz-white sides.

"Enchante," the dragonet could already speak more than one language, and that was a surprise! But he added only to Luciano, I'm Kevynn and I'd love to join your group.

Smiling broadly, with a glint in his eye that only the dragon would ever see, Luciano told him, "you'll be a shining star, won't you!"


The early months of life for Kevynn and Luciano, as well as Reshmina and Fuerta, were mainly spent with the routine of health care, strength exercises, and learning about life in general. Since the dragons were still small, when they returned to Twoarth they could be kept in the APEX dorms. But pretty soon they would want more, more of everything. Space, knowledge, freedom, classes!


"Oh sure it's easier for you," Luciano called out with a laugh as Reshmina coaxed her fledgling dragon into the air. "You've got practice up there already!"

It is all right, I can still show off my own style, Kevynn bespoke, and took bold flapping steps into the flight area. It was quite safe, much safer than rocky cliff sides or, Luciano gulped, over the ocean nearby. While some people might think that learning to fly while over water was 'safe', they didn't have his penchant for slipping to the bottom of the pool or, you know. Having all his chemical friends exploding?

So he watched with a big smile, as Kevynn straightened his wobble, and then took a good strong push forward to shoot up in front of Fuerta. Neither of them stayed in the air a long time, it was clearly more exhausting work to heft their whole body into the air, rather than just flapping their wings in the wind tunnel.

It was also clear that Kevynn's clutch sibling was going to be considerably larger than he would grow! But even at that point, with wings large enough to flap and fly, the APEX dorms were too small for two growing dragons. They were asked to choose destinations for their new dragon housing, but oddly not asked whether they were in need of any stipends or transportation - because the destinations were for the small semi-magical portal devices, which would expand to open big enough for the dragons to move through, from their linked location!

This served Luciano very well indeed, because he chose the obvious home in Tijuana where his family would be close to him! The villa was just the right size for the old 'coach house' (from before the area had a 'garage'), to be converted into a taller and slightly broader structure for the dragon to rest in. The portal led directly from it, but Luciano insisted there be an added 'servant's cord' that he could pull to make sure the family knew whether he was in or out.


The summer they'd spent at the Villa was more for the dragon to catch up with his human rider's education, so when Luciano was a senior, so was Kevynn! And, they were now able to patrol the skies as full members of the APEX RANGERS. Searching for dangerous conditions, it turned out that the Baja area was somewhat more apt to have wildfires, accidents in the hilly desert terrain, and tourists getting lost rather frequently.

Luciano and Kevynn worked with the APEX team for around 5 years, while Luciano attended C4 for his professional degrees, one in Business Management, and the other in Inorganic Chemistry. And he took those straight to Hidalgo. Then he asked, "so can we take this on the road?"

To which the answer was a squealing of course we can! They led a MezzoAmerican tour that mostly did outdoor venues, so they could add far bigger and better fireworks and effects to their stage act. Many of which were thanks to Luciano's magic!



Name: Kevynn
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium 14' s / 45' l / 80' ws
Colors: Rosy Quartz, a shimmering white body with vibrant pink and red-violet wingsails and tail spade
Features: Eastern Nazo - Pernese mix, as shown, with added magical ability; four large clawed feet, two 3-fingered and wrist-clawed leather wings; head has back-pointing horns, tail has double spade sections
Powers: Winged Flight, Kevynn is a tall dragon with a good torso strength, and is durable in the air even in strong winds or unexpected air currents. He can easily dodge or roll around the fireworks - or in some cases while with the APEX Rangers, bullets and laser fire - and swoop down to grab the bad guys in a nonlethal but snug embrace with his large paws. He seems to spend a lot of time in that semi-bipedal posture, ready and waiting for the chance to use his strong hind legs to spring into the air
Teleportation, because he was taken between dimensions early on, and is from dragons who can do so, Kevynn does have a good ability to dimension hop when things aren't local. His local teleport is quick, direct, and he's able to move numerous times in short succession within about a 250 meter range. While this might be disorienting to those below, Luciano seems to be able to keep up with this mentally and not get dizzy or confused
Verbal Speech, Telepathy; Kevynn's mind is sleek and clear, with a warmth to it that is genuine. He's got numerous languages that he likes to tap for different expressions, sometimes French, sometims Russian, and he always speaks the local language when he's down at the Villa Laguna so the family appreciates that! His telepathic range is around 5 miles, and is strong for all of it
Empathy, he can tell a victim from a culprit in a tense crowd where it might be anyone, and can focus his perception to make extra sure that no one's cheating in the casino when they're doing a show in Vegas
Unassisted Firebreath, he can spontaneously breathe out a long accurate flame, up to 50 meters at most, which is hot enough to blister skin at that distance, but will crisp fry things closer to the source. He only uses this for advertising or threat display, and has had to actually burn an enemy only a couple times, after knowing the stakes of those fights...
Glass Magic, living in the scrub desert offers the opportunity to collect a lot of crystal-laden sand and quartz-heavy pebbles. And he uses his Nazo magic to maniuplate these into glittering glass objects. Anything from a flat sheet of ultra-strong and very pretty 'frosted glass' (its surface is myriad grains of quartz throwing light everywhere) to small perfect baubles for costuming and stage use. His coach house homestead has become more of a workshop when he's got 'a job to do', and he brings in his own small flow of cash to the family home!
Parentage: Pink-Purple Goumka and Silver Taranisleth
Mate/Offspring: (none yet)
Origin: Lantessama clutch 35
Art By: Trix
Other Info: Classes are 'favorites' from 2 years of attending

Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb)
1 Magical and Sentai Team Tactics / Darrow / Superb
2 Multiplanar History / B.Hill / Decent
3 Fur-Side Literature / Keevok / Decent
4 Draconic Team Sports / Brianola / Excellent
5 Glass Art / Z'iun / Superb
6 Chaos Geometry / A Caroline Clone / Excellent
7 Interspecies Politics / Liaxeri / Excellent
8 Practical Draconic Chemistry / Potion / Superb