Ambassador Moh-ha'ne^k'aa Lo^Kuyul "Monica Kuyul"
Instructing Diplomacy and Politics

Name Monica Kuyul, traditionally Moh-ha'ne^k'aa Lo^Kuyul
Age 85, likely immortal
Species Izantan Human - Izanta is a danger-filled planet colonized by her ancestors who had to be extremely level headed and capable of surviving the wide variety of disasters that regularly occur there. As such she seems to display very little emotion, but don't be fooled, she is a prankster and loves life, she just has to concentrate to show it visibly. Tall and healthy, Izantans run very dark skinned and use incredibly detailed microprint to record historical events, which are all imprinted on her skin as she is a Historian in addition to being an inadvertent diplomat. Notably she is 'inhabited' by a symbiotic life form, residing in the pockets of her engraved skin.
Post Instructor
Tenure Recent (CHS class of 2020 her first year)
Smarts/GM 10
Bod/Feets 4
Luck 8
Drive 1
Looks 2
Cool/Mouth 8
Bonk 5

Ambassador - she has been chosen to host a semi-liquid inorganic creature in order to be its interpreter, helping to make other intelligent life aware of its existence. This creature is part of a collective substance that, once rejoined with any other portion of itself, shares everything it's learned. Thus as part of this system, Monica also has access to its entire history or anything else that they have encountered
Eiditic Memory - engraved on her skin, she has the entire history of her people, and can consult it by moving her body slightly, she has a 'saying for every event', however she also has a very sharp memory aside from this
Incredibly Detailed Senses - Hearing, Sight, Touch, and to an extent Electric and Particulate senses, some of these are thanks to the Ambassador but her skin and eyes are remarkably keen and can sense things up to 3x easier than any other human type. The Ambassador is sensitive to electricity and as such she knows how to avoid direct contact with large scale electrical items
Particulate Control - the Ambassador can collect spare particles as long as they are not electrically charged, and use them to manipulate in a close range field around Monica, doing so as a defense mechanism and allowing her to be shielded by effects such as radiation and fire, and slow moving objects smaller than a basketball; this power drains it and it must go inert for a time after any large effort, usually a day or so of rest

Clusters Record Keeping +6 is able to engrave her own skin if she can reach it, otherwise must have someone else do the work (Izantan only) but once recorded this is easily researched; she can research virtually anything in no time provided it's got a good organizational structure. Libraries are her home, and her Zekiran holdings include a large library as well as a book store called WALLOFTEXT, which she's planning on opening a shop in Crescent City's mall...
Interspecies Politics and Diplomacy +4 Monica takes a neutral stance between disparate entities until she knows how to deal with them, then will assert the best course of action. Whether they follow that suggestion is up to them
Badass Rogue Historian +3 Everything in her life has led to adventures and complications. But she's rolled with every single blow, turning what could have been a horror show introduction to the Ambassador into a whole new career path, and also leading her to become extremely important to her sponsor company Shaw's namesake Maxwell Shaw
Skills Linguistics and Communication +4 Learns languages with ease, and though she doesn't instruct them she can add colorful phrases to anyone's lexicon... sometimes, you want to cross reference those, because she will absolutely tell you how to say something very raunchy; also she can read body language and non-verbal cues remarkably easily
Speed Read +3 Anything she can see, she can glance over with hardly any effort and understand, if it's in English (Romanized) or Izantan script, and she can understand signage and other symbolic languages without context
Teaching +3 Though she isn't necessarily expected to teach on her own world, she is at ease with it on Twoarth and Zekira. Conveying information is her 'thing' after all
Live Off The Grid +2 Monica is fully capable in virtually any living condition, from roughing it in the wilderness to high-tech spaceships and weird dimensions; she must have a 'sleek suit' in order to not just go completely nuts from stuff getting on her skin in any location where she has to touch things regularly, but she's good with making her own food and can tolerate temperatures and stresses that others fear
Knacks Swear Like Crazy +3 You don't know what she's saying under her breath, but guaranteed: it's probably foul at some point - on the flip side, she can tell when kids in class are insulting others...
Attracts Weird Like Its Going Out Of Style +3 Monica finds herself in the strangest situation on a regular basis, from getting involved with revolutionaries and terrorists as a teenager leading to her exile (yup) and being a Historian from a very young age (a true rarity even among her people, genetically able to tolerate the process) to getting mentored by the founder of Shaw Power and Chemonautics to spearhead their development in safer methods (it's better than losing entire terraforming colonies and wiping out sentient non-organic life...) and stumbling into interdimensional rifts (which lead to places like Zekira and Twoarth), that's not even counting becoming the Interpreter for that one species...
Spice Is Life +3 Monica's palate for food is Izantan to the extreme, she absolutely revels in eating the super-duper-hot-sauce and often shares her food purely as a joke to those that turn those great colors and wind up with sweaty screaming from one little bite... She is a prankster, in other words...
Period Class Teaching
2 Diplomatic Envoy
3 Recordkeeping Tactics
4 Interspecies Politics
5 Interspecies Politics
6 Recordkeeping Tactics
7 Diplomatic Envoy
8 Diplomatic Envoy
Dragon A whole bunch of little NanoRaptors?!
Hatched Made by Mystic for the Discord Nano-records

Here's a bunch of interpretations of Monica...

How did she even get herself into this? This being 'on a different Earth than the one Humanity in her dimension sprang from thousands of years before now'? Well, she is a weirdness magnet, that's for sure. Not even the Ambassador knows how long she's spent on Zekira, before coming here to this Earth, but now they're here on Twoarth and frankly they've seen weirder.

In her very rare spare time, Monica shows up at her book store the WALLOFTEXT (which in its original incarnation she actually only visited... but became a regular patron of it and a 'good friend' of the one employee... had she not gone off to be a Badass Rogue Historian, that dimension's shop would have been a great place for her to work), or goes on space worthy jaunts with some old friends in other dimensions. She's fully accepted this multidimensionality, but understands that there's only one of her - which is a rarity itself - spread across all these weird disparate locations.

And yes those kids she has on Zekira were spliced, not born from her, she lacks the ability to physically carry a child because of what that would do to her skin and the history etched upon it. She isn't a tremendously doting parent, she has high expectations and tries her hardest to make sure that any child of hers, or ones in her care, learns as much about how to comprehend the world around them as they possibly can.

Because she is a diplomat, at times she's been called upon to settle disputes among students, or even the local gangs...

Monica seems super serious and somewhat uptight when you first meet her. She's very tall and imposing, though not muscularly threatening. Just somewhat stiff and very upright, but that's because her body is covered in extremely tiny microprinted etchings, and her thick skin is capable of 'reading' that writing from the inside, on every tiny movement. Keeping eerily still is one of her favorite tactics, she can sleep standing up in a meditative state which is quite creepy to walk in on her just... standing there... She can fall into a meditative trance and still keep watch and listen in on things, so if she seems like she's zoned out, she likely is not, she's much more likely just waiting for the perfect moment for a prank. Some of her practical jokes have gone too far, so she's had to really rein them in on campus (and on Zekira where such things can be quite costly if done to the wrong person with the right legal team). But she definitely likes putting extra-hot sauce on sandwiches, surprising people with sudden movement bursts, or just literally walking through fire and ice with absolutely no side effects. She keeps calm in any disaster, so if a big earthquake or tsunami hits this area, she will probably be on the front lines making sure that no one gets hurt.


It was only after a couple years working at Carramba that she became aware that someone was watching her. A plain looking woman with a lot of tattoos, perhaps she thought her own skin was interesting? Turned out to be Lethe Gray, one of the professors on campus who taught Fiction Writing and role playing and some other things. Hers was the flip side of Monica's profession - where Monica concentrated on history and facts, Lethe was obviously all about the words being made into fantasy and imagination. Far from snubbing any contact, then, Monica always loved hearing different ways to interpret any given event. It looked like Lethe would incorporate things she'd seen around her life, into her own stories? That was pretty cool. They hit it off fairly well, though Monica did think the other woman was a little on the fidgety side, almost always moving and rustling around with whatever spare energy she had.

But also, Monica learned... she was a dragon rider? Maybe 'rider' was a stretch, but she had several dragons that showed up now and then. Sometimes to offer information, sometimes to pester her, often with food gifts or dead animals which were meant to be food gifts. Also she was always covered in cat fur and some amount of feathers? What was up with that? Turned out - she had a whole flock of winged cats to her name, roosting in her attic or wherever it was she lived on Twoarth.

It was when the blue dragon that had been the most frequent visitor to Lethe caught a glimpse of Monica that things seemed to go even weirder. Did she think she was good for a dragon? Was there a place she wanted to stand? Oh - no, no no, Monica asserted, no she had enough on her plate!

But. The dragon insisted that she was good for some kind of dragon work, whether it was riding or any other duty. And instead of having her move to another world to bond a dragon, Bhavaiyath actually brought her some. They were small, thankfully, and they were mainly self-sufficient. Which was great, because Monica had, as she said, a lot on her plate already...

"If Maxwell could see this," Monica muttered, while watching her ... flock? Of these things run around in the large enclosure built for her yard. It was a good thing that dragonriders - or those who could claim to be associated, like herself - got a stipend and even a place to put these dragons, as Crescent City started gaining traction as a 'dragon centric' locale. It was a place out of the way of the urban sprawl, which suited Monica pretty well, as she'd always liked the feel of fresh unpolluted air on her skin, and the healthy grass below her feet. That grass was being absolutely ripped to shreds by these dragons' talons...

They were fast, low to the ground, highly predatory. They were raptors, first and foremost, dragons sort of... because? Perhaps the government had to lump everything that was like this into 'dragon' because they certainly weren't at all like Bhavaiyath or any of the other dragons around campus that Monica came into contact with regularly. A couple of them were fellow professors... These however did not shapeshift, and were not really all that smart in terms of independent society. But they definitely had their own 'culture' going, and they were very clearly 'smart'... Maybe even 'clever' was the better word.

Features all shared: bipedal pet-sized raptor shapes, with two large hind limbs and two small arms quite high on body with four claws on feet one being very large curved, two fingered forelimbs, long neck and oversized head, hide with feather fringe, egg layers; any added features are individually noted
Origin: all from Mystic for the Discord National Novel Writing Month raptor records

Name: Zokongola (fancy)
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: pet biped 3'8" head / 12' l / 3' armspan
Colors: royal blue with lighter sky-pale blue iridescence, face and feet dusty mauve with patterned lighter and darker parts; crest and feathers darker and lighter royal blues; eyes red-purple; claws pale grey
Features: long and strong running form, with much larger crest and tail feathers than others, face and feet bare of feathers, all other parts feathered, claws thick and curved
Powers: Running - this is the runner of the bunch, even among the rest, she is powerful and agile and is often able to bank on walls or fencing, and appears to have gotten inspiration from the Matrix as she has been known to run straight to the ceiling and land dramatically behind her prey
Stealth - she can run through dry grass and gravel without making a sound, until she wants to be discovered

Parentage: unknown
Other Info: Though she's the first, she's deferred to Woops because well who wants to fuck with that one? She usually leads hunts once Zana locates something good to eat, and brings down deer regularly... It's a good thing they're stocked in this area for exactly such use

Name: Odabwa (baffled)
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: pet biped 3' head plus helmet / 8' l / 2'8" arm span
Colors: rich red-purple with darker purple belly scales and over nose, head, neck, in the form of what looks like 'hairy man hair'... brilliant yellow-orange eyes, claws light grey
Features: completely featherless, all scales all the time, and where did you get that hat, did you steal that? did you hurt someone to get that, Odabwa spit it out. Tends to sit on his ass.
Powers: Running - when he gets around to it, Odabwa is a powerhouse of head-slamming action, because he only pretty much goes in one direction very well and cannot turn for shit. But if you need parts of a fence broken through, he's your guy.
Hoarding - this raptor actively searches for stuff to steal, so don't leave anything sitting around, it will show up in his increasingly cramped stall...

Parentage: unknown
Other Info: he's not the brightest bulb in the crayon box. But he is super endearing.

Name: Zana Chimodzi (hundred and one)
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: pet biped 4' head / 10' l / 7'6" ws
Colors: bright white with irregular large and small soot black spots on all parts except feathering; feathers slightly grey white, eyes brilliant green, claws pale grey
Features: sleek body but with feather fluff on chest, large and long crest, shorter tail tuft; has wings and can actually glide for short distances, at the cost of manual dexterity picking things up; claw on feet has very strong curve, very large eyes, prominent teeth
Powers: Running - though mainly he stays on the ground he can run very quickly and turns on a dime thanks to that long rudder of a tail
Winged Gliding - given a tree or balcony to leap from, Zana can extend his arms and pick up warm air to glide for a good distance, though lacks any form of directional control and cannot take off using his arms; he has to have at least a 10 foot high spot to leap from
Tall Patrol - easily stands higher on his hind legs than the others, and as such serves as a lookout

Parentage: unknown
Other Info: Is extremely high maintenance, like any dalmation. Was the raptor for 101 in the server!
Name: Woops (danger)
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: pet biped 3'6" head / 10' l (mostly tail) / 4'2" arm span
Colors: dark lime green with deeply black stripes from head to tail including head crest, muzzle and wing fingers dark denim, eyes pale cyan, claws bright ivory-white
Features: extremely fluffy with feathers all over including feet, high held curving tail completely fluffed, that neck can actually extend about three times longer than it looks, claws are thicker than others but also shorter
Powers: Running - Woops does not run. She struts. Because she owns the place, unless you hadn't noticed.
Eat Nearly Anything - those warning colors are there for a reason, this raptor can ingest damn near anything and be just fine. Just... don't look for the poop. It'll find you.
Parentage: none known
Other Info: Attitude - do not cross this raptor, she is the undisputed queen of the corral.

Name: Kugona (sleepy)
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: pet biped 3' head / 9' l / 3' arm span
Colors: pale pinkish violet with strong black zaggy stripes from head to tail tip along dorsal portions and front of arms/legs; crest, feathers, tail fluff medium cool grey; eyes vibrant pink (not shown), claws medium grey
Features: compared to the other raptors, this one's got an even bigger head, but smaller crest and less feathering, and claws are straighter and much thinner than others
Powers: Running - when he's awake, he bumbles adorably
Snoring / Screeching - depending on his state of sleepy, he has a very loud snore, and an equally amazing scream

Parentage: none
Other Info: most recent Raptor to arrive, and has hardly moved since...

Name: Dumpha (jump)
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: pet biped 3'4" head / 10' l / 6' wingspan
Colors: mainly dark teal, with vivid deep blue broken stripes along head, neck, body, legs, and tail; crest, wings, and tail tuft medium caramel yellow; violet eyes
Features: strongly built and somewhat chunky, she is of the wing-arm variety, and thus can take short flights
Powers: Running - you know when she's on the move, as small objects tend to shake when she runs by, not remarkably fast but very powerful
- along with those powerful legs, she has strong wing arms that actually get her into the air from a jumping start, needing no height to plummet from. This gives her a big advantage when hunting, as she can pop into the air and return to the ground in an unexpectedly different spot
Parentage: none
Other Info: a bold but young up-and-coming member of the flock, Dumpha is certain to get into scraps with the others, but as she grows into a full adult she might decide to accept another as the leader. Until then, she tests everyone - and herself - constantly.
Name: Mthandizi (helper)
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: pet biped 2'9" head / 7' l / 4' arm span
Colors: light buff tan on most parts, with faded charcoal brown-black on crest, back, stripes along arms, chest fluff, feet fluff, and tail tip; muzzle dark cool grey, claws bright white, eyes bright cyan
Features: Mthandizi is fluffy. Just super, super soft and incredibly floofy; also he's among the smallest of the bunch, and not because he's young, he's just... tiny
Powers: Running - if you can imagine a dust bunny scooting around in the wake of a push broom, that's about as elegant and powerful as Mthandizi gets, also about as fast
- technically speaking those ARE feathery wing-arms. But he looks more like a dramatic hair-band singer when he tries to use them to flap so...
Parentage: none
Other Info: as his name implies he actually is quite helpful. He almost always fetches things that Monica needs for her classes or work, like pencils and data pads. That's because he's an absolute filch, and has stolen anything that's not nailed down or too heavy to drag, and 'knows' where he put it last...
Name: Mfusa (purple)
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: pet biped 3' h / 7'3" l / 3' arm span
Colors: a rich royal red-purple body with cool pale grey jagged stripes on face, back, thighs, and tail; dark green feathers, bright green eyes, light silver claws
Features: a large head, fan-like tail feathers, crest sparse on top of head and on shoulders/backs of arms, thin claws
Powers: Running - Mfusa prefers stealth over speed, but can zip along quite confidently at the head of a flock. She has excellent endurance, as well, so she can show off much longer than most of them. She can leap long gaps, and likes to cling to walls, rocks, or trees
- not with her little feathers!
Parentage: none
Other Info: Mfusa has a bit of a green thumb, if you can call it that. She likes digging around and has learned how to keep weeds out of gardens.