Iris Goldstem, Festivities Coordination

Name Iris Goldstem
Age Unknown, could be immortal
Species Flower Fey
Post Instructor
Tenure New, 2022
Smarts/GM 3
Bod/Feets 2
Luck 3
Drive 1 (fly 5)
Looks 6
Cool/Mouth 5
Bonk 2 (+?)

Plant Manipulation - Iris knows just which parts of a plant will do what things; enhancing their natural properties is her main priority, but she can also outright change them or nullify their negative properties; usually this is with proximity, around 20 meters for a garden, but can concentrate and affect individual plants up to 200 meters away in more modest ways; all plants seem to perk up with her around, and she is capable of 'sprucing up' a wilting boquet, cut or dried flowers might even come back to life with her touch

Flight (winged or magical) - Iris's lovely wings aren't just flower-petal decorations. She can lift herself with what looks almost cartoonish flapping (not fast! no, the slow, deliberate kind) but this is aided strongly by her magic. It's not really clear whether she could fly with those wings without it, but she's never without that lift

Empathy - at a modest range, up to 25 meters in a sphere, Iris senses the overall mood of groups, and can individually select people at up to 50 meters to sort through their needs or desires; she cannot use this to telepathically communicate, and doesn't sense actual 'thoughts', but the detailed and complex moods people have are easily read

Clusters Agriculturally Complete +5 there's literally nothing she can't do with a plant. No really, does it need to be nutritious and flavorful? Sturdy for structures? Flexible for item making? Colorful and useful for dyes? Poisonous for ... well, other reasons? She's on it!

Topiary and Garden Planning +4 She has the style and eye for detail needed to make an entire area absolutely glow with a mood. Warm and cozy with daisies coming from a long patch of ground, intimate with vivid roses layered as a chapel might display for a wedding, spooky twigs and browned leaves strewn across a Halloween corn maze; Virtually any location can become a wonderland of plants (including snapdragons that come to life, Wonderland might even be where she's from...)

Flower Arranging +4 Sometimes she knows that snipping and trimming a plant or plucking a bloom makes for the right display, others it's time to bring out a little ribbon and bow to place around a living pot; she is expert at scents and colors to enhance a location or create the desired moods, as her topiary covers a wide area, these small displays are intended to be more intimate

Social Skill +3 How could Iris do any of this without knowing the people and their ways? Since she has come from another dimension she's encountering hundreds of other cultures, and while at first a bit daunted, she has taken up the mantle of cultural observation. While it's not always easy to bridge the cultural gap between a Vorlon, a Vortigaunt, and a Vogon, she might just be the girl to do it


Looks More Delicate Than She Is +3 Hefting bags of fertilizer or dragging a pot from one part of the campus to another has given her a little more meat than you'd guess just by looking at her; she can exploit this, people underestimate her

Sweet, But Not Too Sweet +3 They also underestimate her mind and mood at times, and she can nudge people to think she's just a pretty-airhead, and in a moment destroy that image by letting off a raunchy joke or intimating she knows someone else's secrets; remember, she can create poisons as easily as curatives...

Always Has Just The Right Herb +2 There is a good possibility that she carries a few 'generic' twigs or seeds, leaves and petals, or a root or spore that can then be altered on the fly; if you need a pinch of rosemary, a tiny bunch of shiitake, a bay leaf... just hold your hand out and think real hard about what you need, it'll be right there

Period Class Teaching
1 Flower Arranging (larger scale)
4 Careers: Party Planning (elegant)
7 Flower Arranging (event displays)
8 Flower Arranging (intimate)
Song: none yet
Dragon Vandasax
Hatched Birthday Gift from Valley of the Sky / Unyko
Dragon WeatherVain
Hatched Dragonpact, by Nomi
Pets? Plants
Partners? Perhaps...
Children? Maaaaybe?





Name: Vandasax (vanda saxatilis)
Gender: Male (? possibly able to pollenate or flower, to cross with other species?)
Size/Shoulder/Length: *varies due to magical influence* typically medium 9' s
Colors: body brilliant yellow-orange with strong small black spots everywhere; fluff on neck and chest buff/pampas beige, on tail, wings, limbs, and head slightly yellower with black strands gently mixed in; wingsails transparent black; gems black; eyes aqua blue; claws black
Features: Saa Mutt, strong Niteshan and Piralan influences; webbed paws; four legs, two pairs of large wings on back, and one smaller on tail; floof all over the place
Powers: Winged Flight, hardly ever touches the ground but when he does it's with grace and style; also doesn't seem to displace air or create wind even with four large wings like that, some kind of magic going on
Fly Like The Wind, or more like pollen on the wind, Vandasax is superbly able to use existing currents on the air, even weak ones, to fly for hours or even days. He's not at its whim, he can always choose to flap into another area and change direction, or spiral upwards for a while, into the clouds; he does love fast moving air though, and can maintain his course or stability even in gale-force winds, though whatever he might be carrying could be tossed around
Verbal and Telepathic Speech, though Vandasax prefers mental contact with sentient species, he can speak quietly with a purring or even rustling background to his words.
Plant Sense, Communication, Potential Breed Style, he can sense and communicate both with and through plants, if they have tendrils or furled stems, vines, or other parts that can twist into symbols, he can make them do that into 'words' or simple direction markers; he senses their health and connectivity to the area, via roots or even their spores or pollen on the air, their scents are all his to command as well, so if you have sensitivity to plants, you might want to stay clear... Also note that due to Niteshan styled inheritance he may spread dragon-pollen around, or flower - unusual in males? Who knows, he's an unusual dragon
Size Shifting, due to one thing or another, and outside of the school's requirements for it, Vandasax can shift his size from 'Saa' to 'Niteshan' - that is to say from around 5' at the shoulder, to over 19'... tends to remain somewhere in the middle, at 9' or so; this is effort-heavy, at least to become quite large, he can generally go small long enough to attend or sit in on classes, and then pop back to normal after school
Parentage: none known, however he is a Sanger from a very magical furry world (though unrelated to any real dragon lines, original art is lines for Miridath and Illusyd's clutch)
Origin: Valley of the Sky - Bday Gift 2009
Other Info: This dragon came with Iris and they make a delightfully pretty team. Since both can fly, they often are seen sweeping over the park-like areas of the campus, making sure that the topiary and grasses are healthy, and since they've arrived quite a few new species of flowering plants have appeared; not to worry they're safe for consumption and won't do the weird kind of damage that some instructors' plants do... Ihrinnah we're looking right at you and your husband...

He currently does not instruct, but definitely helps with some greenhouse and caretaking needs, and may eventually have his own classes


Name: Vane ('Weathervane' but also Vain...)
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: 28' long; note that he tends to hover about human-head height, and spirals his body below his head in a sort of ribbony drape, still not touching the ground...
Colors: body brilliant yellow-orange a bit more orange on the face and near belly; belly and ear/tail fins darkly black; body markings dappled stripe along spine dripping toward belly sooty black; gem and eyes sapphire; horn pale bone
Features: Draguo, a noodle without legs having a large-eyed head with a gem and single slender horn, and paired 'ear' fins; tail has added fin; prefers to live near large bodies of (any type of) water; can but doesn't need to bond, at any point in life
Powers: Wingless Flight - able to soar and slip through the air as easily as water, seemingly unaffected by gravity, Vane moves like a ribbon or a flag keeping only his head steady if he's just casually hanging in the air, and as an eel or snake if he's got a purpose and location he's heading toward; he is strong enough to lift others but tends not to have riders unless it's Iris, and usually at that point he's wrapped around Vandasax anyway
Telepathy - a heavy but clear mental tone, strangely deep and equally somber at times, his mind can pass detailed images and imagined things (schematics, maps, dirty pictures) as well as his Whole Entire Mood
Breath Weapon: Jet of Water - tends to snipe rather than blow a big wad of water at anything, he can accurately hit a human sized target from over 500 meters with a jolt of water but also likes to hover high over an area and just... drool... (for the lulz, no one said his somberness wasn't an affectation)
Weather Control: Localized - Vane can switch the direction of a breeze, or mitigate a deluge in a very small area, he's been known to 'rain under an umbrella' or put a tiny storm cloud over an individual just for effect; what he typically does however is 'water the plants' and enjoys this activity tremendously
Water Exchange - can breathe both air and water, preferring clean air and pure water rather than brackish or salt, though he doesn't technically have trouble being in any of them; he will snub a heavily chlorinated pool, however, and definitely would rather be in a naturally occurring hot springs than a man-made hot tub
Parentage: none known, is a Sanger just like Vandasax though obviously not from the same dimension
Origin: Dragon Pact by Nomi, Draguo giveaway
Other Info: 'Heard you needed a garden watered, here I am' - the basic gist of his announcement to Iris and Vandasax that he'd come into their lives. Iris takes this with style and enjoys how both of them complement her own look. Vane's got no problem draping himself over her tiny shoulders, weightlessly! Even if he's six times her size she can still pretend he's a feather boa!