Name |
Kia Rosas, heroic name PIPETTE |
Gender |
Female, she/her |
Homeworld |
Aperturth, a human test subject who found the cake! |
Class |
Junior, 30kk |
Nut |
Allergic, but only to Walnuts |
Totem |
Porcupine "hug me!" looks standoffish but is quite friendly
+1 Bod, -1 RWP, +3 Luck, -3 Drive, +1 Cool, +5 KK |
Smarts |
7 |
Bod/Feet |
7 > 8 |
3 > 2 |
Luck |
4 > 7 |
Drive |
4 > 1 |
Looks |
4 |
Cool |
6 > 7 |
Bonk |
7 |
Powers |
Did you know that Aperturth had a cooking school for its employees and test subjects? Well now you do. At that school many of the 'traditional' Aperture Science tech was adapted to use in restaurants. Most students and test subjects have a jetpack or rocket boots (Kia's are in her long-fall-boots) that have jumping, flight, landing, and sometimes even burrowing abilities. Mastery over the "Portal Pipette" clearly puts frosting where it's supposed to go, but filling it with specific Aperture-Branded gel packs also allows for a variety of uses, as follows:
Clear Coat: a dollop of this shimmery clear gel will spread thinly over the entire Test Subject and allows them to withstand deep space or very high altitude flight; obviously the propulsion system found in their Rocket Boots offers the speeds needed to attain this altitude, however it won't really protect them should they impact anything without their long-fall-boots or other mitigation
Hard Candy Shell: this shiny green gel goes on soft and can still move easily after it hardens, and appears to crust up so that it protects the soft delicious Test Subject within from many forms of damage such as crushing or cutting; however it melts with high heat and becomes brittle with cold -lasting a very short time for each of those, and does not protect at all against electrified energy Speedy Delivery: this orange colored gel used to be put on the floor or wherever, but that just got messy, so now it's distributed along the soles of boots or shoes, and cleans up behind itself; it allows the Test Subject to speed up to 10 times normal running! be sure to dodge things in your way!
Cuteness: pink gel that literally makes whatever it's put on be more attractive to whoever is around, and that allows the Test Subject to 'get their way' for a short period; this is a combination of smell and visual appeal, and it can be overdone so be careful how much is used!
Flapjack Flip: a blue colored substance that causes whatever hits it to boing and flip, excellent for mobility and also for popcorn! Wears off after a short time, but can be laid down for a few Test Subjects to use in short order before it vanishes
Avoid the Void: well don't avoid this black-licorice gel, since it is what gets you around without the need for a real portal gun. A bead of this gel will spread itself into a thin sheet wherever it touches, and requires a second bead placed somewhere else, and those sheets are definitely not dangerous to step through from one side of the room to another... |
Clusters 9 |
Well Organized And Color Coded +3 Kia looks at anything and thinks 'it's x color why isn't it doing x thing?' And if needed, she will make it do x thing. She is a bit on the uptight side when it comes to 'her' location and gear, so if she's touched a list or organized a team, she expects those things to be just what she's ascribed. She will follow other people's rules and information, no problem! Just make sure they're internally consistent or she will bring it up again and again... rules, to her, are definitely not meant to be broken - one wrong step in the Testing Facility after all, and you'd be vaporware... |
Skills 20 |
Get It Where It's Needed +4 Be it walking a straight line on a tight wire or crowdweaving around dozens of wacky arm flailing inflatables, Kia is going to get your drink and snacks delivered without spilling a drop or even a single sprinkle. She can flick a matchstick into sparking from 10 feet away across a room and over a stovetop waiting to be lit, and douse the match with the single drip from the sink beyond. Need that homework turned in but you're halfway across campus and the teacher is going to lock the door when it shuts? It'll be plopped on the top of their desk before the door even starts to close. Movement on a greater scale is her very favorite thing!
Dolling It Up With A Dollop +3 Using her 'Cuteness' cream, but even without it, Kia takes a critical look at reactions, and understands that appearances matter. Maybe your look is good but you need to work on that odd odor? Perhaps plaid clashes with your musical choice. Give her a few minutes to ask some questions and formulate the plan of attack, and she'll make sure that any first impression - or third, or event - will go in your favor
Understands Technology +3 Do you need your oven thermometer fixed? What about the weird noise your computer is making, that's the fan! While she's not the fixit-master, she is definitely best in a high-tech or at least modern-tech environment. Keeping food fresh using electricity and climate controls, using high-end computer hardware and software to keep up on the world's events, and occasionally repairing her Aperture branded items, all help to make her 'best used in the modern era'. That's not to say she doesn't use or can't understand things like 'roughing it' or 'lanterns', but she... is not necessarily a fan of those things
Knacks 5 |
Momther, I Crave Violence +3 Like many of her peers from Aperturth, she is ... a little on the aggressive side. Not really 'dangerous to your health' violent, but will always be needing to do things, move around, fidget, and sometimes acts out. She doesn't have concentration issues, she memorized that list last week, remember? She just needs to move and be active, so be sure to wear her out a little if you want a quiet night in the dorm
Absolutely Will Try Anything Once +2 Food, new genres of shows, That Dangerous Looking Carnival Ride, whatever! Why she's only getting a decent mark in her Betting class, she will choose to do the thing that's got a 1% success rate, because 'well you CAN succeed!' Whether she goes back to it again - yeah, not likely. If she knows why she failed, she'll correct for it. If it just seems dumb or doomed or way too difficult for her pay grade, she will, in fact, pass on a second helping
Period |
Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb) |
1 |
Time Travel Machinery and Mapping Tech / Q. Pepper / Decent |
2 |
Snappy Comebacks and Heroic Banter / Foxx / Excellent |
3 |
Paintball Team / Axemurderer / Excellent |
4 |
Exploring Portals Safely / Alcott / Decent |
5 |
Nexus Geohistory / T. Kshau / Decent |
6 |
Exotic Diets and Cooking / L. Sidki-Sanger / Superb |
7 |
Technical Writing / Wheeler / Excellent |
8 |
Betting and Odds / Haital / Decent |
Pets |
just the dragons! and they aren't pets! |
Parents? |
Sure, yeah, she has parents... somewhere on Aperturth |
Siblings? |
Likely dozens of clones |
Image From |
Hapurainen (sp?) Witch maker (flashpoint used) |

Dragon |
Name: Frosting
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small 5'3" s / 22' l / 30' ws
Colors: Pink and white, a delicate shade of pink with white adorable paws, under wingsails, butt fins, and tail spade; body has pale warm grey sparkling scales; head lobe ends, wing arm membrane, leg and dorsal fins very pale slightly more dusty pink; claws warm brown, eyes red
Features: Light Fury, small but otherwise typical for breed
Powers: Winged Flight, Frosting is delicate in the air but absolutely will get in places you don't expect up there, she covers things in other words... She can and does carry Pipette, and is able to maintain a very smooth ride if needed. Otherwise she can be very precise while hovering, able to actually move backwards in the air
Stealth-Teleport, while not technically speaking a true teleport, Frosting can throw a burst of light-energy in front of herself, which she then speeds through really fast, and in the process it cloaks her in a light-bending haze for a few moments. Long enough for her to sweep away, into the air, or down to the ground without being seen or even leaving a trail
Swimming, she's able to swim, though doesn't prefer it, but really does enjoy wallowing around in the mud with Fudge!
Senses, her 'hearing' is super keen, to specific wavelengths and sounds at least, so those nubs on her head serve a very good purpose; she can distinguish noises from speech at a very great distance (up to 1km)
Lightning Bolt Breath, whether it's a feature of her breed or perhaps something new, Frosting can zap things at close range (to 50 meters) in a single jolt for a large or isolated enemy, or a zappy tingling field in a10 meter sphere around herself. She can exclude people or dragons consciously, so she can and has used this with a surprise stealth drop into a hostage situation...
Parentage: Unknown, not present in the Protectorate
Origin: adopted from remixstep on Deviantart, HTTYD by Dreamworks
Other Info: Though she doesn't speak, it's very clear she understands English from Kia and a bit of Draconic thanks to Fudge
Dragon |
Name: Fudge
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium (bulky) 10'4" s / 50' l / 80' ws
Colors: fudge and caramel; body is several shades of brown from a very rich dark fudge on the sides and back to a more caramel tan on spines and wing sails, everything including horns and claws is some kind of brown, except those green eyes
Features: Mudwing, standard build
Powers: Winged Flight, Fudge flies with the purpose of deliveries, so in a slow and steady, don't get in his way manner. He's not ungainly, he is just large and in charge. Doesn't land with a thud, that would cause the souffle to collapse! Can clearly carry a lot of weight up to and including Frosting!
Verbal Speech, knows his native Draconic tongue but requires a little practice if he's speaking it with older dragons from his world. He mainly speaks English with a side of Mayan Spanish, low and loud and clear. When he hums, the entire class hears it if not vibrates to it
'Mud' Shaping and Healing, Fudge can use regular old dirt clay to create a healing mud, but what he loves doing even more is taking actual fudge and imparting magic into it. Healing magic! In normal mud, he can knead a large amount of it and over the course of about half an hour will produce enough to completely cover a small dragon wings and all, which acts as a super-healing mudbath, fixing muscle aches and damaged ligaments, even healing fine bone fractures, though deeper or larger wounds or fractures need to be attended to first. Any superficial injuries like brusing or wingsail tears are healed after this treatment, which usually he wants to leave on any size dragon for at least two hours. The ingested version however, can take the form of dough or batter, which can be eaten 'raw', frozen into popsicles, or actually cooked as normal and still maintain its healing factor. It can handle healing internal issues like ulcers, remove any and all parasites (even external ones, they just fall off), and any organ damage. Even those who may technically be allergic to the original food items will benefit and be able to eat this magical fudge
Parentage: Unknown, possibly related to other very dark Mudwings in the Rookery in particular, and specifically Adzuki (Wonderwok's bond) is his sibling or half-sibling
Origin: adopted from TropiCat212 on DA, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Fudge doesn't do pranks, but understands that people get wildly wired after eating the sweets and treats available, and sometimes may kinda sorta insert some taurine or caffeine to help with post-healing wake-ups
