Vandasax |
Name: Vandasax (vanda saxatilis)
Gender: Male (? possibly able to pollenate or flower, to cross with other species?)
Size/Shoulder/Length: *varies due to magical influence* typically medium 9' s
Colors: body brilliant yellow-orange with strong small black spots everywhere; fluff on neck and chest buff/pampas beige, on tail, wings, limbs, and head slightly yellower with black strands gently mixed in; wingsails transparent black; gems black; eyes aqua blue; claws black
Features: Saa Mutt, strong Niteshan and Piralan influences; webbed paws; four legs, two pairs of large wings on back, and one smaller on tail; floof all over the place
Powers: Winged Flight, hardly ever touches the ground but when he does it's with grace and style; also doesn't seem to displace air or create wind even with four large wings like that, some kind of magic going on
Fly Like The Wind, or more like pollen on the wind, Vandasax is superbly able to use existing currents on the air, even weak ones, to fly for hours or even days. He's not at its whim, he can always choose to flap into another area and change direction, or spiral upwards for a while, into the clouds; he does love fast moving air though, and can maintain his course or stability even in gale-force winds, though whatever he might be carrying could be tossed around
Verbal and Telepathic Speech, though Vandasax prefers mental contact with sentient species, he can speak quietly with a purring or even rustling background to his words.
Plant Sense, Communication, Potential Breed Style,
he can sense and communicate both with and through plants, if they have tendrils or furled stems, vines, or other parts that can twist into symbols, he can make them do that into 'words' or simple direction markers; he senses their health and connectivity to the area, via roots or even their spores or pollen on the air, their scents are all his to command as well, so if you have sensitivity to plants, you might want to stay clear... Also note that due to Niteshan styled inheritance he may spread dragon-pollen around, or flower - unusual in males? Who knows, he's an unusual dragon
Size Shifting, due to one thing or another, and outside of the school's requirements for it, Vandasax can shift his size from 'Saa' to 'Niteshan' - that is to say from around 5' at the shoulder, to over 19'... tends to remain somewhere in the middle, at 9' or so; this is effort-heavy, at least to become quite large, he can generally go small long enough to attend or sit in on classes, and then pop back to normal after school
Parentage: none known, however he is a Sanger from a very magical furry world (though unrelated to any real dragon lines, original art is lines for Miridath and Illusyd's clutch)
Origin: Valley of the Sky - Bday Gift 2009
Other Info: This dragon came with Iris and they make a delightfully pretty team. Since both can fly, they often are seen sweeping over the park-like areas of the campus, making sure that the topiary and grasses are healthy, and since they've arrived quite a few new species of flowering plants have appeared; not to worry they're safe for consumption and won't do the weird kind of damage that some instructors' plants do... Ihrinnah we're looking right at you and your husband...
He currently does not instruct, but definitely helps with some greenhouse and caretaking needs, and may eventually have his own classes |