Boi came from beyond this dimension. From exactly where is kind of hard to say, because without the dimension to reference, it's impossible to judge 'distance' and 'temporal closeness'. Perhaps its people evolved from human-like creatures, or more likely not. Essentially, Boi's 'form' is mutable and always changing slightly. One day 'he' (let's just call him he, he chooses to be male most of the time) might be sporting strawberry hair and a goatee, another he might have brilliant blue eyes and a chipped tooth, yet another morning he might wake up (if he sleeps which is doubtful) and choose to have ebony skin and a blond crewcut. He saves a lot on hygene and grooming products. Carramba High is a nexus, remember, so the place just stands out to inter-dimensional beings like Boi. Traveling around the multiverse, you're really likely to wind up here. Though there are hundreds of individual species and breeds represented at Carramba, Boi chose to be essentially human because they're the easiest to drift from and still be acceptable socially. How in the world he knew this, that's a mystery. He could have chosen to be a dog, people like those. Alternately he could have chosen to be an ant or fly, as those are the most pervasive creatures in the world. But of course, they don't build interesting permanent structures and communicate with creatures beyond space with lenses and radio waves, now do they? The tiny ones don't, let's just say that. Bigger ones might. Boi doesn't like bugs so much. Too many limbs to confuse him. He can usually walk and hold things and talk at one time. Usually. When he arrived, it was in a great black-oily puff of smoke. Some people claim to have seen images in that ball of greasy air, but others claim it was just a smoke bomb. Either way, there wasn't, and then there was, Boi. Naked, humanoid but flexible and in external appearance only. Plus without any form of communication - he opened his mind to others, and found one compassionate being that stood out. Cybil Qeats was her name. The head admin for Carramba High, and keeper of a multitude of secrets - most of which aren't hers. Cybil keeps an eye on him, when she can. But because she couldn't be around him all the time, and wanted to make sure that everyone had something going on that day, she chose out of a number of others five girls to keep a semi-constant vigil until Boi was able to function on his own. "Boy do I not get it about gender," was his first actual sentance. It came after a few simple yes or no questions fired at him by a psionic, and then from Cybil who wanted to know what he wanted to put down for it, on her application form to the school. Since he'd emulated a passing professor, who was male, in shape - that was now his approximate gender. He was sweet, Cybil kept thinking to herself. She hadn't realized that he could spy on her mind even with the mess of wires and psionic-disrupting material on her brain. It would discourage any human or nearhuman spy. But Boi wasn't spying, and he was hardly human. In the days before classes started, Cybil had to sign him up not only for class, but into a class. What was he prepared to study? What could he already do? He was very smart, that was apparent from the start. Gods were like that, and he was no exception. A few tests later, and Cybil had determined him to be 'old' enough to be a senior. Enrolling students who had no pedigree and no birth records wasn't that hard. She wrote up a birth certificate right on the spot. She'd witnessed his arrival after all. With endless curiosity, Boi explores his world now. Not only with his reading and study habits, but continually testing the psionic waters. Empathic and with a range of approximately 'north america', Boi has begun really understanding the world. Not quite as well as he'd like to. Some days are better than others... But he's only about a month old anyway. So give him a break... *** "Um, I found this, is it yours?" Boi said, and leaned his head into the dorm room next to his. The antennae-waving alien creature purred with pleasure and rushed up to Boi and the little chitinous 'puppy' that had gone into his quarters. "Thank you," she said, clicking her mouthparts. "He's always wandering off! I hope he's not a bother!" She scolded the cockroach-like pet, which waved its own antennae at her. "Oh it's no problem," Boi said. He emulated a shrug, and walked back to his dorm. Maeve was upstairs, and Olivia was down the hall. He wondered why they didn't share a dorm, since everyone was paired up. It was a busy semester, apparently, since one of the wings of the dorm building was being renovated. While that was going on, people tended to congregate more often. That suited Boi perfectly well, he wanted to be exposed to people and species beyond Humanity. The next morning was Saturday and that always meant cartoon-marathons and TIVO'd programs from the week before. Boi came out from his dorm, said hi to Olivia who was barely awake herself. They plopped down and watched with the others, Boi having already done all the homework he had for the week, sometime during the night. "Mmmmm!" Olivia said, raising her face to the air and sniffing with her nose - which suddenly became a muzzle. "Do you smell that? It's great!" Boi tilted his head. Smell was one of those chemical receptor things that he was aware existed, but didn't frequently use. "How do I 'smell'?" Boi asked. Olivia at first was clearly going to say he smelled just fine because he didn't sweat or anything, but then obviously caught herself. "You can copy my nose if you want to," she said. "Inside it's got little cells that can pick out chemical compounds." "So.... yes." Boi adopted her feline muzzle, and suddenly he understood that the dorms had a volume of noisome scents. By tuning out certain things that for some reason he didn't want to smell (the carpet, the pungent smell of one of the Hell-born, and denim which suddenly bothered him tremendously) he realized there was indeed something... Olivia found it absolutely entrancing, so he wondered why. "What is that smell then?" Boi asked. "It smells like someone's baking cookies!" She said. "I know you don't eat, but I do and this is really good timing. They're best when they're just out of the oven!" She slipped off the couch and Boi followed her into the dorm's central kitchen. There were already four students of different backgrounds working feverishly in there, one at a table with bowls and mixing equipment, another on the other side of the big counter doing something with a little metal object, a third actually attending the stove, while a fourth was standing over a batch of cookies with a pile of frosting equipment. "The masses have arrived," he said, looking up with his upper eyestalks, "you'll have to wait, they're too hot to frost." "Awwwww!" Olivia pleaded, "then can I have some frosting?" He swiped at her nose with a long arm, dabbing a bright bit of blue sugar on her nose. Giggling, Olivia took Boi aside and tried to explain taste cells. She knew he didn't need to eat, he pretended, but they didn't really like it when he did. But perhaps he could at least enjoy the taste of things, if not their substance. "It's like your nose, only ... sweet sour tart bitter salty," she recited. "This is sweet," she licked her muzzle and tried to send him the taste she was enjoying. He obviously got it, because a moment later he'd produced a tongue which could match hers. They spent the rest of the morning helping out with the cooking. Frosting was the thing he was intrigued by, most. Because the little cut out cookies had to be a bit cool, they couldn't be too hot from the oven since it would just melt the icing and that would be a mess. Parts of the cookie got certain kinds of icing, while others got a different kind. Sprinkles topped everything off. The sugar cookies melted in Olivia's mouth, while they did something... kind of similar in Boi's. Perhaps he'd do something with the mass, but he certainly seemed to enjoy the taste now! Soon enough, though, the whole dorm had come and gone through the kitchen. Piles and plates of cookies were passed around and eaten by almost every kind of alien student there was. Some couldn't eat them, but then they had their own cruncy treats from wherever they lived, stored away. It wouldn't do to have someone who couldn't digest sugar come in contact with these things! Eventually, Boi and Olivia wandered away from the dorm and into the campus area. It was a weekend so the campus itself was kind of deserted. There were no events scheduled that day, so it was a bare minimum number of people there. They walked into what appeared to be a magic practice session on one of the little grassy hills near the Magic Studies building, and were not shooed away. Elsie was there, practicing with the group her summoning techniques. One of those had brought their other friend Maeve to this universe. "If you concentrate on a location," she told the others, "you can usually get close enough that the magic will find a place." Perhaps it was that her magic worked better when Boi was around her, or maybe he was really messing with everything on a bigger scale. But when the group of magic students began to open their portals to other worlds, they all mashed up together into one glimmering hole in the universe. The circle of students stared at it, and then almost as one, they looked toward Olivia and Boi. "You're messing with the experiment," they told the pair. But inside the glimmering was something solid, and Boi looked at it oddly. Ignorning the protests of the witch circle, he stepped toward the portal and reached inside. Something soft, white, warm. A coccoon? Perhaps that's what it was, it was alive, he could tell that much of course. "What is this?" He asked, and no one could respond. "Well you can have it, as long as it doesn't grow into something that'll eat the campus," the witchy supervisor commented. "We have to get back to work now, so please," she waved her fingers at them in a shooing motion, "go do something else." "We'll see you," Olivia said to Elsie, but Boi was entranced by the little coccoon. He held it gently in his arms, and Olivia guided them back to the dorms. "We can keep that in your dorm I'm pretty sure," she said. Everyone had pets, as long as - like the supervisor said - they weren't going to do damage. "I hope it hatches into something nice," Boi said. "I don't want to have to return it..." Would he? Well, you never know! What will come of this?
*** It didn't take long before the warm coccoon began to shake and throb. Boi watched it, late into the night. Olivia had gone to her own dorm but insisted on being told everything, later on. But for the moment, a small claw emerged from a rip in the white silk. It was followed by a nose, a very unusual nose.
The bright blue icing-glow mixed with pink dots reminded Boi of nothing more than the cookies they'd help bake and frost! If he had been human, his mouth would have watered at the memories. The small creature tugged itself free of the remnants of the coccoon, and unfolded its wings to reveal a pinkish hue. "What are you, exactly?" Boi asked, but when he probed the animal's mind he got an earful. I am Glazee, and you should know what I am! I am an Egyptan! Some of your school mates have found us too, you know. I am thirsty, can I have a drink of milk? "Of course you can Glazee!" Boi said with a chuckle. She needed milk - he wondered if she tasted like the cookies! |
Coccoon adopted from - custom made! (sadly, never got teen / adult stages. :( ) |