Toodles (female)
Name: Toodles (FP01)
Gender: Female
Breed: Wild
Coat: Blue Lemon Mackeral Tabby
Eyes: Green (Unidentified Mutation)
Genetic Code:
BB/- (Hemizygous Black)
TMa//tcl (Mackeral Tabby, Carries Classic Tabby)
dex/- (Hemizygous Extreme Dilute)
+//ic (Carries Ice)
+//tr (Yellow Iris, Carries Pearl Iris)
Size: 100
Domestication: 67
Friendliness: 97
Noisiness: 87
* How in the blazes does a flappycat this big even get off the ground? I don't know. I've NEVER seen her take off. Only land. With the biggest thud EVER.
Deedee (female)
Name: DeeDee (FP02)
Gender: Female
Breed: Wild
Coat: Blue Dilute Silver Mackeral Tabby
Eyes: Green (Unidentified Mutation)
Genetic Code:
B/- (Hemizygous Black)
TMa//tcl (Mackeral Tabby*/Carries Classic Tabby)
d/- (Hemizygous Pale)
ShTa//+ (Heterozygous Silver Tabby)
+//tr (Yellow Iris, Carries Pearl Iris)
Size: 97
Domestication: 22
Friendliness: 34
Noisiness: 47
* Of all the flappycats, this one... is the one who spends the most time outside and stirring things up. She's not horrible, but man if there's anything to be opened, sat on, spat up on, or destroyed, DeeDee is the culprit.
Creamery (female)
Name: Creamery (F106)
Gender: Female
Breed: Wild
Coat: Brown Golden Shaded Barred Classic Tabby
Eyes: Orange
Genetic Code:
b/- (Hemizygous Brown)
C+//tcl (Barred, Co-Dominant with Classic Tabby)
Go//+ (Heterozygous Golden)
ShSi//+ (Heterozygous Silver [Golden] Shaded)
+//tr (Yellow Iris, Carries Pearl Iris)
Size: 40
Domestication: 46
Friendliness: 25
Noisiness: 11
Mother: F088, Golden Shaded, Abrico
Father: M083, Ash Red Bar, Beul
* As an import from the Nidus, Creamery is doing pretty well here. She doesn't seem as nice or playful as others, but I think she'll get used to the other flappycats soon enough.
Gracie (female)
Name: Gracie (F135)
Gender: Female
Breed: Wild
Coat: Apricot Golden Shaded Mackeral Tabby
Eyes: False Pearl
Genetic Code:
O/- (Hemizygous Orange)
TMa//tcl (Mackerel Tabby, Carries Classic Tabby)
dex/- (Hemizygous Extreme Dilute)
Go//+ (Heterozygous Golden)
ShSi//+ (Heterozygous Shaded Silver)
+//tr (Yellow Iris, Carries Pearl Iris)
Size: 58
Domestication: 65
Friendliness: 22
Noisiness: 21
Mother: Abrico
Father: Suzu (mp03)
* This half-siste of Creamery seems restless and a bit aggressive, but she still shows up for dinner every evening...
Batty (male)
Name: Batty (MP01)
Gender: Male
Breed: Wild
Coat: Pale Recessive Red Golden Mackeral Tabby
Eyes: Orange
Genetic Code:
BB//BB (Homozygous Black)
TMa//TMa (Homozygous Mackeral Tabby*)
e//e (Homozygous Recessive Red)
d//d (Homozygous Pale)
Go//Go (Homozygous Golden)
ShTa//ShTa (Homozygous Silver Tabby)
+//+ (Homozygous Yellow Iris)
Size: 82
Domestication: 85
Friendliness: 18
Noisiness: 84
* Batty might be trying to live up to his name, and learn to echolocate. I swear to ghod this cat meows at everything. All the time. Even in his sleep.
Trooper (male)
Name: Trooper (MP02)
Gender: Male
Breed: Wild
Coat: Cinnamon Classic Tabby
Eyes: Green (Unidentified Mutation)
Genetic Code:
bl//bl (Homozygous Light Brown)
tcl//tcl (Homozygous Classic Tabby)
+//tr (Yellow Iris, Carries Pearl Iris)
Size: 34
Domestication: 90
Friendliness: 95
Noisiness: 35
*Has been in a fight with the ravens, the poor thing doesn't much like flying around when they're up and about
Suzu (male)
Name: Suzu (MP03)
Gender: Male
Breed: Wild
Coat: Apricot Lemon Mackeral Tabby
Eyes: Brown (Unidentified Mutation)
Genetic Code:
O//O (Homozygous Orange)
TMa//tcl (Mackeral Tabby/Carries Classic Tabby)
dex//dex (Homozygous Extreme Dilute)
+//tr (Yellow Iris, Carries Pearl Iris)
Size: 85
Domestication: 88
Friendliness: 51
Noisiness: 58
* Suzu really does love sleeping on my lap, and absolutely adores belly rubs. Unless he doesn't, at which point he goes on the floor and I go to the bathroom to bandage my fingers...
Burny Mac (male)
Name: Burny Mac (M133)
Gender: Male
Breed: Wild
Coat: Orange Mackeral Tabby
Eyes: Orange
Genetic Code:
O//b (Orange, Carries Brown)
TMa//tcl (Mackerel Tabby, Carries Classic Tabby)
+//dex (Carries Extreme Dilute)
Go//+ (Heterozygous Golden)
+//+ (Homozygous Yellow Iris)
Size: 50
Domestication: 69
Friendliness: 37
Noisiness: 24
Mother: Abrico
Father: Suzu (mp03)
* Burny Mac ... is... well, named because he looks like slightly burnt macaroni and cheese. Sue me.
Name: Strep (M145)
Gender: Male
Breed: Wild
Coat: Blue Grizzle Bar
Eyes: Yellow
Genetic Code:
B+//B+ (Homozygous Blue)
C+//c (Barred, Carries Barless)
+//ir (Carries Iridescence)
G//+ (Heterozygous Grizzle)
+//tr (Yellow Iris, Carries Pearl Iris)
Size: 45
Domestication: 67
Friendliness: 67
Noisiness: 90
Procyon (M066) x Adhara (F062)
* ... Okay I swear to god, the first thing I thought of when I saw this kitten fly into my Loft was "cat, you look like a bad case of strep throat!" It didn't help matters when he opened his mouth all big and let off the croakingest, broken-est sounding meow ever heard. Even the other flappycats freaked out. |