Zin Shuy X'eep aka

Name Zin Shuy X'eep - heroic title CHOP CHOP
Gender female, she/her
Homeworld Zedd (+3b/f)
Class Sophomore +25kk
Nut a little bit nutty but that's only because you gotta chop some nuts right?
Totem Dolphin, the 'if we had thumbs we wouldn't need saving' totem, sleek, fun loving, completely at other people's whims. +1 S/GM, +2 Bod, +1 Luck, -2 Drive, +1 Looks, +1 Cool, +1 Bonk, +5 Extra KK's.
Smarts 5 > 6
Bod/Feet 5 > 7 > 10!
Luck 3 > 4
Drive 5 > 3
Looks 4 > 5
Cool 3 > 4
Bonk 6 > 7

Deep Freeze - astoundingly powerful temperature control in a nearby volume up to about 20 meters across, Zin is able to take typical room temperatures (20c / 68f) and drop them to sub-zero in moments, and can do this in a specific location, from a pinpoint to super-freeze a candle-wick tip, a flat plane to keep a tabletop just cold enough to stop thawing, or a whole room cool even during a very busy kitchen day. The entire range of her temperatures is from around 50f to -50f, and she doesn't struggle even a little to get a large room down to the super-coldest. She cannot raise the temperature if it's above 50, but can adjust lower upwards to it if needed, making thawing meat safely or gently raising a room back to normal to avoid pipes breaking much easier. With this comes a strong sense of those temperatures, it's possible that her body (not just eyes) can detect heat with a very good level of refinement, because she's never wrong about cooler temperatures! The down side is that she's also easily overheated in outdoors situations and doesn't much care for beating sun on the beach; she is sometimes cool to the touch. Note that this does not alter the humidity in any way, but it can cause vapor to condense with the energy loss

Unerring Aim - angles, aiming, and locational abilities focused on her hands, which definitely helps when cutting things! Along with the sense of temperature when waving her hand across an area, she can also seemingly tell when things are moving, or their distance from herself within about 1.5 meters. Zeddians are tall and have a large arm-span, but she's still young, that range will likely improve to around 2 or 2.5 meters when she's fully adult. She can make minute changes to her motion, sparing herself any cuts or damage to delicate surfaces with fast-moving knife work, and can catch gnats out of the air with chopsticks, without even thinking about it or indeed seeing them. This does work best within a short range for thrown items, under 15 meters, but she's still very good with hard-thrown things like softballs or knives into targets up to 40 meters. She feels her way around in the dark with ease, but would still get lost in a hedge maze

Clusters 9 Food Preparation +3 She takes this business serious, but always is having fun! Her skills with knives in particular is impressive, but overall she can understand ingredient lists, storage processes, health and cleanliness issues, allergies and accommodation, on up to selection of fresh veg, slaughter of small animals, and finally cooking itself. She doesn't lack for presentation either! Most of the dishes she prepares will involve complex steps, mostly because she likes the steps - she won't 'over' prepare food, but feels like her skill is wasted on a bag of chips and a pb-n-j sammich, right? You want some cut carrots with that?
Skills 20

Preservation Tactics +4 Using her deep freeze to very carefully stop bacteria from forming on a cut of meat, or using that same power to freeze a criminal's feet to the ground, her cleverness is in full force when she's casting this power around. Will a piece of plywood freeze and shatter with weight? Or will that wood benefit from a sheen of ice just long enough to help people escape a falling structure?

Lists And Memorization +3 She will take a shopping list and actually stick to it, and is the kind of gal that gets very distressed when the supermarket aisles get changed around! Not that she's such a creature of habit that she can't then adjust, but she will make sure that all conditions are met, rules and directions followed (at least the first time! She's not a fuddy-duddy and will still experiment once she knows what works!), and theorems hashed out in a study session for that next math class

Heroic Style +3 She's got the 'naruto run' down pat, and is learning from the best how to arrive in style to save the day. While she's from a world where 'hair care and makeup' is of great importance (at least compared to humans who don't have markings to accent or 'just two colors' to work with) she is still a little on the 'meh' side when it comes to inventing new styles. Her forte is food... But frankly she's capable of freezing bullets in place or dodging them if needed, and that's pretty darn impressive

Knacks 6

Likes Spices Hot! +3 Even if she's a cold-powered heroine, her love of spices and 'hot' peppers is legendary! She understands that not all palates can appreciate the nuances of any given super-stupidly hot pepper from the Tincture Kitchen's gardens, but to some others that 2-million scoville barely even registers. She's actually trying to breed the perfect pepper, one which isn't so hot that it endangers fragile mouths, but is fully flavored and can add a pop to a wide variety of dishes

Prefers Ground Based Travel +3 She's not necessarily afraid to fly or swim, and can swim adequately. But she likes having both feet on the ground for the most part, and will definitely cover the ground entrance if a roof access is available for others who fly. She can climb and cling to hand holds very well, though, so she won't hesitate to start heading up a ladder and chuck a knife at something from above

Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb)
1 Modern Earth Literature / Leland / Decent
2 Martial Arts - Boxing / Canby / Superb
3 Curry! / Batty / Superb
4 Measuring Up / Haital / Superb
5 Herbs and Veggies / Ihrinnah / Superb
6 Makeup and Hairstyles / Shalen / Decent
7 Galactic Geography / Huntington / Passing
8 Snappy Comebacks And Heroic Banter / Carver / Decent
Pets nah, just knives
Parents? Back on Zedd
Siblings? Possibly has a younger sibling still on Zedd
Image From Doll Divine Gemsona (flashpoint used)

Story - Part of the Foodies!


Name: Julienne
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: adult height at head 20', quad form about 8'6" shoulder
Colors: body rich green with brilliant pale yellow-buff speckles and runes; wingsails greenish gold; eyes red, claws light, horns dark with bling
Features: as shown, bipedal by nature, but can go quad with some shifting*; four limbs plus two wings, tail, belly has segmented armor; head is beak-nosed, with two conical back-pointing horns; long claws on all digits
Powers: Winged Flight, definitely can fly, and makes dramatic entrances with the Foodies! Doesn't tend to be in a quad form but could in theory carry a couple people on her shoulders
Teleportation, Learning how to control this, Julienne is still young enough to have less confidence in the power, so she's taking classes to refine it. Will be able to teleport locally up to 10 miles in a clear landing spot, or to places memorized and set out for such arrivals at any distance
Verbal Speech, Telepathy; Julienne fits right in with the local beach bums and valley girls, speaking with a fun twang and a lot of local meme-worthy flavor. Her mind is just as catchy, though tinted with a faint chill and a starchy-turning-sweet aftertaste; can telepathically speak up to 20 miles to a mind she knows, or around 1 mile if she can see the target even if they're a stranger
*Formshift, can shift from a bipedal form to a quadrupedal form. This involves some bone realignment and limb resizing, but otherwise does not change anything about their size; she prefers being upright on two feet, because thumbs are good, and because casting spells or grabbing serving trays requires clean hands not dirty feet!

Firebreath, as most Pernese can, she is capable of chewing stuff and spitting fire, but she prefers her alternate - Cold-Fire! Freezing cold instead of hot, blue instead of red, but consumes materials just as well as fire, and she doesn't have to brush her teeth afterwards! Can aim a snipe up to 50 meters of either of these with accuracy, or a big sloppy show of it at 10 to 20 meters
High Level Magic Use, ... Define 'high'? Definitely knows a trick or two, and with practice will become a decently proficient mage. Focusing on enchantment, temporary or permanent alteration to things is an amusing and sometimes important goal. 'hah gotcha, that 3 course fish and flambe dinner was all just potatoes!'
Parentage: sire Porth, father Kumathra
Origin: Porth's Progeny Pandemonium by Mystic on the Nexus 2022
Other Info: Dude! You'll never believe what happened to me the other day. I was out in the flight fields practicing my Forbidden Runes, I guess they're not all that forbidden if we're learning about them in class, right? When out of nowhere, this dude, a liron in a wizard hat, appeared! I figured he'd be angry I was trying to do magic or something. But instead of pulling out a wand or whatever, he threw a crust of bread at me? Maybe he thought I was a duck or something... then he ran away laughing like a lunatic. That totally threw me for a loop, broke my concentration; he wasn't a wizard he was just some dude. But so I went to pick up the bread. I mean, hey, free bread right? And poof! I found myself teleported away! It was the craziest thing, maybe he was a wizard after all? Maybe he enchanted a sandwich? I didn't know you could enchant food? Wow that sounds like a fantastic career move! Anyway, when I looked around, I realized I wasn't on Tris'Hath anymore. I suppose I'll have to be a little more careful about the runes and spells here. So I guess I live here now? I hope you guys have potatoes. They're my favorite thing. Bread is okay, but like. Fries are better, and now that I know I can enchant food for a living my fries are gonna be the best in the world! Maybe ANY world!

Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb)
1 Draconic Literature / Bethoi / Decent
2 Herbs and Veggies / Ihrinnah / Superb
3 Vortal Communication / Bethoi / Decent
4 Measuring Up! / Haital / Decent
5 Careers: Catering / Z. Zuvraat / Excellent
6 Living Mythology / Kirabo / Decent
7 Mastering Spell Magic / Alorel / Decent
8 Teleportation Practice / Retali8r / Decent