
Sovereign Fate, Let's Not Mince Words He's An Assassin

Name |
Sovereign Fate, don't even begin to suggest that it might be an alias |
Age |
Unknown, apparently immortal? |
Homeworld |
Unknown, Anearth or one of the Planets (not 20, but in that verse?) |
Species |
Panther Kin |
Gender/Pref |
Male, straight, prefers women who will keep secrets |
Post |
Instructor |
Tenure |
Several decades? |
... |
Smarts/GM |
5 |
Bod/Feets |
8 |
2 |
Luck |
4 |
Drive |
2, Ride/Fly 6 |
Looks |
2 |
Cool/Mouth |
6 |
Bonk |
7 |
Powers |
K |
Clusters |
C |
Skills |
W |
Knacks |
T |
Period |
Class Teaching |
1 |
Deselection Procedure and Assignment Procurement |
2 |
Deselection Procedure and Assignment Procurement |
3 |
Advanced Pain Compliance Tech |
4 |
Advanced Pain Compliance Tech |
5 |
Advanced Pain Compliance Tech |
6 |
Deselection Procedure and Assignment Procurement |
7 |
8 |
Careers: Diplomatic Training (Twoarth/Fur Side Searchriding) |
art by Lethe around 1998 |
Dragon |
A |
Hatched |
Pets? |
Partners? |
Children? |
Though born offworld, he is either Kin or Furry in nature. With a band that stole his name providing a solid income (through blackmail and threats of course) and a dragon more stunning than most (and more egocentric after all he helped write this bio) we're pretty sure that Sovereign won't actually hurt anyone while on campus. Outside of that... Watch out. Teaches Deselection Procedure and Assignment Procurement periods 1, 2, 6; Advanced Pain Compliance Tech 3, 4, 5.
(( from sovfate pages elsewhere ))
While the stadium wasn't entirely packed, it was more than a small crowd. It was certainly bigger than the little chump dives that Bhargol would have had them playing a month ago. Offworld was so much better than on the old homeworld! It was a brilliant tour, and people from everywhere around would come to these interstellar venues to see the next big thing.
It would only be a matter of time before Sovereign Fate was "it".
That is, if they survived.
In the darkness below the stage, an even darker shape moved around. Softly padded feet gave him an edge he always exploited. Reflective eyes made him able to catch the slightest movement. His black ears pushed back, while his whiskers twitched and he had to force a sneeze back. There was still a certain level of dust everywhere - but then again he was a clean freak and his allergies could only help him in the end.
Or so he thought. Sovereign Fate, the assassin, crept below the stage while his namesake pranced about up there. It was a more tribal/primative sound they brought from the homeworld, but with the added riffs from the laser keys and the little trilling flute notes, it sounded like a mix of dance trends from several centuries all together.
It wasn't actually half bad. The panther assassin leaned against a storage box, and listened in for a while. Perhaps he wouldn't take their name as a threat. As long as he wasn't associated with them...
No... Wait. He sniffed the air, and listened as the strange clicking of claws went past the doorway to the understage. A chittering and private laugh escaped someone as they passed by the dark rooms, and carried with it a smell - the crisp scent of money.
And if there was one thing that bands were known for, it wasn't money - it was their managers stealing their money. Fate slid out from the trap-door area of the stage, and followed Bhargol to the dressing rooms.
Quietly listening in, Fate figured the otter to be carrying about ten to twelve thousand kee, easily. It was a small band, a small fee, it wasn't like they were on some victory tour - they were unknowns.
But it was cash. And if there was one thing Fate had a weakness for it was cash. Not like Bhargol, who liked to roll in it and smell it and wad it up and make things with it, but Fate liked to spend it. He had a wardrobe, he had cars and even his own private starjet. He had three penthouses filled with fine art - that he hadn't stolen, and one warehouse filled with that which he had.
This would pay for another fountain, or a plated statue. Or even some body armor? Hmn... There was a thought.
Fate moved into the dressing room hallway and softly opened the door. Bhargol didn't look up, he was too busy counting cash.
"Three thousand fifty, three thousand sixty, eighty, heeeee..." He tittered again. Fate almost lost his lunch. He'd been known to be greedy, but this was ridiculous.
The big black paw hand which came down on Bhargol's shoulder startled the otter into a stiff half-shocked state. All the otters fur stood out, but it wasn't going to help make him look any bigger to the cat, who was nearly twice his mass.
"You've got yourself a nice little setup here," purred Fate. "Now, if only you'd found an original name..."
Bhargol gulped, his heart starting again and his breathing was quick. "Ah - ah, um, I can explain that. I can. I think."
"Don't bother," Fate said, sliding himself down next to the otter on another chair. "No need. Now, your little half hooved band out there is doing fine." He leveled his glossy black eyes at the yellow ones of the otter. "I want a cut. You're letting them use my name, it's not something you have much choice in. If you want them to continue -- safely -- you'll send half of your cut to me. Call it... licensing."
"..." The otter sat there, unable to form words. Finally, he closed his mouth, and nodded. "All right, then... Um, you've got a card? An address where I can send it?"
Fate smirked, "of course I do. But you don't get to use it. Send it ..." he thought a moment, and then wrote something on a napkin nearby. "Here. I'll be checking that box at least twice a month. I know it won't be filled to the brim, but it had best be something more than 'nothing'. Got it?"
Bhargol nodded, and Fate disappeared into the shadows again. The otter slumped back into his seat, and then noticed that the big black cat had stolen at least half of the take already - while he was unable to breathe?
On stage, the cheering half-furry fans went wild at the sax solo that Prax did. She was always happy with that one, it was second only to singing, which she did very well indeed. Kmarks slapped the leather and wood of the drums, behind her, working a rhythm which sent the mosh pit into hysterics. They could keep up, if they tried. Or, if they had the slightest African animal or blood in their history. Very primal, that beat.
Enoi kept pace with it easily, swaying slightly and basking in the warm spotlight. His fur was coming off in clumps, he was after all from a much colder climate than the others in the group. But he always loved to feel sunlight, lamplight, whatever it was that made his long fur heated. He dipped his head with the beat, but did no antics like some groups bassists would.
Leevi swished her hands before her, in the air above the laser keyboard. The little coded lights on it flickered off when she passed her hand between the beams, and she grooved out to the beat. She could do this with her eyes closed, she loved this song. She heard Prax begin to sing, and threw her head back with the backup vocal.
An eighty minute show, plus two encores later, and the band took their bows. Enoi's fluffy white fur was simply everywhere, and fangirls vainly attempted to get some of it from the stage. He was the cute one after all.
When the lights in the stadium went up, and the huge humming in everyone's ears would not go away, it signalled the end of the show for sure. The group greeted their roadies as they started to disassemble the stage lighting, and pack their instruments away. Holding on to one another in exhaustion and happiness, they made their way to the backstage stairs.
Where Sovereign Fate himself stood with his arms crossed over his big black chest. His dark tail swished behind him, but stopped when they realized who he was. He was blocking the door. Kmarks eyed the assassin, decided that stuffing his drum sticks up the panther's hind end would be difficult but not impossible.
"Good show, children," the panther said. The group could barely hear him. "Now, continue to do well. that is all I ask. I demand perfection from myself, so why should I get anything less from you?"
"Now just a minute--" Prax started, getting defensive. Her head went down a little, she was a pronghorn after all and those horns were pretty sharp. "We didn't know you were--"
"I realize that little girl," Fate said, striking out his dark hand - no claws out - and pressing Prax's velvety nose with one outstretched finger. "I know that. Now you do. So do as I say, and you will not - get - hurt."
"We weren't hurting anyone," Enoi said, "you're the one who does that."
"For a living, yes," Fate said, eyes narrow and voice low. It sent shivers up Prax and Leevi's spines - they were the herbivores of the group and couldn't help it. Old habits and instincts die hard. "And I will not do it to you unless I must."
"We could just change the group's name," Leevi said, her big doe eyes shining with worry. "I mean, it's not like many people have heard of us."
"But lots of people have heard of you," Kmarks said. He ran his paw hand through the big dark mane on his head, and let the assassin see his white claws.
"Don't think you can upstage me, drummer boy," Fate hissed, angry. "I am telling you to go your way and do well. The least you could do is thank me for the use of my name, and pray that I do not have to find you to punish you for abusing it."
He pressed his finger into Prax's nose again, "you're the sensible one, from what I can tell." He said. She nodded, his finger going along with her nod. "Then keep them in line. Sing songs and dance. The outworlds need you. And I will be going." He vanished like that, only Enoi had the slightest hint of which way he'd gone, a vague scent on the breeze after he'd gone.
"Wow..." Leevi said, shaking. "That was weird."
"No kidding," Prax announced, straightening her legs and standing tall. "Well, let's go. We've got to get ready for our trip, and Danach is our next destination. Anyone heard of it?"
"Oooh! Me!" Leevi cheerfully said, trying to get the chill from her mind. "It's neat, don't know how much we'll be taking in, but I've heard they have dragons! Maybe we could see them, while we're there? Our next stop won't be for a ways, right?"
"It's pretty out of the way, yeah," Kmarks agreed, as they packed away into the dressing room...
It was while they were scampering through the mess of people that a couple of the members of the band noticed the distinct black shape of Soverign Fate himself, nestled among the shadows.
"Great," Prax muttered to Kmarks, "look who's here..."
The lion glanced over the pronghorn's head, easily done, and grunted. "As long as he keeps to himself, I don't see a problem. He's on our side, remember?"
Prax was silent. Then, the eggs began to hatch! One green hatchling swayed out of her egg and ambled somewhat drunkenly toward a candidate, and the first bonding was made. A lovely pink dragon hatched, then a blue-green one. Then, abruptly, two eggs came open and they began to snarl and spit at one another - just like Soverign Fate was doing with the other black-panther looking male at the sands. They were stopped by a pair of adult dragons, but Soverign Fate seemed quite pleased with the results.
He approached the dragon which had amazing gold-and-black hide, and announced, "Assassinezth, it seems we'll get along nicely." He stroked the dragon's neck, with his claws covered, as the dragon responded, If your tastes suit mine, and it seems they do.
Shocked, Bhargol managed to recover from his little bout with gravity as he saw his blackmailer the hired assassin on the sands. He'd not managed to get off a payment quite yet - he wondered if he would have to hand it over in cash or what..
The band didn't really have to perform. They were exhausted enough with the whole amazing event. Their dragons were content to gorge themselves this one time, and fall almost immediately asleep upon their bond's laps or across each other.
Bhargol's worry about what Sovereign Fate was going to do continued: the panther had not left. But then, what could he do? They were now being told that it would be a while before the dragons were going to be able to travel, they would need training and proper care if they were to grow up able to fly and perform any other duties.
So on Danach, at the Utopian Cathair, they would remain. Even Fate seemed to like this idea a bit - he wanted a vacation and here he would have one. How long would they be able to keep from his bad side? How much money could Bhargol make off his band now?
Wait to see what happens when the dragons grow up a bit!

They had grown quite a bit since their hatching, but they could sense the restlessness in their bonds. The big flame colored dragon Assassinezth had moved on with his bond - the namesake of the band, Soverign Fate, several months ago. Everyone felt safer with them farther away.
However, this day they came back. In the eternal twilight at Utopian, a big dramatic flame-marked dragon swooped over the island and landed near the group of bandmembers' dragons. The black furred feline rider dropped to the ground, and even the dragons parted for him to move through their ranks.
Soverign Fate approached the den where he heard music and laughter, and paused. He was enjoying himself far more with the beautiful dragon he rode - it felt halfway out of character for him to be all pleasant but he had to force himself into a grim-looking state so that he would be taken seriously.
"I would speak with you," he announced at the den's wide door, and everyone stopped playing. Moments before, their dragons had tried to warn them of the impending arrival, but had been gleefully ignored by the musicians.
"... About what?" Prax asked, standing and putting her reed flutes down.
"Actually," Soverign Fate looked at her with a wry twist on his eyes, "I needed to speak to the men. It isn't urgent, but I've learned about certain places which also breed dragons."
"There are tons of them," Kmarks said, not letting his grip on the smallish drum he held go. "Why would you come here to tell us that?"
"Because there are several which your dragons - and mine - might be well suited to mating at." Fate grinned inwardly at the expressions that garnered.
"Well... they are old enough," Enoi pondered. "And they have been acting annoying lately."
"Especially around the girl dragons," Leevi found it amusing, and was half-able to laugh. Fate still frightened her to no end.
Soverign Fate turned to Kmarks, "wouldn't you like to see your dragon and mine work out who's best?"
"There is no question," Kmarks said, baring his fangs and spine fur bristling, "that Vaillanth would be chosen. But you're on."
The others gave somewhat shocked expressions at this. Kmarks wasn't known to put anything on the line unless he really believed in it, so either his fear of Fate was less than anyone else's, or his dragon below was fluffing out and affecting his rider. That was very probably the case.
"Why would our dragons be best for these flights, Fate?" Enoi asked. "Couldn't we find our own flights?"
"These," Fate said, finally tearing his glowing eyes away from Kmarks', "are flights for multi-colored dragons. The females have been waiting for the right partners to show up." He looked back at Kmarks, "Our bold bonds might not even fly for the same one, so don't worry."
"Oh, I'm not worried." Kmarks insisted. "So, where are they?"
"A place called Tripaldi, they have a special secluded area where the bicolor females are waiting. I believe there are three of them."
"Well that's all very fine and well for the guys," Leevi said, "but what about us?"
"Yes, Fate, how about us?" Prax asked, blinking sweetly above a twisted grin, "you want to separate us?"
"No, no," he said, honestly. "Let me ask you something, to put this in perspective, young Prax." She nodded, so he continued. "When you first bonded, as I did, you felt everything that your dragon did. Their hunger, their tiredness, all of it."
"Uh huh," Prax said, and Leevi leaned on her hoofstock-friend.
"So what do you think a post-adolescent male dragon is thinking about?" Fate completed, and Enoi burst out laughing.
"Nothing but! All the time! What a hassle!"
The girls turned to him, and Leevi giggled. "No wonder the men of the hatching have been getting all... manly. It isn't as if their female counterparts have been making it any easier on them, either."
Prax nodded, "sure. But then still, what about us? Do we just go with you guys and wait?"
"Well I could hardly break up your band, now, could I?" Fate said, glancing around, "and where is that manager of yours?"
"Why?" Kmarks asked, "going to rough him up for some cash today?"
"Ah, so he told you about that, did he?"
"He did." Kmarks didn't look very pleased. "I suppose it could be arranged differently, more officially, but then we'd be held accountable for your actions, accessory to murder and that kind of thing."
"So you approve of my roughing up then?" Fate grinned, toothy.
"I don't," Bhargol muttered, coming in from the ledge outside with a winded-looking Gloutonth fanning his wings broadly. "But we could just as well use this as an excuse to get your lazy butts back on tour."
"Exactly," Fate said.
"Well then it's a good thing you're looking out for us, Fate," Enoi said. "So how do we get there, and where do we sign up?"
"Assassinezth can give your dragons the coordinates. If you don't want to follow him, there are charts and instructions on file here, I believe."
"Thanks," Kmarks said, turning to go find them. Enoi put his white paw on the drummer's shoulder and Kmarks grudgingly stopped.
"It's all right, we can follow him. Plath would have said something if you were planning on letting us drift through space or teleport into a volcano or something."
Fate looked a little confounded, as he said, "well actually most weyrs *are* in volcanoes... Only they're dormant or dead. They make excellent dragon housing."
The group loaded their belongings, and sent a messenger ahead to Tripaldi to know they were going to arrive. They could be set up as a traveling band, of course, but they would also be participating in the flights.
Fortunately, more than one flight lay open. The whole time that the group were reading up on the females participating, Fate and Kmarks were jostling for a position that their lifemate would work best in. Of course, they both chose to sign up for the white-gold's flight.
The attendant of the flight zone came to see what the commotion was all about, as the group of six dragons landed in their special flight area.
"Well... what's all this about then! Calm down!" Deriam held up his hands and smacked the clipboard he had loudly. Everyone shut up. Leevi and Prax wandered away - this was none of their business, was it!
"Thank you," Deriam said. "I can tell you guys are ... excited to be participating, but you're not accepted yet, so just get settled in."
"What do you mean, not accepted yet?" Fate growled. The black feline bristled.
"I mean, you have yet to sign up and present your information. I can see that your dragons will be acceptable to the females, but whether or not they'll be allowed to fly is still in question. I must have you all fill some of these forms out..." He handed out a paper to the guys, and then cleared his throat again. "And, I need to know your dragons' origins."
"They are all from the Utopian Holiday clutch," Enoi said, "But there were a dozen dragons flying in the mating flight that laid those eggs. We've no idea who each dragon's parents are."
Deriam made a note, and grunted. "Go on." He ticked something, and Enoi got a worried look on his snow-white face.
"What do you mean, go on? I mean, there they are," he waved his paw, "everything about them is pretty obvious, don't you think?"
"Not completely..." Deriam said, squinting at the foursome of colorful dragons. "But I suppose that I can wheedle some information from them, if not from you." He glanced at the furry men, "please have those filled out by the time I get back."
"Sure... no problem," Bhargol said, examining the paperwork. It read like a medical questionare.
"I've seen easier tests taken at temporal-physics study halls..." Kmarks groaned. Fate put on a false grin, acting like he'd gotten the hang of all these questions more easily than the others.
"I tell you this," Enoi said. "One of our dragons had best win a flight here," he grumbled at Fate, "or your little money-collecting sham is over. You dragged us here, that's your gamble."
Taken by surprise at the snow-leopard's forward statement, Fate mulled it over. "... Well, if you insist. It will be more important to the dragons that they succeed, and they've got to be prepared. None of our dragons have had more experience in the field than any other - believe me, Assassinezth has been practicing, but we've not had any 'combat' lately."
"Even field," Kmarks said, "that sounds good to me." He looked at the sky, and saw a brilliant yellow-white flash. "Oh, so that's her, I bet..." He said of the lovely Ryslen born queen. "She is pretty. And fast, too. Our bonds'll be in for a ride, I think."
"So will we..." Fate said. "So will we..."
After the flights, and not one of their number had won - though some had come quite close - the "deal" that Fate had with the group was done. He was willing to admit defeat, Sovereign Fate was good for his bet.
However, he did attend a number of their concerts later on. A more formal arrangement? He would be willing to front a studio for them, if he could be cut in to their tour profits.
Bhargol pondered this for a week of prosperous touring. He was about to tell Fate "no" but then the whole bunch (back together after successful flights by the girls) demanded to do an album that could be released in whatever format local wares could handle.
So Fate and his namesake remain attached, and on slightly friendlier terms than before.

Dragon |
Name: Assassinezth (sometimes misspelled assassinzeth whoops)
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: large, 16'8" s / 72' l / 120' ws
Colors: Gold and Black, molten mixture of both in strong metallic shades that never seem to sit still even when he is motionless; wingsails are burnished molten gold; while he is in Danachian 'mode', he is a mixture of high-ranked Black and mid-ranked Copper for breeding purposes
Features: Danachian, though untraditional in any way since he's actually pure Pernese...
Powers: Winged flight, large and in charge, while not the most huge dragon around he is bigger than most bronze Pernese, and with that comes a big attitude, that shows when he flies. If he wants to be seen, that is. He is like a streak of burning metal in the sky, extremely fast and sleek, and surprisingly agile even at his size. He does have to tuck those wings in when in urban settings, but can easily do a circle around a high-rise building and then change directions to do it again in reverse with only one flap of his wings. He is very, very good in flight...
Teleportation, Genrehop; Like his bond, he knows how to remain in the shadows just long enough to surprise his prey. Be it a food animal on a vast plain, or a group of unwary gamblers who will spill their chips like in a video game when they see him, Assassinezth is able to know exactly what spaces will contain him and which he won't be able to fit into when he teleports near the ground. In the air, he can teleport up to 10 miles at an easy jaunt, or flicker between spaces in line of sight, or concentrate on known locations that are on-world and arrive just a little winded if they're very far away. Somehow even through the flicker-port, Fate seems to be able to ride without getting dizzy. He can also move between dimensions and as long as his rider knows where they're going, he can find new locations to explore
Telepathy, Command; His mind is dark, sleek, and warm, like that molten metal only not quite burning and definitely not 'clingy'. But he can sense you before you know he's there, at pretty large distances, up to 5 miles to a non-telepathic mind, but over 50 for those minds he already knows. He does prefer to remain silent to other people but is now rather chatty with his rider, and certain people who either of them call friends. In addition, since he claims that he's 'better than Bronze', he is able to actively command Pernese and derived Pernese-based dragons if they are of mid to low ranks (Brown to Green, or 'non-metallic' to low ranked if such exist in the dragon's lines). This works well to organize outings, hunting, or fights, but he can also use this ability to challenge another big male in a mating flight, which might come as a surprise to that male, depending... since that aspect is not limited to merely Pernese minds...
Unassisted Firebreath, He's able to adjust his fire breath to be up close as a short 10 meter thick broad burst, a wide flat fan up to 25 meters across and 2 meters thick, a 50 x 1 meter flamethrower blast, or even a 250 meter long arm-thick laser precision beam, all of them able to melt most metal, and cause horrible burns to living things... Or thread, whatever, he's never seen the stuff
Telekinetics, he can use his close-range telekinetic power to keep Fate well seated, and if they're carrying any loot, to keep it from breaking while they are in getaway mode; he can't use this to manipulate things but if you're sensitive to such powers, or look closely, you can actually see a field around him if there is a lot of dust or small items in an area when he's doing it. He literally looks like a character in a video game 'collecting coins' from said gamblers when they drop them...
Parentage: Light-Brown Khalbalahath (Ryslen; gold Cytiath/Katadon+white Releith/Wu [gold Kuaith/wu+bronze Sarenth/glass island {Keleth+Falanth/gis}) and Starry (gold) Chvehath (Gallimim Progen)
Mate/Offspring: none, failed several flights... but that might change soon enough (2024+ with reshmina's Fuerta)
Origin: Cathair Utopian before it was a Cathair? (art originally by Shard colored by Anaess)
Other Info: With multidimensionality comes interesting side effects, and he may produce unusual offspring