
Black Sheep Weyr


The group of miscreants from Carramba high all stood together in a group, glancing about with varying degrees of curiosity  and, in some cases, mischief. Dorrys was the first to be approached by a dragonet, a deep red who seemed to know exactly what she was, and seemed to be the same sort of thing. Dorrys. showing off his own fangs with a cute grin, Let's go get something to eat, shall we? I'm Detriath. and with that, he pranced off towards the food area, expecting to be followed.

Stenton seemed to find this mildly annoying-- until, of course, he was approached by a little bronze, who glowered at him. Food. Now. I'm Metrizth.  the bronze told him, evidently insulted that Stenton didn't jump to his feet immediately. This left only two Carramba highschoolers lurking on the sands, and it wasn't long before those last students were grabbed up, however.

Giether was approached, oddly enough, by a light little blue, who did nothing but look at him oddly for a few seconds, nod, and introduce himself as Yoamith, before walking off towards the feeding tables, evidently assuming he would be followed.

Thilioni didn't have time to process the fact that it was the last one standing- not one, but two dragonets waddled up to him. The first, a mottled green with glowing markings, nuzzled up on the ambiguously gendered being, all but purring. I'm Durirath, she announced, and I would like some food. The other dragon, a dark purple, nodded his agreement- I'm just coming along for the ride, to be sponsored, but I wouldn't mind some food either. I'm Morryth.!

BELOW for adult info!

Stenton . . .Dorrys . . .Thilioni . . . Geither
Name Stenton leBlanc
Gender Male
Homeworld Bugtown (+enough weapons to fill a large suitcase, +Reality Shift power)
Class Freshman 20kk +5
Nut Not
Totem Lemming, the 'cousteautem'. Not enjoying itself much. Wears a lot of black and carries a shitty dog-eared copy of catcher in the rye.
Smarts 3
Bod/Feet 4
Luck 5
Drive 4
Looks 6
Cool 6
Bonk 6

Duplication - mimic another object or person down to the stats for a certain amount of time

Reality Shift - dimension hopping to and from Bugtown, including shapeshift (unused)

Clusters Weapon Use +3
Skills Reality Locations +2
Language Comprehension +2
Weapon Construction and Understanding +1
Knacks Read Any Bad Poetry and Make It Sound Important +3
Be Emo Without Crying (because crying's for girls) +2
Waaaaaaambulance +1
1 Swim Team with Hilton
2 Health for N00bs with Virus
3 Calculus Basics with Xalia
4 Ancient Earth Language Old One with Cameron
5 Earth Geography with Schilz
6 Fiction Writing with Gray
7 Trout Breeding with Herring
8 Analysing Military Tactics Through the Use of Video Simulation Modules with Mullen
Lives away from campus in an apartment with other students
Personality Cynical, Pompous disposition
Bonded Black Sheep Weyr
Dragon Name: Metrizth
Bonded To: Stenton
Clutch: Dark Dark Court: Netearth (gold, F) x Rath (bronze, M)
Gender: Male
Variety: Dark
Color: Bronze
Size: Bronze-sized
Notes: he's got bling! Non-genetic.
Personality: Imperious, short, illtempered, logical


Name Dorrys Doi
Gender Female
Homeworld Earth + Bugtown (+enough weapons to fill a large suitcase, +Reality Shift power)
Class Freshman 20kk +5
Nut Not
Totem Jackal, the 'scary harbinger of death' totem. Scary, dark, misunderstood. Slobbers when happy or upon hearing a dinner bell.
Smarts 5
Bod/Feet 3/8
Luck 6
Drive 3
Looks 4
Cool 4
Bonk 7

Super Strength - adds 5 to Bod/Feets, temporarily or permanently (choose)

Reality Shifting - dimension hop between Carramba and Bugtown, usually adds strength in Bugtown but sometimes at school.

Clusters Planar Knowledge +3
Skills Fire Weaponry +3
Big Vocabluary +3
Knacks Bubbly And Cute Until You Piss Her Off +2
Actually Uses Fangs +2
1 Heroic Ethics with Peacemongrel
2 Semi-Professional Massage Techniques with Zoeller
3 Genetic Engineering: Animal Theory with Shy
4 It's Astronomical! With Saiintenella
5 Snappy Comebacks and Heroic Banter with Hero Healer
6 Living Mythology with El'bis
7 Martian Studies with Gabriella
8 Demonic Re-Orientation with Ghinjarr.
Lives off campus, but no one knows where.
Personality Very little else is memorable about this student.
Bonded Black Sheep Weyr
Dragon Name: Detriath
Bonded To: Dorrys
Clutch: Blood court Blood Court: Prototh (purple, F) x Tricoloth (red, M)
Gender: Male
Variety: Blood
Color: Red
Size: Brown-sized
Notes: //
Personality: Seductive, Charming, Cute with a dangerous undertone, Occasionally snappish. I kind of imagine this guy being a bit gay, but it's up to you.

Name Thilioni Gudiglio
Gender Morrissey
Homeworld Bugtown (+enough weapons to fill a large suitcase, +Reality Shift power)
Class Freshman 20kk +4
Nut Not
Totem Beach Bunnie, the 'oh my god, we're wearing the same suit' totem, bubble headed and cute.
Smarts 1
Bod/Feet 3
Luck 3
Drive 4
Looks 6
Cool 3
Bonk 3

Speed - can run twelve times as fast as everyone around them

Bonk Drain - weakens target and adds their bonk to your stats temporarily

Reality Shifting - dimension hop between Earth and Bugtown, plus shapeshift (unused)

Clusters Be Very Hot +2
Skills Aim and Fire Weaponry +3
Aim and Fire Powers +2
Run Around Stuff Instead Of Hitting It +2
Knacks Actually Understand The Big Words +2
Attracts Any Gender Orientation +2
1 Fertilizer and You with Herring
2 It's Astronomical! With Saiintenella
3 Optimism Under Duress with C'thain
4 Universal History with Argle
5 Olde Englyshe Studies with Hicks
6 Property Damage Control Issues with LaShan
7 Party Planning with Qeats
8 Modeling with Urd
Lives off campus in an apartment with their family
Personality Very little else is memorable about this student.
Bonded Black Sheep Weyr
Dragon Name: Durirath
Bonded To: Thilioni
Clutch: Side 2 - Side Clutch 2: Krith (bronze M Darkcourt, full gender switch) x Luzuth (Bronze M Lightcourt)
Gender: Female
Variety: Light (dark)
Color: Green
Size: Green-sized
Notes: Those glowmarkings are NOT modifications, and they are genetic
Personality: Patient, Serene, Calm, Affectionate, Attention-loving
Sponsor Name: Morryth
Going With: Thilioni
Clutch: Side 1 - Side Clutch 1: Sueth (Blue M Bloodcourt, fullgender switch) x Haznath (Purple M Darkcourt)
Gender: Male
Variety: Dark (blood)
Color: Purple [chrome]
Size: brown-sized
Personality: Easy-going, Selfish, likes to laugh and enjoy himself.

Name Geither Groopi
Gender Male
Homeworld Bugtown (+enough weapons to fill a large suitcase, +Reality Shift power)
Class Freshman 20kk +6
Nut Not
Totem Scallop, the 'all mussel' totem. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.
Smarts 2
Bod/Feet 3
Luck 4
Drive 4
Looks 3
Cool 6
Bonk 12

Out of Control - Animistic Power - the natural abilities of Bisons can be called upon for attack or defense is out of control and cannot be predicted when it'll stop or start

Talk to... photographs (and they talk back)

Reality Shift - Dimension hopping between Earth and Bugtown with shapeshift (often used)

Clusters Reality Shifting +2
Skills Manipulate Small Objects With Hooves +3
Hit Things With Head +3
Fire Weaponry +2
Knacks Picks The Right Fights at the Right Time +2
Usually Keeps Bison Shape Through End of the Fight +2
1 Dragonry Record Keeping and Data Collection with Baeris Kshau
2 Heroic Ethics with Peacemongrel
3 General Physical Education (f with Graves, m with Atkinson)
4 Computational Topology with Varnhagen
5 Business Math with Varnhagen
6 Royalty and Regular Folks with Wolf Queen
7 Multiplanar History with Prescott
8 Fur-Side Studies with Peacemongrel
Lives off campus in their family home.
Personality Everyone knows them because they challenge everyone to duels.
Bonded Black Sheep Weyr
Dragon Name: Yoamith
Bonded To: Giether
Clutch: Light Light court: Aheth (Purple, F) x Arezoth (Brown, M)
Gender: Male
Variety: Light
Color: Blue
Size: Green-sized
Notes: //
Personality: Quiet, patient, paternal, strong, stable, knowledgable