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"You totally spoke to me," she whispered. The dragon's eyes whirled in different colors, they were very pretty. Yes, I did totally speak to you. Did you expect me not to speak? "I don't -- I don't know anything about dragons. I thought they burnt stuff." She looked at her hands, noticing the rings and that she had a bit of dust on her furry arms. Compulsively she brushed away the dust. The dragon approached her, and she didn't notice that Dominque Talshoy, its rider, had arrived to speak with the spooky men. We do burn things. But we burn the bad things. "I do that!" Disruptor said, happily. "Want to see?" She aimed her arm at one of the lawn chairs near the Caffetorium. Then upon a little mental command, her disintigration ring came to life and she fried the Ugly Chair. It was broken, frayed and no one sat in it anyway, so she figured it wouldn't be missed. It fell into a mass of dust, after being engulfed in a bright light. That of course attracted the attention of Sanger and company. Having him as a teacher was one thing. Having his bright blue eyes focused on her as a subject of study was another. It really creeped her out. "That was unexpected," he muttered. "Any particular reason you have not gone back to your home?" "Because I want to rescue the other teachers," she said before she realized she did want to. She apparently wasn't the only one. |
"Do you." He said, and the brown dragon nosed his way between them. Give her a break, the dragon said, and when he did so Sanger winced visibly. Sorry - sorry. "Would you please tell him not to speak to me, Dom?" He said, raising a hand to his temple. "Disruptor, you might very well want to help, but you might also be lost among the --" "Father, she should come with us. To the old world. It is right there. And her ... ability... would be useful!" Simon said. "It is only a step away. I could fly her." "Or I could," Talshoy said, arriving and mentally chastising her dragon for having shown himself. Kemroth is going, and he wants her to come along! I would think she would make a good candidate. With her jaw slack, the mohawked woman shook her head and said, "you what? Where?! She's a--" "She is a superhero in training," Sanger said, glancing at Disruptor and then the dragons. "Your world might need a superhero now and again. But she'll come back, won't she? She's got a paper on nerve endings of the mouth and how to use them, doesn't she?" Disruptor smiled weakly, and nodded. "I do. I won't forget. Now, what do you mean, a candidate? Do you really mean to get a dragon? Like a real dragon?" "No, a fake one," Talshoy said, waving her hand. "Simon, y'got her covered?" "I suppose so," he said, haltingly. He looked at the green fur clad girl. "Do you need to find any supplies, or clothing before we go? I am assuming that my f- that your instructor," he indicated Sanger with a reverent gaze, "will arrange for your classes to be put on hold. It might take a while to find a dragon, and they grow slowly. You would be older by the time you come back." "I ... I need to get some of my clothes, yeah... And maybe another ring or two..." She said, distractedly. "Where will we go? I mean, up there?" She pointed at the big planet which was overshadowed by a bigger red one. "That looks nasty." "It is nasty. But you will be of service. The threat falling from the sky can be burnt. I think you will enjoy doing that. Perhaps nearly as much as your dragon would enjoy doing it too." He escorted Disruptor to his white dragon, and they took wing. The short distance back to her house was covered in mere moments, but it was enough to know that she wanted more than anything to be able to ride her own dragon. From there, she could... Well, she could shoot things right out of the sky! She could even entertain people with her mind illusions, which Simon didn't think much of at the time. He wasn't much for conversation, but his dragon Kemroth thought it would be fine if she could stick images in people's minds. And dragon minds too. "Wait here, I'll get my stuff and be back in a minute." Disruptor said, and darted into her house. They'd landed in her smallish back yard, to the barking of the dogs next door. Just a while later, she came out with a large duffel bag filled with her fur outfits, a couple pairs of boots, and a little bag of rings which might or might not have any value. With those things, and a note to her mother that she'd be back and not to worry, Disruptor took flight on Kemroth's back, to what Simon only referred to as The Old World. |
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the wind in her hair, and the fur ruffling on her outfit, Disruptor
looked at the world which sped below them. The dragon was small,
apparently, but quite fast. He then teleported, making Disruptor almost
lose her lunch! But she recovered quickly, and soon they circled over a
rugged landscape. A lake in the middle of what looked like a caldera,
that was keen. Surrounded by beaches, even keener! But Disruptor didn't
much like sand, even so. "This is Firestone weyr," Simon announced. "It is a good place for you to try bonding. They're taking unusual candidates this one time, and you... are pretty unusual." "I'm very special," Disruptor said, grinning. "My mother told me so." "I'm sure she did," Simon said. His voice ached, it looked like he was going to cry. "I'm sorry, you were ... talking about your mother. I hope I didn't offend you or anything. My mom's pretty cool. I know she'll miss me, but I can't pass this up." "I wish it were that way for me," Simon sighed, "my mother, you go to school with her now. But she is... well, she will BE, rather insane. Not a kind woman. She pursued me across many worlds, I was also her Slave." "What? That's not right!" Disruptor said, over the wind as they landed at Firestone's courtyard. "That totally sucks! Why don't you go back and talk to MY mom, okay? Maybe she'll want the company, and you look like you could use a dose of my mom's herb tea. It'll relax you." With half a smile, Simon finally nodded, his dragon apparently had something to say and he listened, then agreed. "I shall do that. It has been too long since I met a woman nice enough to make me tea, instead of having to make her some..." "I'll check out this place, okay? I'm good at that." Disruptor walked away, waved to the dragon and Simon waved back, then they teleported away. She turned and found the people necessary to sign up for this clutch of eggs that were maturing on their sands. She had a lot to learn, but this time, Disruptor thought, she'd be able to keep better notes! After all, it would be about saving the world, and dragons, and powerful blasts! |
was barely a few weeks later, after Disruptor had settled in to the
routine of learning dragon anatomy, how to lace up a riding saddle,
formations for flaming... She also learned that the Frenzy eggs she was
to stand for were quite odd. Someone even said something about there being duds in the mix, whatever that meant. To her, it might have meant there were little chocolate covered malt balls, but that was another story. When the candidates were allowed to come near the eggs, the cream-colored orbs were actually glowing. Green, shining, pulsing green. It was actually kind of cool. Disruptor grinned, and went on with her studies. She liked green - who didn't? At long last, the hatching was announced. The glowing eggs were accompanied by their parents humming, and others from the weyr as well. The noise was entrancing. Disruptor thought she heard something, through the humming, but when she turned to look for it, it wasn't there. Then, it came back. While she was busy trying to figure this out, the first egg broke and a dragon without wings came from it. The people around her were stunned, but Disruptor knew there were dragons without wings. They lived in China. And some in Celtic myths. So a dragon without wings? That was nothing to worry about. A white and green dragonet broke from her egg, and bonded to a green-skinned girl. Then a most bizarre dragon hatched, two headed! Amazing colors, green and purple with tiny wings, and two heads! It walked across an egg which had stopped glowing, slopping out a dead dragon-embryo. Other people thought it was awful, but Disruptor remembered the lessons she'd learned in school - more than 2/3 of any turtle's eggs would die before they found water... If all the eggs made it to maturity, then what?! Amazingly, then, a dragon hatched and left with a little flower in a pot. She'd bonded to a flower, and apparently Lerial the weyrwoman was more amazed than anyone. When a pinkish green came out and bonded to a firelizard-human crossbreed, everyone relaxed - the dragon was a bit snippy at everyone else. A dramatic pause came while Disruptor heard something in the back of her head again. She knew it wasn't a sound, this time, because the dragons above had stopped humming and she could hear everything quite clearly. A green with a big black lightning bolt patterned around his face, tail and wings, jumped from his egg. Weren't greens usually female? Oh well, Disruptor thought. She hadn't realized that no one but her knew that this was a male dragon. He'd broken out with such flair that people gave off "ooh!" sounds. The blue-green-black-marked dragon prowled around, crouched like a cat, slashing his tail and baring his sharp teeth. He stopped when he found Disruptor. "Hello Kegawath. Good hunting?" Disruptor asked. Well, I found you didn't I? As they left the sands, Kegawath snarled and snapped at the other visitors, but Disruptor was so happy now that she'd learned why she had a buzzing in her head - it was the dragon! She'd known his name all along, it seemed like a part of her. She got the last of one herdbeast and the start of another in bowls for her new bond. |
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and his rider practiced flying before anything else - and they were
good at it. Disruptor had had a couple horse riding lessons so she knew
that hanging on with her knees and thighs would work. But don't you have some place to be? Kegawath said, swinging his sharp face toward his rider. "Oh my gawd! I almost forgot! I have to get back to school!" They'd been having such a great time learning how to barrell roll and spit flames (or acid, or whatever it was that Kegawath spat) and then for the two of them to be able to fire off rounds together. Though they'd grown together, Disruptor knew that she was still just young enough to get back into school and not really have anyone ask about her. Because of course Simon had told her all about how to focus on a certain time period and they'd be able to return to it. Of course the fact that Disruptor was attending Carramba high school had a lot to do with her re-arrival at it in just the right amount of time. Two days had gone by in the city around the school - but it waited for her, matured by a year, to come home. Doc Sanger smiled widely when he realized that their dragons had been joined by another. Once Disruptor was finished with her classes here, he'd be sure to send her to Zekira for the occasional firefight. But it looked like he was pleased to watch her on the bold huge dragon over the skies of Carramba as well. |
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It was several months after their arrival back to Carramba, that weird rumors were circulating. There were dragons aplenty now, so Disruptor and Kegawath didn't seem so out of place. They didn't feel any less special, either, because they were both closer to adults than most of the other students' dragons. True to form, some of the girls that would try to insult Disruptor were now trying to be her very best friend, trying to get a good word to their instructors so they could ride a dragon too. "Fat chance," muttered the superheroine, "dragons know when you're a bitch, and when you're a good person." She didn't actually say that to their faces, but she'd come close on more than one occasion. Kegawath reminded her not to be so mean. "You know they were always picking on people because of how they looked, or acted, or what groups they hung out with," she said, watching the dragon from a rooftop as she did a routine patrol. When she was in class and the dragon needed attention, she was adept at shutting her mouth and opening her mind, of course, all dragon riders were taught how to speak mentally. That reminded her, it was kind of weird, that during the summer, Doc Sanger seemed to get a lot better about talking to dragons. Mostly, because he'd brought one back to Carramba High himself! He didn't have to hitch a ride any more! His dragon was just as cool and colorful as Kegawath, all zappy too, and brightly blue. Because Carramba High was known to be a Nexus, and rumors spread through it even more quickly than light through a vacuum, a particular meme was spreading. There were dragons needing friends, but not just normal ones. These had a hydra-creature as a parent, and another that could probably be distantly related to some of the dragons flying around Carramba and Talon City in general. It was hush-hush, but with dragons, they were so likely to talk to each other about any given thing, this clutch was going to be something that Disruptor wanted in on. "But it's in space," she said, walking to the dragon housing area that Alabaster Inc had put up on an annex to the school grounds. The massive building was almost like a small mountain - probably Ninhursag the earth-goddess had dolled it up to look more like a true dragonry than a big parking structure. "Can we go there?" Of course we can go there, I am able to focus on it. It is very clear. Others are there. "Well then, let's go. If we do this right, I'll still have a summer vacation to look forward to, before Senior year!" Disruptor cheerfully said. Because she'd come back with a dragon, and the dragon was way bigger than the yard that her house supported, her mother allowed her to remain on campus with the other riders - provided she called regularly and came home for the weekends. She left another note, halfway hinting that she'd be able to be at dinner on Sunday. She left herself a second note, to show up to dinner on Sunday. Then, they headed off to Star City. It wasn't as busy as they expected it to be, being a starport and all, but the dragon seemed at home there. Disruptor was in awe. She'd been off planet, she'd been to other dimensions. But she never got to be on a star-faring dragonry! The clutch was in a private area, but with a little convincing, Kegawath managed to get them inside. The father of this clutch was beautiful! "He's furry!" Disruptor whispered to Kegawath, who rumbled agreement. "I gotta go meet him!" Boldly, Disruptor strode up to the dark, furry sire of the eggs that he seemed to be guarding alone. "Hey, what's up big guy?" Disruptor cheerfully said, giving a little wiggle of her fingers in greeting. "That's a lot of eggs, congrats!" Perhaps he was a bit dumbfounded by the presence of this girl, but he hardly looked toward her. Thank you, I suppose, he bespoke a moment later. Excited that he'd spoken to her, Disruptor was always a bit bubbly when dragons other than her own Kegawath spoke to her, she nodded and gave a giddy clap. "You know, I like how you're protecting them. You're really good at it, I mean, we hardly got in here without sixteen people asking us whether we were permitted and all that stuff. And like, normally I don't babble about stuff, but wow - you're furry, and like, I love fur!" He blinked, red eyes vanishing into blackness for a moment. Is that so... "Yeah! And I gotta say your fur is just beautiful! Or is it feathers? I mean, either way, it's so pretty. People at home make fun of me because I wear a lot of fur. But they're dumb, this is a uniform after all, right? I mean, I'm a superhero in training, anyway. Gotta have a uniform if you're a super!" She went on a bit, talking about how she was practicing to become a full fledged superhero - and with Kegawath she stood such a better chance of being accepted to one of the new supergroups in Talon City. But why then was she here? She got around to that too. "If there's anything more impressive than a girl on a dragon," Disruptor said with a big broad grin, "it's a girl with two dragons. I mean, I could probably start my own supergroup - dragon riding supers!" That got her started on another whole weird line of thought, but fortunately someone called the visitors away and tucked them into rider-worthy quarters for the night. Perhaps she'd be let back, or if the sire, Rurilusith, had had enough of her she would be booted from the station. But it was worth a try, anything was worth the try to her. |
Name: Cac-yau |
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Though she'd been a superhero for several years now, Disruptor was never going to be what even she considered 'triple-a' material. However, she did enjoy the attention that she and her dragons got when they did PR for other super groups, and they certainly showed off properly for tv cameras. Since graduating from Carramba, Disruptor didn't really feel as though she needed to take more than a couple classes at C4, the community college, concentrating her studies on property damage control and team building. The missing instructors at Carramba were eventually found, by slightly more... diligent heroes. Those better suited to go under water, which let's just say Disruptor could swim - but she was an electric based hero. It wasn't all that wise to go chasing after deep-sea kidnappers. What she did find herself enjoying, was travel to and from Zekira and other worlds. Not quite for-hire, more or less purely for the thrill of it all - but when she was given rewards in the local currency she always kept it well-documented. Not wanting to mix and match, right? Unexpectedly, both of her bonds had decided to take her somewhere for the Winter celebrations. Not that Crescent had what could be called winter, by any stretch. But with her furry outfits and furry dragon bond, she wasn't as out of place in a knee-deep snow drift as some. A winter frenzy of some kind had gone on, neither of her dragons had been part of it, but apparently they both might have been welcome had it been a bigger gathering. What was important, however, was that there was a perfectly colored black and green (and white, Cac-yau asserted) drak-mutt watching her intently. She'd already started digging into the holiday ornaments that were scattered around the wide, warm room. "Nissssse to meet you!" The dragonet said, lisping heavily, but speaking English reasonably well all things considered. "I am Vardanurin, and I would love to ssssee your plasssse." The trio became a foursome, zapping through the skies and showing bad guys what-for! |
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