Dragon |
Name: Perigea, the Highest Tide (pear-ah-GEE)
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 12' s / 53' l / 104' ws (she looks slightly smaller than some, but that's mainly because her rider friend is 12 feet long)
Colors: mainly blue-grey with warm brown-grey and browns on limbs and over face, neck, wings; dorsal armor steel blue slightly mottled darker; wingsails bright steel at arm, cloudy wisps into warm dark brown at fingers; markings bioluminescent cyan and blue glowing; horns and claws dark grey; eyes violet
Features: Seawing, young, she will get bigger to about 15' shoulder height over the next 20+ years
Powers: Winged Flight, surprisingly strong in the air as well as water, Perigea flies like she swims, smoothly and with both grace and speed. If she needs to bee-line to a location, she will rise into the air quite far, and power down to her target; and does about the same thing in the waves, though a bit slower while fighting currents. She is quite capable of flying through hurricane-gusts and strong currents and waves. She's much stronger than many dragons her size, and can lift water-filled tankers and carry them up to 10 miles flying low and slow.
Water Locomotion, as above, so below, to an extent. She does have a large enough profile that slipping around without a wake is a bit tough under the water. But she is very strong and sure, just not as agile as in the air. However, she is stupendously strong while diving and can drag actual ships if needed.
Communication, because she is young, and likely born barely before arriving to Twoarth, Perigea only knows languages found on the planet - cetacean, octospeak, and later English. There aren't that many of her breed on Twoarth, and she knows that there are quite a few more in connected dimensions, but feels she'll be fine here where she won't be expected to learn Draconic tongues. She can also creatively flash her bioluminescent scales, and they tend to be very soothing and undulating.
Shockwave Breath, having learned from her bond friend how powerful sonic blasts can be,
she's learning how to create a big burst of sound under water. She knows this can be dangerous, so she will practice with care and under supervision. When she is fully adult she'll likely be able to smash rock formations or dent metal.
Deep Water Adaptation, she can breathe both water and air, and doesn't discern between salt and fresh water sources. Perigea can dive indefinitely - just all the way down, come back up to the surface and fly shockingly high up. Pressure and atmospheric density seem to matter not at all to her. She can see in near-complete darkness, but she's never without some light given her glowing scales. Her tolerance for chill and heat are similarly strong, though she does like cooler water rather than hot.
Parentage: Unknown, not likely to be related to any in the Protectorate or Rookery
Origin: Adopted from GuildKnight with Biohazardia lines on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: though she could, she has yet to sign up for proper classes beyond attending the Sea-Dragon Care class with her rider. |