Stonefly aka Sugarberry

Name Stonefly (quad/male) - aka Sugarberry (biped/female)

^First appears as a female teal-bodied, violet blue haired/maned, blue-eyed Unicorn morph (bipedal)with the ability to cast magic*. This pony earned their Cutie Mark as a youth.

^This is actually not their true form, they are a Changeling and can if pressed appear in numerous other forms! Their true form is actually monochromatic grey, black, and silver, which leads to some issues for them if they are around other Equestria born ponies or morphs, since they will associate that color scheme with Chrysalis' evil regime. He is anything but evil, however, and his features are as shown in his default shape. It is very likely that he will spend much more time in this form after befriending a dragon.

Homeworld Equestria magical land of friendship and ponies.
Class Freshman, they have 20 KnacKudos to spend on skills, knacks and clusters
Nut Nut
Totem Porcupine, the 'hug me' totem, looks stand-offish but is actually very friendly. +1 Bod, -1 RWP, +3 Luck, -3 Drive, +1 Cool, +5 Extra KK's. (all bonuses already taken into account below)
Smarts 3
Bod/Feet 2
Luck 6
Drive 2 -1... well they can fly in their native form... riding will be 2
Looks 4
Cool 5
Bonk 5

Omnivore - acts like Skill: Tolerate Hideous Amounts of Gore and Still Be Hungry, also eat your friend's homework; this power is out of control and cannot be predicted when it'll stop or start; they will consume darn near anything including emotions so they feel sated only when there's a lot going on around them - such as pep rallies or, say, the Ball

^Shapeshift, this pony is able to shift his shape, generally as above but to almost anything of the same mass; he doesn't have the same skill sets as any given person, so even with thumbs or wings or a longer tail he will only be able to do what a pony might with chunky hoof-like fingers or limited flight wings

^Teleportation, Changelings can ‘warp' between spaces, note that he must be in his true form to do this, which is why he's not doing so well in Lane's teleport class

Clusters *Magic Spell Cluster at +1
Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb)
1 Teleportation Practice / Lane / Passing
2 Royalty and Regular Folks / Sean / Decent
3 Living Mythology / Kirabo / Excellent
4 Cartography / Lari / Excellent
5 Decoding Magic Texts / Liaxeri / Decent
6 Alchemy / Cameron / Decent
7 Party Planning / Qeats / Superb
8 Shapeshifting Techniques / Arothphael / Decent - only decent because the Supernal requires him to be ‘who he really is' first, and he's hesitant to do so
Pets ?
Parents? Maybe the Queen?
Siblings? Hundreds, if not thousands of them on Equestria in the form of Crysalys's brood
Image From equestria-girls-avatar-maker and Flutterbug maker (flashpoint used, doll divine)
Other Info They live near the campus in an apartment with other students. Everyone knows them because they are always burping after a pep rally or a big meeting even without food


Sano Dumanish

Name: Sano Dumanish (SAA no doo MAN ish, Dumani is Turkish for 'smoke' and their names reflect their appearances; knockoffs are smol, so they are ... Dumanish)
Gender: (choose+preference as desired)
Size: 4'3" s/l/ws
Build: even, sleek
Physical Features: Pernese/Smoke, four legs and two wings, claws on feet only, long neck and tail, beak-like face, faceted eyes, smoke based webbing and crest/tail that may vanish entirely; Bonding is not required but they do enjoy having one, Sponsorships are unlikely, multibonding doesn't generally occur, and non-human bonds are possible
Colors: Grey Pawn 6, a medium to light grey body that looks like velour; transparent wingsails, crest, and tail in checkerboard patterns largest on wings, smallest on tail; foreclaws black, hind claws white, faceted green eyes
Stats: Strength 1, Speed 2, Endurance 2, Agility 4, Health 2, Intelligence 2
Abilities: average 3 for typical powers in their family including becoming larger at the expense of their wings vanishing, choose one of vapor, shadow, or particle control to be at 5, the others then cannot be used
Parents: donor clutch Dantinath and Dymati
Bond: Stonefly - aka Sugarberry (Feel free to include full table, I'd suggest grabbing the page source for this)