Name |
Nash Darnell |
Age |
Over 100, appears Young -if tired- Adult |
Homeworld |
Magical Earth, deprecated dimension, moved to Wonder/Dominaverse |
Species |
Magical Human, Convocation-based entity
Height/Build: 6'2" / Rail thin, long and very narrow appearing, upright
Skin: light, unblemished save for some scars on forearms/hands from Red Blade
Hair/Style: Black with grey at temples, kept to neck at longest, fluffy and fuller than most Lanes
Eyes: Turquoise, very vibrant color but translucent, hooded, over high cheekbones and short nose, under concerned looking thin brows
Distinguishing Features: Handsome but unapproachable, extremely scary voice when he needs to menace
Preferred Style: layered with simple white shirts under much nicer and well-tailored vests; usually in deep colors; sharply cut overcoat in black with satin lining; snug long pants, high boots with shiny buckles; magical pockets in vest or coat for wand and blade; is never without a magically-enchanted armband which is woven of cloth, leeather, beads, and cords suited to protective spells
Note that he is very much Keenan Lane As A Wizard, aside from the ... other, other wizard lanes out there, he looks exactly like any of them only a bit younger, though no less worse for wear
Gender/Pref |
Male, bisexual though not gregariously, he has a wife and effectively a husband |
Post |
Instructor |
Tenure |
New 2020s |
... |
Smarts/GM |
11 |
Bod/Feets |
7 |
3 |
Luck |
2 |
Drive |
0/teleport 10 |
Looks |
4 |
Cool/Mouth |
6 |
Bonk |
8 (Convocation/Magical endurance) |
Powers |
Magical - is from a deprecated 'wizarding' dimension and as such has a selection of existing items and spell types that he uses regularly. He has very little formal training, having learned almost all of his skills while on the streets of Baltimore or hidden and watching other wizard types do their spellcasting. He is highly intelligent and able to learn from brief encounters, and thus hardly needs his wand to cast most spells, and rarely uses words when they're normally required. He is left-handed, but has never noted any issues due to casting with that hand
Weakness: because he is not formally instructed, he often creates his own types of spells which cannot be then taught to others. Until moving from one dimension to the next, he was unable and not permitted to use formal educational facilities and thus was incredibly bitter and somewhat angry about that, and took it out on people who had wronged him or his loved ones. Gaining his trust is extremely difficult. Also note that his childhood has mostly been suppressed and repressed due to the gruesome nature of the death of his family
-- Wand: 15-2/5" redwood wand with wampus-cat hair core
--- Featherfall, Detect and ID magic, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Expeditious Retreat, Firebolt, WitchBolt, Fog Cloud; Summon Item, Arcane Lock, Shatter, Fling, Hold Person, Detect Thoughts, Immobilize, Cloud Daggers, Wind Gust, Misty Step; Summon Ravens, Hypnotic Pattern, Protective Projection (Wampus Cat), Dispell/Counterspell, Slow Person, Blink, Lightning Bolt; Dimension Door, Command Birds, Foreseeing, Private Sanctum, Confusion; Open Doors, Prestidigitation, Speak Clearly, Light/Dancing Light, Ray of Frost, Color Spray, Mage Hand
-- Animist: can change into or channel the wampus-cat shape for infiltration or threat, though this is brief at most and he prefers being on two feet rather than four (or six) and yes he's met that weird other Lane that's a fuckin Displacer cat, that's taking it a bit far don'tcha'think?
-- Specialties of magic: Silence, investigation, and security; Binding, protection, counterspells, and aggressive attacks; He will use magic to distract, but the Blade to do damage
-- Magic Item: The Red Blade, a curved dagger or black metal with a red edge that is unbreakable, but also 'hungry', in order to fully exploit its features it must taste Nash's blood first, hence the small cuts on his own hands. This blade does +2 damage and is +3 to hit
-- Magic Item:
protective wrist bands, enhanted with protective abilities that also allow him to defend against things that would slow or stop him, and prevents most types of magical damage from reaching him
-- Magic Location: the Darnell Estate Wizardry Convocation, his home which definitely overlaps that of Lane's on any Earth, in State Center Iowa; it's basically the same house that the Carnies and Hippies took over in Rookery or Repurposed Earth, and has been renovated as much as either of those might have elsewhere including Paragon. This home is protected by massive warding and magical spells but also by a hedge maze that might eat you, and walls that seem to shift around
Convocation - He was born human in a world where the Convocation does exist, but are considered 'magical' and have been around Earth for quite some time perhaps in the form of djinn or other such creatures, which bred with the natives quite unlike most other versions. He is definitely a Lane doppelganger and they found him drifting when the dimension he is from was becoming disjointed from the others. He was already well established in that dimension but was never actually satisfied or even happy there. His whole school along with the people and students there were moved at the same time as House Domina was, from that now-misty dimension and into Twoarth's magical side. There is still much overlap between these locations and Paragon/Primal Earth, and he has been known to wander from his Baltimore home to Rhode Island and do some heroics (see below); his school blends with a non-earthly one called the Tavern of Transcendence, and is where Lari and some others are from...
-- Paragon Hero - listed as a level 50 Magical Hero, with Dual Blades/Ninjitsu powersets emulating his extremely talented fighting technique; Darkness Mastery epic powers, and Sorcery pool (see below for specific powers). He is able to tap basically anyone who he's dealt with in Paragon and who has shown up here at CHS, he was there before his dimension folded and before he even knew what the Convocation was
Clusters |
Self-Taught Magic +6 A Spell Sniper, capable of doubling his range with any given spell, and ignore cover when attacking with them, added cantrip attacks; War Caster, when concentrating on longer spells he cannot be interrupted, and can cast spells using other methods if they require hand gestures or even words, and can use attack spells as attacks of opportunity no matter how long they would normally require to cast; Ritual Caster expertise, is able to cast longer ritual spells in 1/10 the time, provided any other components are around to use; Arcane Recovery allows him to recover himself and re-cast spells even if he's exhausted himself with a short rest; his attack spells can only be resisted by those who have prepared in advance, and always at half-effect for defense
Self-Taught Assassin +4 He slings those spells because he must, and he got where he is today because he is equally capable of outright murder. He has infiltration skills that would make any BlackOps seem a pale grey ops. He doesn't even need the protective wards or spell use to get in, do a job, and get out. Those jobs paid the rent as such for quite a while before he finally took out the last boss and got his whole family deal back...
Skills |
Adept War Mage: See above section for all Magic Skills +4
Infiltration And Assassination:
See Below for specific Paragon use of all Physical Skills +3
Instruction +3 While those powers certainly seem to be aggressive he is very attentive to the needs of magic students or those who he believes can achieve greatness in unusual ways. He has conferred with a magic user from another Supergroup, Taz, a mage duelist, who also has the same kind of 'left handed' techniques though his own are two wands and he's ambi... well whatever, if you've got a wand and need to use it, he's your guy to learn. It doesn't require hands, thumbs, or even limbs if you've got telekinesis!
Knacks |
Surprisingly Open Minded +4 he is easily able to adapt to new situations though he still has his druthers about whether those situations are good or bad. But if presented a good enough argument or discussion point he'll try and bring those new ideas into his own mindset to great success. Since he was originally born in an era of both strife and discovery, but also into a world of hidden agendas and magic that was often 'illegal' if performed without 'proper' instruction, he knows how hard it could be to gain traction with an idea put forth, particularly from a kid or teen
Extremely Sharp In All Ways +4 whether it's wit, his tongue, his attacks, or his look and mannerisms, Nash is very much the one to watch and he knows it. Like many Lanes, he does like being seen specifically at times, and unseen at others, but if you're watching him and he's allowing you to, you will definitely like what you see or be strongly impressed by his moves
His School Rules +3 technically his school 'his' rules, he is defensive and arguably a little arrogant about how the Darnell Estate Wizardry Convocation does things. It is different from both Wonder's Wonders, and House Domina, but shares similar ideals with both. But if you challenge those ideals you'd best be prepared to defend your honor and those ideals... with a wand or a blade or both
Period |
Class Teaching |
1 |
Martial Arts for the Fasion Conscious |
2 |
Selecting Wands and Foci for Magical Use |
3 |
Politics of Magic |
4 |
Combat Magic |
5 |
6 |
Martial Arts for the Fasion Conscious |
7 |
Combat Magic |
8 |
Camouflage For Better Living |
Adopted From and Art By Nox Eterna / ShikiHaidaiko on Deviantart, and rendered in City of Heroes |
Dragon |
A |
Hatched |
Pets? |
Partners? |
Ria/Rhea Banks, a siren-descended witch - this is definitely the same Rhea Mercer as turned down Keenan Lane in one dimension and came back to him from another; a master of both song and genetics
Alastair Taybec, a werewolf from Hungary - unique to this version, Alastair is often passed off as a rather scruffy dog, or an equally scruffy human doctor with a very strong pharma or herbalist bent
-- Not partners but associates in the Tavern/Academy, Winnie Perch (mostly at Domina now), Gricolynn Gouloux (their local magical priest...), Sgt Ward Watson (whose family knew the Darnells and suffered losses from the same mob boss) instructing wand use and magical sports, and Chuang Yuan an artistic animal shifter from China; Others in this weird not-quite-same world include Cavill Johanssen (inventor and artificer), Elias Vance (that is Eli, yes) and his wife Xian Yuan who is Chuang's aunt, and Alixa Vance
Children? |
Probably, yeah; probably some on the way once he starts noticing folks at CHS or Wonder... |
Loves: Ria with all his heart, and Alastair with all of his body; enjoys coffee tremendously; prefers being clean and tidy but is not afraid to get his hands very, very dirty.
Likes: Messing with people, rainy days, having a roof over his head, providing for others, and has weirdly unexpected musical tastes (thanks Lane)
Tolerates: a lot of blood, pain, and some amount of cruelty, either from himself or those around him. He seems to expect this from people since it's all he had known for many years
Dislikes: Bright flashy lights; mistreatment of chidlren or those who cannot defend themselves; being laughed at or mocked due to his lack of formal education
Hates: those who stole his family from him, those who will do the same to others; in the prior dimension he harbored ill will toward the European magical society since they were largely to blame for the problems he had in getting an education
Fears: that his magic will fail him (it will not); that Ria or Alastair will leave or turn against him (they will not); that his family home will be taken from him again (it has been moved firmly from one dimension to this one, thanks to the other Lanes, they're quite good at that can they please teach him how?)
Wants: to keep those he loves and enjoys being around safe; to bring the mundane and magical worlds closer together to work in harmony rather than at odds or unknown to one another - this is something he can actually achieve here on Twoarth
Personalty: quiet and almost sullen to strangers or passers-by, but that's by design. He is actually quite enjoably once he decides to open up to someone and keeps keeps those who aren't worth getting to know at bay. Intense, angry and pent-up aggression occasionally taken out on criminals or those flaunting their power over others. He knows right from wrong but is willing to step over the lin to do 'bad things to bad people'
History: Born to a magical family doing business on the east coast / usa. Nash never received formal magic education because at the age of 8 a mob boss from a rival family, believing the Darnells had cursed him, had his parents murdered and all of his family's goods stolen. Nash hid out with a cousin who showed him a mysterious chest in a dusty attic. Nash's uncle's wand and a dangerous looking blade both seemed to attach themselves to him (bonding permanently).
He learned how to utilize the protective wrist band he'd always worn, and began even as a teen to hunt down the wizards responsible for harming his family. Vicious, attentive, and very quick to learn new spells, he prowled the mob territories until finally locating the man responsible. Nash picked away at his contacts, strongarms, and locations, until nothing was left. Finally he regained his family's ancestral home deed along with a considerable fortune - some of which was the fearful mob-don's illicitly gained treasure. With this, he finally returned to his home and began setting up a place for those other children affected by the Family's murderous ways.
Seeing an opening to help the magical community as well as gain a good footing in the financial districts, he took it upon himself to open his massive family home to become a school of magic.
Never quite accepted by the more above-board society, he has used this place to train a number of those kids in the same arts he had to learn on his own - dangerous things, infilitration, subterfuge, and spy craft - and yes, killing. However he has never stooped to using magical Curses ... since he does prefer the Red Blade at his side...