Name |
Gen(Eric) |
Name |
Age |
Around 40, given their wear and tear
Age |
Homeworld |
Twoarth, likely created in Wonder, CA
Homeworld |
Species |
Life-Sized Magically Animated Ball-Jointed Action Figure
Height: both are around 5'5" tall
Build: appears to be carved and crafted, but without any specific details
Weight: though their limbs are solidly rubbery-plastic, other parts are hollow, and as such they both weigh about 60lbs
Appearance: skin is a variety of pink, cream, yellowish, and tan.
Realistic rooted hair in brown, with matching painted-on eyebrows. Eyes are brown. Over time they have chosen replacement parts that allow them to appear slightly more distinct from one another such as Gen's slightly wider hips, and Eric's flatter torso. Also yes their painted-on faces have changed a lot over time, but Eric will always be a bit... wonky, and Gen's face usually has a bit of smudging. At least they're not that sticky old plastic surface any more!
Species |
Gender/Pref |
Presents faintly feminine, agender, she/they, no pref |
Presents faintly masculine, agender, he/they, no pref
Gender/Pref |
Post |
Childcare and Security Services
Post |
Tenure |
Graduated 1988, began working 1992
Tenure |
Original and Current Value
Stat |
6 |
Smarts/GM |
3 / 5 |
3 / 6
Bod/Feets |
(RWP 1) 4 |
(RWP 1) 4
1 / 3 |
1 / 3
Luck |
3 / 5 (Ground) |
3 / 4 (Flying)
Drive |
2 |
Looks |
3 |
Cool/Mouth |
2 / 10* |
2 / 10*
Bonk |
Common |
* Replacement Parts - both Gen and Eric are able to use parts that can be 3D printed and have to have them magically embued so they can feel through them. While they might look like they are 'tech' pressed plastic and stainless steel internal parts, their actual functionality is entirely magical in nature. The parts themselves have seen better days, but that's part of their charm. Yes, their original limbs had already been swapped around, including the hands. (note glove/hand options...)
Interchangeable Clothing and Gear - they say clothes make the man, well in this case they absolutely allow both Gen and Eric to 'disguise' themselves and fit in to virtually any group at least as long as they're needed. From face masks and fancy party dresses, to workout gear and army camo, their 'jobs' were suitable to any Saturday morning cartoon series and all of their gear follows suit
Note that while their powers may still be around, they don't use some due to the fragile nature of their physical state, but they've generally waited until a piece of them is actually unable to be fixed, before replacing it entirely. Next on that list will be Gen's lower legs, and Eric's left arm pieces. This must be done carefully and at the Magical Campus, they aren't machines and aren't AI driven, so they like to wait until school is on break before they go into the shop and start fixing themselves up. Even with these replacement parts, they will always still look like themselves, part of the magical creation process
Common |
Powers |
Karate Chop Action - Gen's hands have always had the stronger grip strength, hard hitting action, and durable build. Their hands, while changed between the pair, will always serve this purpose even if they're adapted from non-'action' figures. Gen is capable of climbing any surface with their hands and can hold on to things with delicate precision even if the last thing they did was punch a hole in a wall
Toughness - Gen was always the one who would get into and out of scrapes, the 'tank' on the team, and can still take at least twice their Bonk damage (physical sources only) before falling. These days, while they still are the one patrolling the halls more often than not, they use different tactics rather than rushing up to the bad guys like they used to
Karate Kick Action - Eric's legs are capable of all the cool takedown moves, and can 'run' more quickly than most for short bursts, and leap from rooftop to rooftop without falling. Part of this includes the fact that those hips rotate with full 360 action, and Eric is sometimes left with their feet facing the wrong direction...
Macho - Eric is one of those people who cannot be intimidated or cowed into doing something they don't want to do. But also they're rather charming particularly among groups, so if there's one thing they do well now, it's hang with different cliques and collect kids that show promise, or chill at parties with the parents and get invited to their backyard barbeque over the weekend
Powers |
Clusters |
Never Without Another Hand +4 Gen's selection of hands is both creepy and amazing, and thankfully they are kept in hammerspace, they can just be pulled out of a pocket (Gen's outfits always have pockets) and left somewhere, and somehow this hand is controlled by Gen's conscious mind, able to sense with touch and to a very limited extent giving them a spacial awareness around 4 meters across and it can hold up that book you're trying to read from, even if they are in another room... yes, this applies up to 250 meters away... |
Adapts Using Outfits +3 As above, they are very easily able to blend in, and have not only the clothes but the gear 'somewhere' on their person. This may be a hyperspace or hammerspace pocket dimension, but they've always got the right gear and weapon easily at hand*, and sometimes those weapons can do impressively improbable things. Grappling hooks with rope, knock-out arrows, AK47s with nonlethal bullets, laser rifles, or even whole camping rigs... all of it right there any time
Clusters |
Skills |
Fully Poseable +3 No need to worry about straining a muscle or pulling a tendon, because Gen's got none of that biology to worry about*. Sometimes they have been known to remove parts and use spares to climb around or explore, knowing exactly where every part is, and what's directly around them |
Inspirational Speeches +3 Eric is usually the one that explains what the moral of the story is, when the day is done and the action's over. They're often on hand at political or social rallies, school events, and during emergencies for help. In fact Eric has a megaphone for exactly that...
Skills |
Knacks |
Sign Language Expert +3 Gen can translate in several local languages for the hearing impaired, and when there's need, dedicates up to 6 hands to this task. When signing, the hands actually animate at their correct height as if Gen is there, even if they are separate!
*Occasionally Needs Help To Stand -2 Once in a while obviously they'll need help standing properly after getting good and worked up, because those super-flexible ball joints are, in fact, super flexible
*Pew Pew! Zap! +3 Eric's choices of weapons or abilities come with an audible component and may even be centered approximately where the item is rather than, say, coming from the small speaker in the back of their torso
Makes A Rattling Sound -2 While this is technically because some piece of plastic has been knocking around in their chest cavity or ... maybe even their head for decades, it is a little unnerving, and means they aren't exactly stealthy
Knacks |
Period |
Class Teaching
/ Campus Activities *'full periods' = Friday both do full time Childcare
Period |
1 |
Campus Security* |
Childcare Services
1 |
2 |
Childcare Services |
Campus Security*
2 |
3 |
Campus Security* |
Magical Campus Security
3 |
4 |
Magical Campus Security |
Campus Security*
4 |
5 |
Campus Security* |
Magical Campus Security
5 |
6 |
Magical Campus Security |
Campus Security*
6 |
7 |
Campus Security* |
Childcare Services
7 |
8 |
Childcare Services |
Campus Security*
8 |
art by Lethe around 1985, BJD dolls by Zecchou on Meiker
Dragon |
Enigma |
Dragon |
Hatched |
Legon giveaway 2024 by Starfyre
Hatched |
Pets? |
None likely, but small wind-up toys that magically come to life might be present
Pets? |

Legon Breed Info |
Size: Variable, dependant upon how much plastic was used to create the Legon initially. Legon can grow up to 1/3rd larger by eating more plastic
-- Note that though both of these are still reasonably small in size, they're still more than adequate to hoist half a dozen children around to and from events or to the lunch court where their folks are!
Speech: Telepathy
Food: Magic to survive, plastic (of any form) to grow / heal / create new Legon
Reproduction: Magical, requires plastic and plenty of it, can be solo, pair, group; coloration and ability depend on intent/strength of parent(s)
Parentage: for this pair, n/a, though they may create their own offspring
Undying: Must be ground to dust or melted down in order to truly die, even magic starvation will not properly kill them, only send them into deep hybernation
Bonding: not required, but possible
Plastic Consumption: Ability to consume and process plastic of any kind, anything non -plastic that's consumed will be spat back out in compacted form like an owl pellet, free of any plastic contamination (including microplastics). Any plastic consumed can be used to heal themselves, grow their bodies, or stored as pellets for later use in creating new Legon.
--Plastic Regeneration: ability to heal from near-total destruction (only head remaining) via consumption of plastic
--Plastic Creation: Ability to consume crude oil or plant matter, mix with magic, and produce virgin plastic
--Unwavering Flight: Ability to fly so long as their wings are attached, no matter how much they 're carrying
--Flight Safety: A rider cannot be easily knocked from their back so longer as the rider is standing atop the 'mount points' over their hips. (Rider must be standing with both feet planted on a mount point for Flight Safety to activate, if both feet can fit on a single mount point, Flight Safety will still activate. Each Legon comes with four mount points in a square shape, though the size of the mount points are proportional to the size of the Legon, so larger Legon will have larger mount points. Plastic Creation can be used by individual Legon to create "mount point expansions" that can snap onto their natural mount points and expand the available area to stand.)
Fire Spit: ability to spit a dagger-like tongue of flame
Created and Art By Starfyre, giveaway 2024
Dragon |
Name: Enigma
Gender: presents male
Size/Shoulder/Length: small (currently), 4' s
Colors: Aqua, Purple, Green, Blue, Pink, Orange, Yellow
Powers: As above, with a total of 8 mounting points
Other Info: Enigma likes to tote the gear around, but serves happily as a lunch-delivery dragon too, when the kids aren't expected to be in the lunch area or Caffetorium
Dragon |
Name: Override
Gender: presents female
Size/Shoulder/Length: small (currently) 4'2" s
Colors: Green, Aqua, Pink, Purple, Blue, Transparent Yellow, Transparent Orange
Powers: As above, with a total of 8 mounting points
Other Info: extremely careful with the children that cling to their mounting points, Override knows when to protect and when to let them run around loudly